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(Current path doesn't exist after revision 1973)
File Last Change (rev)
codec.c 39 (22 years ago) by h: "Custom" quantization type now reported correctly in 2-pass output
codec.h 32 (22 years ago) by h: removed some debug output
resource.h 30 (22 years ago) by h: rudimentary tooltips, simplified main dialog, quantizer modulation, more enabling/disabling controls, BITMAPV4HEADER changed to BITMAPINFOHEADER (this prevents an access violation due to struct size difference), credits now properly excluded in external mode, motion search precision = 0 now works in 2-pass mode (might be useful??) added DX50 fourcc
config.c 30 (22 years ago) by h: rudimentary tooltips, simplified main dialog, quantizer modulation, more enabling/disabling controls, BITMAPV4HEADER changed to BITMAPINFOHEADER (this prevents an access violation due to struct size difference), credits now properly excluded in external mode, motion search precision = 0 now works in 2-pass mode (might be useful??) added DX50 fourcc
config.h 30 (22 years ago) by h: rudimentary tooltips, simplified main dialog, quantizer modulation, more enabling/disabling controls, BITMAPV4HEADER changed to BITMAPINFOHEADER (this prevents an access violation due to struct size difference), credits now properly excluded in external mode, motion search precision = 0 now works in 2-pass mode (might be useful??) added DX50 fourcc
driverproc.c 30 (22 years ago) by h: rudimentary tooltips, simplified main dialog, quantizer modulation, more enabling/disabling controls, BITMAPV4HEADER changed to BITMAPINFOHEADER (this prevents an access violation due to struct size difference), credits now properly excluded in external mode, motion search precision = 0 now works in 2-pass mode (might be useful??) added DX50 fourcc
config.rc 30 (22 years ago) by h: rudimentary tooltips, simplified main dialog, quantizer modulation, more enabling/disabling controls, BITMAPV4HEADER changed to BITMAPINFOHEADER (this prevents an access violation due to struct size difference), credits now properly excluded in external mode, motion search precision = 0 now works in 2-pass mode (might be useful??) added DX50 fourcc
XviD_logo.bmp 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
xvid.h 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
driverproc.def 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
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