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(Current path doesn't exist after revision 1973)
File Last Change (rev)
src/ 64 (22 years ago) by h: foxer's cbr mode (hijacks the rc_buffersize variable and uses it as reaction delay - easier than changing xvid.h)
bin/ 62 (22 years ago) by h: demonstration of foxer's alternative curve method
vfw.dsp 5 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: custom qmatrix support
todo.txt 31 (22 years ago) by h: no message
authors.txt 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
help.txt 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
gpl.txt 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
vfw.dsw 3 (22 years ago) by Isibaar: moved sources
2 directories and 6 files shown