/***************************************************************************** * * XVID MPEG-4 VIDEO CODEC * - MB coding - * * Copyright (C) 2002 Michael Militzer * * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: mbcoding.c,v 1.60 2010-12-31 11:47:44 Isibaar Exp $ * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "../portab.h" #include "../global.h" #include "bitstream.h" #include "zigzag.h" #include "vlc_codes.h" #include "mbcoding.h" #include "../utils/mbfunctions.h" #ifdef _DEBUG # include "../motion/estimation.h" # include "../motion/motion_inlines.h" # include #endif #define LEVELOFFSET 32 /* Initialized once during xvid_global call * RO access is thread safe */ static REVERSE_EVENT DCT3D[2][4096]; static VLC coeff_VLC[2][2][64][64]; /* not really MB related, but VLCs are only available here */ void bs_put_spritetrajectory(Bitstream * bs, const int val) { const int code = sprite_trajectory_code[val+16384].code; const int len = sprite_trajectory_code[val+16384].len; const int code2 = sprite_trajectory_len[len].code; const int len2 = sprite_trajectory_len[len].len; #if 0 printf("GMC=%d Code/Len = %d / %d ",val, code,len); printf("Code2 / Len2 = %d / %d \n",code2,len2); #endif BitstreamPutBits(bs, code2, len2); if (len) BitstreamPutBits(bs, code, len); } int bs_get_spritetrajectory(Bitstream * bs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (BitstreamShowBits(bs, sprite_trajectory_len[i].len) == sprite_trajectory_len[i].code) { BitstreamSkip(bs, sprite_trajectory_len[i].len); return i; } } return -1; } void init_vlc_tables(void) { uint32_t i, j, k, intra, last, run, run_esc, level, level_esc, escape, escape_len, offset; int32_t l; for (intra = 0; intra < 2; intra++) for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) DCT3D[intra][i].event.level = 0; for (intra = 0; intra < 2; intra++) { for (last = 0; last < 2; last++) { for (run = 0; run < 63 + last; run++) { for (level = 0; level < (uint32_t)(32 << intra); level++) { offset = !intra * LEVELOFFSET; coeff_VLC[intra][last][level + offset][run].len = 128; } } } } for (intra = 0; intra < 2; intra++) { for (i = 0; i < 102; i++) { offset = !intra * LEVELOFFSET; for (j = 0; j < (uint32_t)(1 << (12 - coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.len)); j++) { DCT3D[intra][(coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.code << (12 - coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.len)) | j].len = coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.len; DCT3D[intra][(coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.code << (12 - coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.len)) | j].event = coeff_tab[intra][i].event; } coeff_VLC[intra][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.last][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.level + offset][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.run].code = coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.code << 1; coeff_VLC[intra][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.last][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.level + offset][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.run].len = coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.len + 1; if (!intra) { coeff_VLC[intra][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.last][offset - coeff_tab[intra][i].event.level][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.run].code = (coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.code << 1) | 1; coeff_VLC[intra][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.last][offset - coeff_tab[intra][i].event.level][coeff_tab[intra][i].event.run].len = coeff_tab[intra][i].vlc.len + 1; } } } for (intra = 0; intra < 2; intra++) { for (last = 0; last < 2; last++) { for (run = 0; run < 63 + last; run++) { for (level = 1; level < (uint32_t)(32 << intra); level++) { if (level <= max_level[intra][last][run] && run <= max_run[intra][last][level]) continue; offset = !intra * LEVELOFFSET; level_esc = level - max_level[intra][last][run]; run_esc = run - 1 - max_run[intra][last][level]; if (level_esc <= max_level[intra][last][run] && run <= max_run[intra][last][level_esc]) { escape = ESCAPE1; escape_len = 7 + 1; run_esc = run; } else { if (run_esc <= max_run[intra][last][level] && level <= max_level[intra][last][run_esc]) { escape = ESCAPE2; escape_len = 7 + 2; level_esc = level; } else { if (!intra) { coeff_VLC[intra][last][level + offset][run].code = (ESCAPE3 << 21) | (last << 20) | (run << 14) | (1 << 13) | ((level & 0xfff) << 1) | 1; coeff_VLC[intra][last][level + offset][run].len = 30; coeff_VLC[intra][last][offset - level][run].code = (ESCAPE3 << 21) | (last << 20) | (run << 14) | (1 << 13) | ((-(int32_t)level & 0xfff) << 1) | 1; coeff_VLC[intra][last][offset - level][run].len = 30; } continue; } } coeff_VLC[intra][last][level + offset][run].code = (escape << coeff_VLC[intra][last][level_esc + offset][run_esc].len) | coeff_VLC[intra][last][level_esc + offset][run_esc].code; coeff_VLC[intra][last][level + offset][run].len = coeff_VLC[intra][last][level_esc + offset][run_esc].len + escape_len; if (!intra) { coeff_VLC[intra][last][offset - level][run].code = (escape << coeff_VLC[intra][last][level_esc + offset][run_esc].len) | coeff_VLC[intra][last][level_esc + offset][run_esc].code | 1; coeff_VLC[intra][last][offset - level][run].len = coeff_VLC[intra][last][level_esc + offset][run_esc].len + escape_len; } } if (!intra) { coeff_VLC[intra][last][0][run].code = (ESCAPE3 << 21) | (last << 20) | (run << 14) | (1 << 13) | ((-32 & 0xfff) << 1) | 1; coeff_VLC[intra][last][0][run].len = 30; } } } } /* init sprite_trajectory tables * even if GMC is not specified (it might be used later...) */ sprite_trajectory_code[0+16384].code = 0; sprite_trajectory_code[0+16384].len = 0; for (k=0;k<14;k++) { int limit = (1< (cmp - 1)) value -= 64 * scale_factor; if (value == 0) { BitstreamPutBits(bs, mb_motion_table[32].code, mb_motion_table[32].len); } else { uint16_t length, code, mv_res, sign; length = 16 << f_code; f_code--; sign = (value < 0); if (value >= length) value -= 2 * length; else if (value < -length) value += 2 * length; if (sign) value = -value; value--; mv_res = value & ((1 << f_code) - 1); code = ((value - mv_res) >> f_code) + 1; if (sign) code = -code; code += 32; BitstreamPutBits(bs, mb_motion_table[code].code, mb_motion_table[code].len); if (f_code) BitstreamPutBits(bs, mv_res, f_code); } } static __inline void CodeCoeffInter(Bitstream * bs, const int16_t qcoeff[64], const uint16_t * zigzag) { uint32_t i, run, prev_run, code, len; int32_t level, prev_level, level_shifted; i = 0; run = 0; while (!(level = qcoeff[zigzag[i++]])) run++; prev_level = level; prev_run = run; run = 0; while (i < 64) { if ((level = qcoeff[zigzag[i++]]) != 0) { level_shifted = prev_level + 32; if (!(level_shifted & -64)) { code = coeff_VLC[0][0][level_shifted][prev_run].code; len = coeff_VLC[0][0][level_shifted][prev_run].len; } else { code = (ESCAPE3 << 21) | (prev_run << 14) | (1 << 13) | ((prev_level & 0xfff) << 1) | 1; len = 30; } BitstreamPutBits(bs, code, len); prev_level = level; prev_run = run; run = 0; } else run++; } level_shifted = prev_level + 32; if (!(level_shifted & -64)) { code = coeff_VLC[0][1][level_shifted][prev_run].code; len = coeff_VLC[0][1][level_shifted][prev_run].len; } else { code = (ESCAPE3 << 21) | (1 << 20) | (prev_run << 14) | (1 << 13) | ((prev_level & 0xfff) << 1) | 1; len = 30; } BitstreamPutBits(bs, code, len); } static __inline void CodeCoeffIntra(Bitstream * bs, const int16_t qcoeff[64], const uint16_t * zigzag) { uint32_t i, abs_level, run, prev_run, code, len; int32_t level, prev_level; i = 1; run = 0; while (i<64 && !(level = qcoeff[zigzag[i++]])) run++; prev_level = level; prev_run = run; run = 0; while (i < 64) { if ((level = qcoeff[zigzag[i++]]) != 0) { abs_level = abs(prev_level); abs_level = abs_level < 64 ? abs_level : 0; code = coeff_VLC[1][0][abs_level][prev_run].code; len = coeff_VLC[1][0][abs_level][prev_run].len; if (len != 128) code |= (prev_level < 0); else { code = (ESCAPE3 << 21) | (prev_run << 14) | (1 << 13) | ((prev_level & 0xfff) << 1) | 1; len = 30; } BitstreamPutBits(bs, code, len); prev_level = level; prev_run = run; run = 0; } else run++; } abs_level = abs(prev_level); abs_level = abs_level < 64 ? abs_level : 0; code = coeff_VLC[1][1][abs_level][prev_run].code; len = coeff_VLC[1][1][abs_level][prev_run].len; if (len != 128) code |= (prev_level < 0); else { code = (ESCAPE3 << 21) | (1 << 20) | (prev_run << 14) | (1 << 13) | ((prev_level & 0xfff) << 1) | 1; len = 30; } BitstreamPutBits(bs, code, len); } /* returns the number of bits required to encode qcoeff */ int CodeCoeffIntra_CalcBits(const int16_t qcoeff[64], const uint16_t * zigzag) { int bits = 0; uint32_t i, abs_level, run, prev_run, len; int32_t level, prev_level; i = 1; run = 0; while (i<64 && !