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File Last Change
src/ 68 (22 years ago) by suxen_drol: added *.h to msvc project, removed __declspec(align(..)) for _MSC_VER <= 1200
build/ 68 (22 years ago) by suxen_drol: added *.h to msvc project, removed __declspec(align(..)) for _MSC_VER <= 1200
doc/ 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
examples/ 59 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: no message
changelog.txt 4 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: custom qmatrix support
todo.txt 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
authors.txt 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
gpl.txt 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
README.txt 23 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: readme
4 directories and 5 files shown