/***************************************************************************** * * XVID MPEG-4 VIDEO CODEC * - Motion Compensation related code - * * Copyright(C) 2002 Peter Ross * 2003 Christoph Lampert * * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: motion_comp.c,v 1.25 2010-12-28 19:19:43 Isibaar Exp $ * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include "../encoder.h" #include "../utils/mbfunctions.h" #include "../image/interpolate8x8.h" #include "../image/qpel.h" #include "../utils/timer.h" #include "motion.h" /* * getref: calculate reference image pointer * the decision to use interpolation h/v/hv or the normal image is * based on dx & dy. */ static __inline const uint8_t * get_ref(const uint8_t * const refn, const uint8_t * const refh, const uint8_t * const refv, const uint8_t * const refhv, const uint32_t x, const uint32_t y, const uint32_t block, const int32_t dx, const int32_t dy, const int32_t stride) { switch (((dx & 1) << 1) + (dy & 1)) { case 0: return refn + (int) (((int)x * (int)block + dx / 2) + ((int)y * (int)block + dy / 2) * (int)stride); case 1: return refv + (int) (((int)x * (int)block + dx / 2) + ((int)y * (int)block + (dy - 1) / 2) * (int)stride); case 2: return refh + (int) (((int)x * (int)block + (dx - 1) / 2) + ((int)y * (int)block + dy / 2) * (int)stride); default: return refhv + (int) (((int)x * (int)block + (dx - 1) / 2) + ((int)y * (int)block + (dy - 1) / 2) * (int)stride); } } static __inline void compensate16x16_interpolate(int16_t * const dct_codes, uint8_t * const cur, const uint8_t * const ref, const uint8_t * const refh, const uint8_t * const refv, const uint8_t * const refhv, uint8_t * const tmp, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const int32_t dx, const int32_t dy, const int32_t stride, const int quarterpel, const int32_t rounding) { const uint8_t * ptr; if(quarterpel) { if ((dx&3) | (dy&3)) { interpolate16x16_quarterpel(tmp - y * stride - x, (uint8_t *) ref, tmp + 32, tmp + 64, tmp + 96, x, y, dx, dy, stride, rounding); ptr = tmp; } else ptr = ref + ((int)y + dy/4)*(int)stride + (int)x + dx/4; /* fullpixel position */ } else ptr = get_ref(ref, refh, refv, refhv, x, y, 1, dx, dy, stride); transfer_8to16sub(dct_codes, cur + y * stride + x, ptr, stride); transfer_8to16sub(dct_codes+64, cur + y * stride + x + 8, ptr + 8, stride); transfer_8to16sub(dct_codes+128, cur + y * stride + x + 8*stride, ptr + 8*stride, stride); transfer_8to16sub(dct_codes+192, cur + y * stride + x + 8*stride+8, ptr + 8*stride + 8, stride); } static __inline void compensate8x8_interpolate( int16_t * const dct_codes, uint8_t * const cur, const uint8_t * const ref, const uint8_t * const refh, const uint8_t * const refv, const uint8_t * const refhv, uint8_t * const tmp, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const int32_t dx, const int32_t dy, const int32_t stride, const int32_t quarterpel, const int32_t rounding) { const uint8_t * ptr; if(quarterpel) { if ((dx&3) | (dy&3)) { interpolate8x8_quarterpel(tmp - y*stride - x, (uint8_t *) ref, tmp + 32, tmp + 64, tmp + 96, x, y, dx, dy, stride, rounding); ptr = tmp; } else ptr = ref + ((int)y + dy/4)*(int)stride + (int)x + dx/4; /* fullpixel position */ } else ptr = get_ref(ref, refh, refv, refhv, x, y, 1, dx, dy, stride); transfer_8to16sub(dct_codes, cur + y * stride + x, ptr, stride); } static void CompensateChroma( int dx, int dy, const int i, const int j, IMAGE * const Cur, const IMAGE * const Ref, uint8_t * const temp, int16_t * const coeff, const int32_t stride, const int rounding) { /* uv-block-based compensation */ transfer_8to16sub(coeff, Cur->u + 8 * j * stride + 8 * i, interpolate8x8_switch2(temp, Ref->u, 8 * i, 8 * j, dx, dy, stride, rounding), stride); transfer_8to16sub(coeff + 64, Cur->v + 8 * j * stride + 8 * i, interpolate8x8_switch2(temp, Ref->v, 8 * i, 8 * j, dx, dy, stride, rounding), stride); } void MBMotionCompensation(MACROBLOCK * const mb, const uint32_t i, const uint32_t j, const IMAGE * const ref, const IMAGE * const refh, const IMAGE * const refv, const IMAGE * const refhv, const IMAGE * const refGMC, IMAGE * const cur, int16_t * dct_codes, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const uint32_t edged_width, const int32_t quarterpel, const int32_t rounding, uint8_t * const tmp) { int32_t dx; int32_t dy; if (mb->mode == MODE_NOT_CODED) { /* quick copy for early SKIP */ /* early SKIP is only activated in P-VOPs, not in S-VOPs, so mcsel can never be 1 */ transfer16x16_copy(cur->y + 16 * (i + j * edged_width), ref->y + 16 * (i + j * edged_width), edged_width); transfer8x8_copy(cur->u + 8 * (i + j * edged_width/2), ref->u + 8 * (i + j * edged_width/2), edged_width / 2); transfer8x8_copy(cur->v + 8 * (i + j * edged_width/2), ref->v + 8 * (i + j * edged_width/2), edged_width / 2); return; } if ((mb->mode == MODE_NOT_CODED || mb->mode == MODE_INTER || mb->mode == MODE_INTER_Q)) { if (mb->mcsel) { /* call normal routine once, easier than "if (mcsel)"ing all the time */ transfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[0*64], cur->y + 16*j*edged_width + 16*i, refGMC->y + 16*j*edged_width + 16*i, edged_width); transfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[1*64], cur->y + 16*j*edged_width + 16*i+8, refGMC->y + 16*j*edged_width + 16*i+8, edged_width); transfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[2*64], cur->y + (16*j+8)*edged_width + 16*i, refGMC->y + (16*j+8)*edged_width + 16*i, edged_width); transfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[3*64], cur->y + (16*j+8)*edged_width + 16*i+8, refGMC->y + (16*j+8)*edged_width + 16*i+8, edged_width); transfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[4 * 64], cur->u + 8 *j*edged_width/2 + 8*i, refGMC->u + 8 *j*edged_width/2 + 8*i, edged_width/2); transfer_8to16sub(&dct_codes[5 * 64], cur->v + 8*j* edged_width/2 + 8*i, refGMC->v + 8*j* edged_width/2 + 8*i, edged_width/2); return; } /* ordinary compensation */ dx = (quarterpel ? mb->qmvs[0].x : mb->mvs[0].x); dy = (quarterpel ? mb->qmvs[0].y : mb->mvs[0].y); compensate16x16_interpolate(&dct_codes[0 * 64], cur->y, ref->y, refh->y, refv->y, refhv->y, tmp, 16 * i, 16 * j, dx, dy, edged_width, quarterpel, rounding); if (quarterpel) { dx /= 2; dy /= 2; } dx = (dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[dx & 0x3]; dy = (dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[dy & 0x3]; } else { /* mode == MODE_INTER4V */ int k, sumx = 0, sumy = 0; const VECTOR * const mvs = (quarterpel ? mb->qmvs : mb->mvs); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { dx = mvs[k].x; dy = mvs[k].y; sumx += quarterpel ? dx/2 : dx; sumy += quarterpel ? dy/2 : dy; compensate8x8_interpolate(&dct_codes[k * 64], cur->y, ref->y, refh->y, refv->y, refhv->y, tmp, 16 * i + 8*(k&1), 16 * j + 8*(k>>1), dx, dy, edged_width, quarterpel, rounding); } dx = (sumx >> 3) + roundtab_76[sumx & 0xf]; dy = (sumy >> 3) + roundtab_76[sumy & 0xf]; } CompensateChroma(dx, dy, i, j, cur, ref, tmp, &dct_codes[4 * 64], edged_width / 2, rounding); } void MBMotionCompensationBVOP(MBParam * pParam, MACROBLOCK * const mb, const uint32_t i, const uint32_t j, IMAGE * const cur, const IMAGE * const f_ref, const IMAGE * const f_refh, const IMAGE * const f_refv, const IMAGE * const f_refhv, const IMAGE * const b_ref, const IMAGE * const b_refh, const IMAGE * const b_refv, const IMAGE * const b_refhv, int16_t * dct_codes, uint8_t * const tmp) { const uint32_t edged_width = pParam->edged_width; int32_t dx, dy, b_dx, b_dy, sumx, sumy, b_sumx, b_sumy; int k; const int quarterpel = pParam->vol_flags & XVID_VOL_QUARTERPEL; const uint8_t * ptr1, * ptr2; const VECTOR * const fmvs = (quarterpel ? mb->qmvs : mb->mvs); const VECTOR * const bmvs = (quarterpel ? mb->b_qmvs : mb->b_mvs); switch (mb->mode) { case MODE_FORWARD: dx = fmvs->x; dy = fmvs->y; compensate16x16_interpolate(&dct_codes[0 * 64], cur->y, f_ref->y, f_refh->y, f_refv->y, f_refhv->y, tmp, 16 * i, 16 * j, dx, dy, edged_width, quarterpel, 0); if (quarterpel) { dx /= 2; dy /= 2; } CompensateChroma( (dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[dx & 0x3], (dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[dy & 0x3], i, j, cur, f_ref, tmp, &dct_codes[4 * 64], edged_width / 2, 0); return; case MODE_BACKWARD: b_dx = bmvs->x; b_dy = bmvs->y; compensate16x16_interpolate(&dct_codes[0 * 64], cur->y, b_ref->y, b_refh->y, b_refv->y, b_refhv->y, tmp, 16 * i, 16 * j, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width, quarterpel, 0); if (quarterpel) { b_dx /= 2; b_dy /= 2; } CompensateChroma( (b_dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[b_dx & 0x3], (b_dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[b_dy & 0x3], i, j, cur, b_ref, tmp, &dct_codes[4 * 64], edged_width / 2, 0); return; case MODE_INTERPOLATE: case MODE_DIRECT_NO4V: dx = fmvs->x; dy = fmvs->y; b_dx = bmvs->x; b_dy = bmvs->y; if (quarterpel) { if ((dx&3) | (dy&3)) { interpolate16x16_quarterpel(tmp - i * 16 - j * 16 * edged_width, (uint8_t *) f_ref->y, tmp + 32, tmp + 64, tmp + 96, 16*i, 16*j, dx, dy, edged_width, 0); ptr1 = tmp; } else ptr1 = f_ref->y + (16*(int)j + dy/4)*(int)edged_width + 16*(int)i + dx/4; /* fullpixel position */ if ((b_dx&3) | (b_dy&3)) { interpolate16x16_quarterpel(tmp - i * 16 - j * 16 * edged_width + 16, (uint8_t *) b_ref->y, tmp + 32, tmp + 64, tmp + 96, 16*i, 16*j, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width, 0); ptr2 = tmp + 16; } else ptr2 = b_ref->y + (16*(int)j + b_dy/4)*(int)edged_width + 16*(int)i + b_dx/4; /* fullpixel position */ b_dx /= 2; b_dy /= 2; dx /= 2; dy /= 2; } else { ptr1 = get_ref(f_ref->y, f_refh->y, f_refv->y, f_refhv->y, i, j, 16, dx, dy, edged_width); ptr2 = get_ref(b_ref->y, b_refh->y, b_refv->y, b_refhv->y, i, j, 16, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width); } for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) transfer_8to16sub2(&dct_codes[k * 64], cur->y + (i * 16+(k&1)*8) + (j * 16+((k>>1)*8)) * edged_width, ptr1 + (k&1)*8 + (k>>1)*8*edged_width, ptr2 + (k&1)*8 + (k>>1)*8*edged_width, edged_width); dx = (dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[dx & 0x3]; dy = (dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[dy & 0x3]; b_dx = (b_dx >> 1) + roundtab_79[b_dx & 0x3]; b_dy = (b_dy >> 1) + roundtab_79[b_dy & 0x3]; break; default: /* MODE_DIRECT (or MODE_DIRECT_NONE_MV in case of bframes decoding) */ sumx = sumy = b_sumx = b_sumy = 0; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { dx = fmvs[k].x; dy = fmvs[k].y; b_dx = bmvs[k].x; b_dy = bmvs[k].y; if (quarterpel) { sumx += dx/2; sumy += dy/2; b_sumx += b_dx/2; b_sumy += b_dy/2; if ((dx&3) | (dy&3)) { interpolate8x8_quarterpel(tmp - (i * 16+(k&1)*8) - (j * 16+((k>>1)*8)) * edged_width, (uint8_t *) f_ref->y, tmp + 32, tmp + 64, tmp + 96, 16*i + (k&1)*8, 16*j + (k>>1)*8, dx, dy, edged_width, 0); ptr1 = tmp; } else ptr1 = f_ref->y + (16*(int)j + (k>>1)*8 + dy/4)*(int)edged_width + 16*(int)i + (k&1)*8 + dx/4; if ((b_dx&3) | (b_dy&3)) { interpolate8x8_quarterpel(tmp - (i * 16+(k&1)*8) - (j * 16+((k>>1)*8)) * edged_width + 16, (uint8_t *) b_ref->y, tmp + 16, tmp + 32, tmp + 48, 16*i + (k&1)*8, 16*j + (k>>1)*8, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width, 0); ptr2 = tmp + 16; } else ptr2 = b_ref->y + (16*(int)j + (k>>1)*8 + b_dy/4)*(int)edged_width + 16*(int)i + (k&1)*8 + b_dx/4; } else { sumx += dx; sumy += dy; b_sumx += b_dx; b_sumy += b_dy; ptr1 = get_ref(f_ref->y, f_refh->y, f_refv->y, f_refhv->y, 2*i + (k&1), 2*j + (k>>1), 8, dx, dy, edged_width); ptr2 = get_ref(b_ref->y, b_refh->y, b_refv->y, b_refhv->y, 2*i + (k&1), 2*j + (k>>1), 8, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width); } transfer_8to16sub2(&dct_codes[k * 64], cur->y + (i * 16+(k&1)*8) + (j * 16+((k>>1)*8)) * edged_width, ptr1, ptr2, edged_width); } dx = (sumx >> 3) + roundtab_76[sumx & 0xf]; dy = (sumy >> 3) + roundtab_76[sumy & 0xf]; b_dx = (b_sumx >> 3) + roundtab_76[b_sumx & 0xf]; b_dy = (b_sumy >> 3) + roundtab_76[b_sumy & 0xf]; break; } /* block-based chroma interpolation for direct and interpolate modes */ transfer_8to16sub2(&dct_codes[4 * 64], cur->u + (j * 8) * edged_width / 2 + (i * 8), interpolate8x8_switch2(tmp, b_ref->u, 8 * i, 8 * j, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width / 2, 0), interpolate8x8_switch2(tmp + 8, f_ref->u, 8 * i, 8 * j, dx, dy, edged_width / 2, 0), edged_width / 2); transfer_8to16sub2(&dct_codes[5 * 64], cur->v + (j * 8) * edged_width / 2 + (i * 8), interpolate8x8_switch2(tmp, b_ref->v, 8 * i, 8 * j, b_dx, b_dy, edged_width / 2, 0), interpolate8x8_switch2(tmp + 8, f_ref->v, 8 * i, 8 * j, dx, dy, edged_width / 2, 0), edged_width / 2); }