(level = qcoeff[zigzag[i++]])) run++; if (i >= 64) return 0; /* empty block */ prev_level = level; prev_run = run; run = 0; while (i < 64) { if ((level = qcoeff[zigzag[i++]]) != 0) { abs_level = abs(prev_level); abs_level = abs_level < 64 ? abs_level : 0; len = coeff_VLC[1][0][abs_level][prev_run].len; bits += len!=128 ? len : 30; prev_level = level; prev_run = run; run = 0; } else run++; } abs_level = abs(prev_level); abs_level = abs_level < 64 ? abs_level : 0; len = coeff_VLC[1][1][abs_level][prev_run].len; bits += len!=128 ? len : 30; return bits; } int CodeCoeffInter_CalcBits(const int16_t qcoeff[64], const uint16_t * zigzag) { uint32_t i, run, prev_run, len; int32_t level, prev_level, level_shifted; int bits = 0; i = 0; run = 0; while (!(level = qcoeff[zigzag[i++]])) run++; prev_level = level; prev_run = run; run = 0; while (i < 64) { if ((level = qcoeff[zigzag[i++]]) != 0) { level_shifted = prev_level + 32; if (!(level_shifted & -64)) len = coeff_VLC[0][0][level_shifted][prev_run].len; else len = 30; bits += len; prev_level = level; prev_run = run; run = 0; } else run++; } level_shifted = prev_level + 32; if (!(level_shifted & -64)) len = coeff_VLC[0][1][level_shifted][prev_run].len; else len = 30; bits += len; return bits; } static const int iDQtab[5] = { 1, 0, -1 /* no change */, 2, 3 }; #define DQ_VALUE2INDEX(value) iDQtab[(value)+2] static __inline void CodeBlockIntra(const FRAMEINFO * const frame, const MACROBLOCK * pMB, int16_t qcoeff[6 * 64], Bitstream * bs, Statistics * pStat) { uint32_t i, mcbpc, cbpy, bits; cbpy = pMB->cbp >> 2; /* write mcbpc */ if (frame->coding_type == I_VOP) { mcbpc = ((pMB->mode >> 1) & 3) | ((pMB->cbp & 3) << 2); BitstreamPutBits(bs, mcbpc_intra_tab[mcbpc].code, mcbpc_intra_tab[mcbpc].len); } else { mcbpc = (pMB->mode & 7) | ((pMB->cbp & 3) << 3); BitstreamPutBits(bs, mcbpc_inter_tab[mcbpc].code, mcbpc_inter_tab[mcbpc].len); } /* ac prediction flag */ if (pMB->acpred_directions[0]) BitstreamPutBits(bs, 1, 1); else BitstreamPutBits(bs, 0, 1); /* write cbpy */ BitstreamPutBits(bs, xvid_cbpy_tab[cbpy].code, xvid_cbpy_tab[cbpy].len); /* write dquant */ if (pMB->mode == MODE_INTRA_Q) BitstreamPutBits(bs, DQ_VALUE2INDEX(pMB->dquant), 2); /* write interlacing */ if (frame->vol_flags & XVID_VOL_INTERLACING) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, pMB->field_dct); } /* code block coeffs */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i < 4) BitstreamPutBits(bs, dcy_tab[qcoeff[i * 64 + 0] + 255].code, dcy_tab[qcoeff[i * 64 + 0] + 255].len); else BitstreamPutBits(bs, dcc_tab[qcoeff[i * 64 + 0] + 255].code, dcc_tab[qcoeff[i * 64 + 0] + 255].len); if (pMB->cbp & (1 << (5 - i))) { const uint16_t *scan_table = frame->vop_flags & XVID_VOP_ALTERNATESCAN ? scan_tables[2] : scan_tables[pMB->acpred_directions[i]]; bits = BitstreamPos(bs); CodeCoeffIntra(bs, &qcoeff[i * 64], scan_table); bits = BitstreamPos(bs) - bits; pStat->iTextBits += bits; } } } static void CodeBlockInter(const FRAMEINFO * const frame, const MACROBLOCK * pMB, int16_t qcoeff[6 * 64], Bitstream * bs, Statistics * pStat) { int32_t i; uint32_t bits, mcbpc, cbpy; mcbpc = (pMB->mode & 7) | ((pMB->cbp & 3) << 3); cbpy = 15 - (pMB->cbp >> 2); /* write mcbpc */ BitstreamPutBits(bs, mcbpc_inter_tab[mcbpc].code, mcbpc_inter_tab[mcbpc].len); if ( (frame->coding_type == S_VOP) && (pMB->mode == MODE_INTER || pMB->mode == MODE_INTER_Q) ) BitstreamPutBit(bs, pMB->mcsel); /* mcsel: '0'=local motion, '1'=GMC */ /* write cbpy */ BitstreamPutBits(bs, xvid_cbpy_tab[cbpy].code, xvid_cbpy_tab[cbpy].len); /* write dquant */ if (pMB->mode == MODE_INTER_Q) BitstreamPutBits(bs, DQ_VALUE2INDEX(pMB->dquant), 2); /* interlacing */ if (frame->vol_flags & XVID_VOL_INTERLACING) { if (pMB->cbp) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, pMB->field_dct); DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_MB,"codep: field_dct: %i\n", pMB->field_dct); } /* if inter block, write field ME flag */ if ((pMB->mode == MODE_INTER || pMB->mode == MODE_INTER_Q) && (pMB->mcsel == 0)) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0 /*pMB->field_pred*/); /* not implemented yet */ DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_MB,"codep: field_pred: %i\n", pMB->field_pred); /* write field prediction references */ #if 0 /* Remove the #if once field_pred is supported */ if (pMB->field_pred) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, pMB->field_for_top); BitstreamPutBit(bs, pMB->field_for_bot); } #endif } } bits = BitstreamPos(bs); /* code motion vector(s) if motion is local */ if (!pMB->mcsel) for (i = 0; i < (pMB->mode == MODE_INTER4V ? 4 : 1); i++) { CodeVector(bs, pMB->pmvs[i].x, frame->fcode); CodeVector(bs, pMB->pmvs[i].y, frame->fcode); #if 0 /* #ifdef _DEBUG */ if (i == 0) /* for simplicity */ { int coded_length = BitstreamPos(bs) - bits; int estimated_length = d_mv_bits(pMB->pmvs[i].x, pMB->pmvs[i].y, zeroMV, frame->fcode, 0); assert(estimated_length == coded_length); d_mv_bits(pMB->pmvs[i].x, pMB->pmvs[i].y, zeroMV, frame->fcode, 0); } #endif } bits = BitstreamPos(bs) - bits; pStat->iMVBits += bits; bits = BitstreamPos(bs); /* code block coeffs */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (pMB->cbp & (1 << (5 - i))) { const uint16_t *scan_table = frame->vop_flags & XVID_VOP_ALTERNATESCAN ? scan_tables[2] : scan_tables[0]; CodeCoeffInter(bs, &qcoeff[i * 64], scan_table); } bits = BitstreamPos(bs) - bits; pStat->iTextBits += bits; } void MBCoding(const FRAMEINFO * const frame, MACROBLOCK * pMB, int16_t qcoeff[6 * 64], Bitstream * bs, Statistics * pStat) { if (frame->coding_type != I_VOP) BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0); /* not_coded */ if (frame->vop_flags & XVID_VOP_GREYSCALE) { pMB->cbp &= 0x3C; /* keep only bits 5-2 */ qcoeff[4*64+0]=0; /* for INTRA DC value is saved */ qcoeff[5*64+0]=0; } if (pMB->mode == MODE_INTRA || pMB->mode == MODE_INTRA_Q) CodeBlockIntra(frame, pMB, qcoeff, bs, pStat); else CodeBlockInter(frame, pMB, qcoeff, bs, pStat); } /*************************************************************** * bframe encoding start ***************************************************************/ /* mbtype 0 1b direct(h263) mvdb 1 01b interpolate mc+q dbquant, mvdf, mvdb 2 001b backward mc+q dbquant, mvdb 3 0001b forward mc+q dbquant, mvdf */ static __inline void put_bvop_mbtype(Bitstream * bs, int value) { switch (value) { case MODE_FORWARD: BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0); case MODE_BACKWARD: BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0); case MODE_INTERPOLATE: BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0); case MODE_DIRECT: BitstreamPutBit(bs, 1); default: break; } } /* dbquant -2 10b 0 0b +2 11b */ static __inline void put_bvop_dbquant(Bitstream * bs, int value) { switch (value) { case 0: BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0); return; case -2: BitstreamPutBit(bs, 1); BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0); return; case 2: BitstreamPutBit(bs, 1); BitstreamPutBit(bs, 1); return; default:; /* invalid */ } } void MBCodingBVOP(const FRAMEINFO * const frame, const MACROBLOCK * mb, const int16_t qcoeff[6 * 64], const int32_t fcode, const int32_t bcode, Bitstream * bs, Statistics * pStat) { int vcode = fcode; unsigned int i; const uint16_t *scan_table = frame->vop_flags & XVID_VOP_ALTERNATESCAN ? scan_tables[2] : scan_tables[0]; int bits; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ when a block is skipped it is decoded DIRECT(0,0) hence is interpolated from forward & backward frames ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (mb->mode == MODE_DIRECT_NONE_MV) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, 1); /* skipped */ return; } BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0); /* not skipped */ if (mb->cbp == 0) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, 1); /* cbp == 0 */ } else { BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0); /* cbp == xxx */ } put_bvop_mbtype(bs, mb->mode); if (mb->cbp) { BitstreamPutBits(bs, mb->cbp, 6); } if (mb->mode != MODE_DIRECT && mb->cbp != 0) { put_bvop_dbquant(bs, 0); /* todo: mb->dquant = 0 */ } if (frame->vol_flags & XVID_VOL_INTERLACING) { if (mb->cbp) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, mb->field_dct); DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_MB,"codep: field_dct: %i\n", mb->field_dct); } /* if not direct block, write field ME flag */ if (mb->mode != MODE_DIRECT) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, 0 /*mb->field_pred*/); /* field ME not implemented */ /* write field prediction references */ #if 0 /* Remove the #if once field_pred is supported */ if (mb->field_pred) { BitstreamPutBit(bs, mb->field_for_top); BitstreamPutBit(bs, mb->field_for_bot); } #endif } } bits = BitstreamPos(bs); switch (mb->mode) { case MODE_INTERPOLATE: CodeVector(bs, mb->pmvs[1].x, vcode); /* forward vector of interpolate mode */ CodeVector(bs, mb->pmvs[1].y, vcode); case MODE_BACKWARD: vcode = bcode; case MODE_FORWARD: CodeVector(bs, mb->pmvs[0].x, vcode); CodeVector(bs, mb->pmvs[0].y, vcode); break; case MODE_DIRECT: CodeVector(bs, mb->pmvs[3].x, 1); /* fcode is always 1 for delta vector */ CodeVector(bs, mb->pmvs[3].y, 1); /* prediction is always (0,0) */ default: break; } pStat->iMVBits += BitstreamPos(bs) - bits; bits = BitstreamPos(bs); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (mb->cbp & (1 << (5 - i))) { CodeCoeffInter(bs, &qcoeff[i * 64], scan_table); } } pStat->iTextBits += BitstreamPos(bs) - bits; } /*************************************************************** * decoding stuff starts here * ***************************************************************/ /* * for IVOP addbits == 0 * for PVOP addbits == fcode - 1 * for BVOP addbits == max(fcode,bcode) - 1 * returns true or false */ int check_resync_marker(Bitstream * bs, int addbits) { uint32_t nbits; uint32_t code; uint32_t nbitsresyncmarker = NUMBITS_VP_RESYNC_MARKER + addbits; nbits = BitstreamNumBitsToByteAlign(bs); code = BitstreamShowBits(bs, nbits); if (code == (((uint32_t)1 << (nbits - 1)) - 1)) { return BitstreamShowBitsFromByteAlign(bs, nbitsresyncmarker) == RESYNC_MARKER; } return 0; } int get_mcbpc_intra(Bitstream * bs) { uint32_t index; index = BitstreamShowBits(bs, 9); index >>= 3; BitstreamSkip(bs, mcbpc_intra_table[index].len); return mcbpc_intra_table[index].code; } int get_mcbpc_inter(Bitstream * bs) { uint32_t index; index = MIN(BitstreamShowBits(bs, 9), 256); BitstreamSkip(bs, mcbpc_inter_table[index].len); return mcbpc_inter_table[index].code; } int get_cbpy(Bitstream * bs, int intra) { int cbpy; uint32_t index = BitstreamShowBits(bs, 6); BitstreamSkip(bs, cbpy_table[index].len); cbpy = cbpy_table[index].code; if (!intra) cbpy = 15 - cbpy; return cbpy; } static __inline int get_mv_data(Bitstream * bs) { uint32_t index; if (BitstreamGetBit(bs)) return 0; index = BitstreamShowBits(bs, 12); if (index >= 512) { index = (index >> 8) - 2; BitstreamSkip(bs, TMNMVtab0[index].len); return TMNMVtab0[index].code; } if (index >= 128) { index = (index >> 2) - 32; BitstreamSkip(bs, TMNMVtab1[index].len); return TMNMVtab1[index].code; } index -= 4; BitstreamSkip(bs, TMNMVtab2[index].len); return TMNMVtab2[index].code; } int get_mv(Bitstream * bs, int fcode) { int data; int res; int mv; int scale_fac = 1 << (fcode - 1); data = get_mv_data(bs); if (scale_fac == 1 || data == 0) return data; res = BitstreamGetBits(bs, fcode - 1); mv = ((abs(data) - 1) * scale_fac) + res + 1; return data < 0 ? -mv : mv; } int get_dc_dif(Bitstream * bs, uint32_t dc_size) { int code = BitstreamGetBits(bs, dc_size); int msb = code >> (dc_size - 1); if (msb == 0) return (-1 * (code ^ ((1 << dc_size) - 1))); return code; } int get_dc_size_lum(Bitstream * bs) { int code, i; code = BitstreamShowBits(bs, 11); for (i = 11; i > 3; i--) { if (code == 1) { BitstreamSkip(bs, i); return i + 1; } code >>= 1; } BitstreamSkip(bs, dc_lum_tab[code].len); return dc_lum_tab[code].code; } int get_dc_size_chrom(Bitstream * bs) { uint32_t code, i; code = BitstreamShowBits(bs, 12); for (i = 12; i > 2; i--) { if (code == 1) { BitstreamSkip(bs, i); return i; } code >>= 1; } return 3 - BitstreamGetBits(bs, 2); } #define GET_BITS(cache, n) ((cache)>>(32-(n))) static __inline int get_coeff(Bitstream * bs, int *run, int *last, int intra, int short_video_header) { uint32_t mode; int32_t level; REVERSE_EVENT *reverse_event; uint32_t cache = BitstreamShowBits(bs, 32); if (short_video_header) /* inter-VLCs will be used for both intra and inter blocks */ intra = 0; if (GET_BITS(cache, 7) != ESCAPE) { reverse_event = &DCT3D[intra][GET_BITS(cache, 12)]; if ((level = reverse_event->event.level) == 0) goto error; *last = reverse_event->event.last; *run = reverse_event->event.run; /* Don't forget to update the bitstream position */ BitstreamSkip(bs, reverse_event->len+1); return (GET_BITS(cache, reverse_event->len+1)&0x01) ? -level : level; } /* flush 7bits of cache */ cache <<= 7; if (short_video_header) { /* escape mode 4 - H.263 type, only used if short_video_header = 1 */ *last = GET_BITS(cache, 1); *run = (GET_BITS(cache, 7) &0x3f); level = (GET_BITS(cache, 15)&0xff); if (level == 0 || level == 128) DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_ERROR, "Illegal LEVEL for ESCAPE mode 4: %d\n", level); /* We've "eaten" 22 bits */ BitstreamSkip(bs, 22); return (level << 24) >> 24; } if ((mode = GET_BITS(cache, 2)) < 3) { const int skip[3] = {1, 1, 2}; cache <<= skip[mode]; reverse_event = &DCT3D[intra][GET_BITS(cache, 12)]; if ((level = reverse_event->event.level) == 0) goto error; *last = reverse_event->event.last; *run = reverse_event->event.run; if (mode < 2) { /* first escape mode, level is offset */ level += max_level[intra][*last][*run]; } else { /* second escape mode, run is offset */ *run += max_run[intra][*last][level] + 1; } /* Update bitstream position */ BitstreamSkip(bs, 7 + skip[mode] + reverse_event->len + 1); return (GET_BITS(cache, reverse_event->len+1)&0x01) ? -level : level; } /* third escape mode - fixed length codes */ cache <<= 2; *last = GET_BITS(cache, 1); *run = (GET_BITS(cache, 7)&0x3f); level = (GET_BITS(cache, 20)&0xfff); /* Update bitstream position */ BitstreamSkip(bs, 30); return (level << 20) >> 20; error: *run = 64; return 0; } void get_intra_block(Bitstream * bs, int16_t * block, int direction, int coeff) { const uint16_t *scan = scan_tables[direction]; int level, run, last = 0; do { level = get_coeff(bs, &run, &last, 1, 0); coeff += run; if (coeff & ~63) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_ERROR,"fatal: invalid run or index"); break; } block[scan[coeff]] = level; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_COEFF,"block[%i] %i\n", scan[coeff], level); #if 0 DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_COEFF,"block[%i] %i %08x\n", scan[coeff], level, BitstreamShowBits(bs, 32)); #endif if (level < -2047 || level > 2047) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_ERROR,"warning: intra_overflow %i\n", level); } coeff++; } while (!last); } void get_inter_block_h263( Bitstream * bs, int16_t * block, int direction, const int quant, const uint16_t *matrix) { const uint16_t *scan = scan_tables[direction]; const uint16_t quant_m_2 = quant << 1; const uint16_t quant_add = (quant & 1 ? quant : quant - 1); int p; int level; int run; int last = 0; p = 0; do { level = get_coeff(bs, &run, &last, 0, 0); p += run; if (p & ~63) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_ERROR,"fatal: invalid run or index"); break; } if (level < 0) { level = level*quant_m_2 - quant_add; block[scan[p]] = (level >= -2048 ? level : -2048); } else { level = level * quant_m_2 + quant_add; block[scan[p]] = (level <= 2047 ? level : 2047); } p++; } while (!last); } void get_inter_block_mpeg( Bitstream * bs, int16_t * block, int direction, const int quant, const uint16_t *matrix) { const uint16_t *scan = scan_tables[direction]; uint32_t sum = 0; int p; int level; int run; int last = 0; p = 0; do { level = get_coeff(bs, &run, &last, 0, 0); p += run; if (p & ~63) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_ERROR,"fatal: invalid run or index"); break; } if (level < 0) { level = ((2 * -level + 1) * matrix[scan[p]] * quant) >> 4; block[scan[p]] = (level <= 2048 ? -level : -2048); } else { level = ((2 * level + 1) * matrix[scan[p]] * quant) >> 4; block[scan[p]] = (level <= 2047 ? level : 2047); } sum ^= block[scan[p]]; p++; } while (!last); /* mismatch control */ if ((sum & 1) == 0) { block[63] ^= 1; } } /***************************************************************************** * VLC tables and other constant arrays ****************************************************************************/ VLC_TABLE const coeff_tab[2][102] = { /* intra = 0 */ { {{ 2, 2}, {0, 0, 1}}, {{15, 4}, {0, 0, 2}}, {{21, 6}, {0, 0, 3}}, {{23, 7}, {0, 0, 4}}, {{31, 8}, {0, 0, 5}}, {{37, 9}, {0, 0, 6}}, {{36, 9}, {0, 0, 7}}, {{33, 10}, {0, 0, 8}}, {{32, 10}, {0, 0, 9}}, {{ 7, 11}, {0, 0, 10}}, {{ 6, 11}, {0, 0, 11}}, {{32, 11}, {0, 0, 12}}, {{ 6, 3}, {0, 1, 1}}, {{20, 6}, {0, 1, 2}}, {{30, 8}, {0, 1, 3}}, {{15, 10}, {0, 1, 4}}, {{33, 11}, {0, 1, 5}}, {{80, 12}, {0, 1, 6}}, {{14, 4}, {0, 2, 1}}, {{29, 8}, {0, 2, 2}}, {{14, 10}, {0, 2, 3}}, {{81, 12}, {0, 2, 4}}, {{13, 5}, {0, 3, 1}}, {{35, 9}, {0, 3, 2}}, {{13, 10}, {0, 3, 3}}, {{12, 5}, {0, 4, 1}}, {{34, 9}, {0, 4, 2}}, {{82, 12}, {0, 4, 3}}, {{11, 5}, {0, 5, 1}}, {{12, 10}, {0, 5, 2}}, {{83, 12}, {0, 5, 3}}, {{19, 6}, {0, 6, 1}}, {{11, 10}, {0, 6, 2}}, {{84, 12}, {0, 6, 3}}, {{18, 6}, {0, 7, 1}}, {{10, 10}, {0, 7, 2}}, {{17, 6}, {0, 8, 1}}, {{ 9, 10}, {0, 8, 2}}, {{16, 6}, {0, 9, 1}}, {{ 8, 10}, {0, 9, 2}}, {{22, 7}, {0, 10, 1}}, {{85, 12}, {0, 10, 2}}, {{21, 7}, {0, 11, 1}}, {{20, 7}, {0, 12, 1}}, {{28, 8}, {0, 13, 1}}, {{27, 8}, {0, 14, 1}}, {{33, 9}, {0, 15, 1}}, {{32, 9}, {0, 16, 1}}, {{31, 9}, {0, 17, 1}}, {{30, 9}, {0, 18, 1}}, {{29, 9}, {0, 19, 1}}, {{28, 9}, {0, 20, 1}}, {{27, 9}, {0, 21, 1}}, {{26, 9}, {0, 22, 1}}, {{34, 11}, {0, 23, 1}}, {{35, 11}, {0, 24, 1}}, {{86, 12}, {0, 25, 1}}, {{87, 12}, {0, 26, 1}}, {{ 7, 4}, {1, 0, 1}}, {{25, 9}, {1, 0, 2}}, {{ 5, 11}, {1, 0, 3}}, {{15, 6}, {1, 1, 1}}, {{ 4, 11}, {1, 1, 2}}, {{14, 6}, {1, 2, 1}}, {{13, 6}, {1, 3, 1}}, {{12, 6}, {1, 4, 1}}, {{19, 7}, {1, 5, 1}}, {{18, 7}, {1, 6, 1}}, {{17, 7}, {1, 7, 1}}, {{16, 7}, {1, 8, 1}}, {{26, 8}, {1, 9, 1}}, {{25, 8}, {1, 10, 1}}, {{24, 8}, {1, 11, 1}}, {{23, 8}, {1, 12, 1}}, {{22, 8}, {1, 13, 1}}, {{21, 8}, {1, 14, 1}}, {{20, 8}, {1, 15, 1}}, {{19, 8}, {1, 16, 1}}, {{24, 9}, {1, 17, 1}}, {{23, 9}, {1, 18, 1}}, {{22, 9}, {1, 19, 1}}, {{21, 9}, {1, 20, 1}}, {{20, 9}, {1, 21, 1}}, {{19, 9}, {1, 22, 1}}, {{18, 9}, {1, 23, 1}}, {{17, 9}, {1, 24, 1}}, {{ 7, 10}, {1, 25, 1}}, {{ 6, 10}, {1, 26, 1}}, {{ 5, 10}, {1, 27, 1}}, {{ 4, 10}, {1, 28, 1}}, {{36, 11}, {1, 29, 1}}, {{37, 11}, {1, 30, 1}}, {{38, 11}, {1, 31, 1}}, {{39, 11}, {1, 32, 1}}, {{88, 12}, {1, 33, 1}}, {{89, 12}, {1, 34, 1}}, {{90, 12}, {1, 35, 1}}, {{91, 12}, {1, 36, 1}}, {{92, 12}, {1, 37, 1}}, {{93, 12}, {1, 38, 1}}, {{94, 12}, {1, 39, 1}}, {{95, 12}, {1, 40, 1}} }, /* intra = 1 */ { {{ 2, 2}, {0, 0, 1}}, {{15, 4}, {0, 0, 3}}, {{21, 6}, {0, 0, 6}}, {{23, 7}, {0, 0, 9}}, {{31, 8}, {0, 0, 10}}, {{37, 9}, {0, 0, 13}}, {{36, 9}, {0, 0, 14}}, {{33, 10}, {0, 0, 17}}, {{32, 10}, {0, 0, 18}}, {{ 7, 11}, {0, 0, 21}}, {{ 6, 11}, {0, 0, 22}}, {{32, 11}, {0, 0, 23}}, {{ 6, 3}, {0, 0, 2}}, {{20, 6}, {0, 1, 2}}, {{30, 8}, {0, 0, 11}}, {{15, 10}, {0, 0, 19}}, {{33, 11}, {0, 0, 24}}, {{80, 12}, {0, 0, 25}}, {{14, 4}, {0, 1, 1}}, {{29, 8}, {0, 0, 12}}, {{14, 10}, {0, 0, 20}}, {{81, 12}, {0, 0, 26}}, {{13, 5}, {0, 0, 4}}, {{35, 9}, {0, 0, 15}}, {{13, 10}, {0, 1, 7}}, {{12, 5}, {0, 0, 5}}, {{34, 9}, {0, 4, 2}}, {{82, 12}, {0, 0, 27}}, {{11, 5}, {0, 2, 1}}, {{12, 10}, {0, 2, 4}}, {{83, 12}, {0, 1, 9}}, {{19, 6}, {0, 0, 7}}, {{11, 10}, {0, 3, 4}}, {{84, 12}, {0, 6, 3}}, {{18, 6}, {0, 0, 8}}, {{10, 10}, {0, 4, 3}}, {{17, 6}, {0, 3, 1}}, {{ 9, 10}, {0, 8, 2}}, {{16, 6}, {0, 4, 1}}, {{ 8, 10}, {0, 5, 3}}, {{22, 7}, {0, 1, 3}}, {{85, 12}, {0, 1, 10}}, {{21, 7}, {0, 2, 2}}, {{20, 7}, {0, 7, 1}}, {{28, 8}, {0, 1, 4}}, {{27, 8}, {0, 3, 2}}, {{33, 9}, {0, 0, 16}}, {{32, 9}, {0, 1, 5}}, {{31, 9}, {0, 1, 6}}, {{30, 9}, {0, 2, 3}}, {{29, 9}, {0, 3, 3}}, {{28, 9}, {0, 5, 2}}, {{27, 9}, {0, 6, 2}}, {{26, 9}, {0, 7, 2}}, {{34, 11}, {0, 1, 8}}, {{35, 11}, {0, 9, 2}}, {{86, 12}, {0, 2, 5}}, {{87, 12}, {0, 7, 3}}, {{ 7, 4}, {1, 0, 1}}, {{25, 9}, {0, 11, 1}}, {{ 5, 11}, {1, 0, 6}}, {{15, 6}, {1, 1, 1}}, {{ 4, 11}, {1, 0, 7}}, {{14, 6}, {1, 2, 1}}, {{13, 6}, {0, 5, 1}}, {{12, 6}, {1, 0, 2}}, {{19, 7}, {1, 5, 1}}, {{18, 7}, {0, 6, 1}}, {{17, 7}, {1, 3, 1}}, {{16, 7}, {1, 4, 1}}, {{26, 8}, {1, 9, 1}}, {{25, 8}, {0, 8, 1}}, {{24, 8}, {0, 9, 1}}, {{23, 8}, {0, 10, 1}}, {{22, 8}, {1, 0, 3}}, {{21, 8}, {1, 6, 1}}, {{20, 8}, {1, 7, 1}}, {{19, 8}, {1, 8, 1}}, {{24, 9}, {0, 12, 1}}, {{23, 9}, {1, 0, 4}}, {{22, 9}, {1, 1, 2}}, {{21, 9}, {1, 10, 1}}, {{20, 9}, {1, 11, 1}}, {{19, 9}, {1, 12, 1}}, {{18, 9}, {1, 13, 1}}, {{17, 9}, {1, 14, 1}}, {{ 7, 10}, {0, 13, 1}}, {{ 6, 10}, {1, 0, 5}}, {{ 5, 10}, {1, 1, 3}}, {{ 4, 10}, {1, 2, 2}}, {{36, 11}, {1, 3, 2}}, {{37, 11}, {1, 4, 2}}, {{38, 11}, {1, 15, 1}}, {{39, 11}, {1, 16, 1}}, {{88, 12}, {0, 14, 1}}, {{89, 12}, {1, 0, 8}}, {{90, 12}, {1, 5, 2}}, {{91, 12}, {1, 6, 2}}, {{92, 12}, {1, 17, 1}}, {{93, 12}, {1, 18, 1}}, {{94, 12}, {1, 19, 1}}, {{95, 12}, {1, 20, 1}} } }; /* constants taken from momusys/vm_common/inlcude/max_level.h */ uint8_t const max_level[2][2][64] = { { /* intra = 0, last = 0 */ { 12, 6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* intra = 0, last = 1 */ { 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }, { /* intra = 1, last = 0 */ { 27, 10, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* intra = 1, last = 1 */ { 8, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } } }; uint8_t const max_run[2][2][64] = { { /* intra = 0, last = 0 */ { 0, 26, 10, 6, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, /* intra = 0, last = 1 */ { 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, } }, { /* intra = 1, last = 0 */ { 0, 14, 9, 7, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, /* intra = 1, last = 1 */ { 0, 20, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, } } }; /****************************************************************** * encoder tables * ******************************************************************/ VLC sprite_trajectory_code[32768]; VLC sprite_trajectory_len[15] = { { 0x00 , 2}, { 0x02 , 3}, { 0x03, 3}, { 0x04, 3}, { 0x05, 3}, { 0x06, 3}, { 0x0E , 4}, { 0x1E, 5}, { 0x3E, 6}, { 0x7E, 7}, { 0xFE, 8}, { 0x1FE, 9}, {0x3FE,10}, {0x7FE,11}, {0xFFE,12} }; /* DCT coefficients. Four tables, two for last = 0, two for last = 1. the sign bit must be added afterwards. */ /* MCBPC Indexing by cbpc in first two bits, mode in last two. CBPC as in table 4/H.263, MB type (mode): 3 = 01, 4 = 10. Example: cbpc = 01 and mode = 4 gives index = 0110 = 6. */ VLC mcbpc_intra_tab[15] = { {0x01, 9}, {0x01, 1}, {0x01, 4}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x01, 3}, {0x01, 6}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x02, 3}, {0x02, 6}, {0x00, 0}, {0x00, 0}, {0x03, 3}, {0x03, 6} }; /* MCBPC inter. Addressing: 5 bit ccmmm (cc = CBPC, mmm = mode (1-4 binary)) */ VLC mcbpc_inter_tab[29] = { {1, 1}, {3, 3}, {2, 3}, {3, 5}, {4, 6}, {1, 9}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {3, 4}, {7, 7}, {5, 7}, {4, 8}, {4, 9}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {2, 4}, {6, 7}, {4, 7}, {3, 8}, {3, 9}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {5, 6}, {5, 9}, {5, 8}, {3, 7}, {2, 9} }; const VLC xvid_cbpy_tab[16] = { {3, 4}, {5, 5}, {4, 5}, {9, 4}, {3, 5}, {7, 4}, {2, 6}, {11, 4}, {2, 5}, {3, 6}, {5, 4}, {10, 4}, {4, 4}, {8, 4}, {6, 4}, {3, 2} }; const VLC dcy_tab[511] = { {0x100, 15}, {0x101, 15}, {0x102, 15}, {0x103, 15}, {0x104, 15}, {0x105, 15}, {0x106, 15}, {0x107, 15}, {0x108, 15}, {0x109, 15}, {0x10a, 15}, {0x10b, 15}, {0x10c, 15}, {0x10d, 15}, {0x10e, 15}, {0x10f, 15}, {0x110, 15}, {0x111, 15}, {0x112, 15}, {0x113, 15}, {0x114, 15}, {0x115, 15}, {0x116, 15}, {0x117, 15}, {0x118, 15}, {0x119, 15}, {0x11a, 15}, {0x11b, 15}, {0x11c, 15}, {0x11d, 15}, {0x11e, 15}, {0x11f, 15}, {0x120, 15}, {0x121, 15}, {0x122, 15}, {0x123, 15}, {0x124, 15}, {0x125, 15}, {0x126, 15}, {0x127, 15}, {0x128, 15}, {0x129, 15}, {0x12a, 15}, {0x12b, 15}, {0x12c, 15}, {0x12d, 15}, {0x12e, 15}, {0x12f, 15}, {0x130, 15}, {0x131, 15}, {0x132, 15}, {0x133, 15}, {0x134, 15}, {0x135, 15}, {0x136, 15}, {0x137, 15}, {0x138, 15}, {0x139, 15}, {0x13a, 15}, {0x13b, 15}, {0x13c, 15}, {0x13d, 15}, {0x13e, 15}, {0x13f, 15}, {0x140, 15}, {0x141, 15}, {0x142, 15}, {0x143, 15}, {0x144, 15}, {0x145, 15}, {0x146, 15}, {0x147, 15}, {0x148, 15}, {0x149, 15}, {0x14a, 15}, {0x14b, 15}, {0x14c, 15}, {0x14d, 15}, {0x14e, 15}, {0x14f, 15}, {0x150, 15}, {0x151, 15}, {0x152, 15}, {0x153, 15}, {0x154, 15}, {0x155, 15}, {0x156, 15}, {0x157, 15}, {0x158, 15}, {0x159, 15}, {0x15a, 15}, {0x15b, 15}, {0x15c, 15}, {0x15d, 15}, {0x15e, 15}, {0x15f, 15}, {0x160, 15}, {0x161, 15}, {0x162, 15}, {0x163, 15}, {0x164, 15}, {0x165, 15}, {0x166, 15}, {0x167, 15}, {0x168, 15}, {0x169, 15}, {0x16a, 15}, {0x16b, 15}, {0x16c, 15}, {0x16d, 15}, {0x16e, 15}, {0x16f, 15}, {0x170, 15}, {0x171, 15}, {0x172, 15}, {0x173, 15}, {0x174, 15}, {0x175, 15}, {0x176, 15}, {0x177, 15}, {0x178, 15}, {0x179, 15}, {0x17a, 15}, {0x17b, 15}, {0x17c, 15}, {0x17d, 15}, {0x17e, 15}, {0x17f, 15}, {0x80, 13}, {0x81, 13}, {0x82, 13}, {0x83, 13}, {0x84, 13}, {0x85, 13}, {0x86, 13}, {0x87, 13}, {0x88, 13}, {0x89, 13}, {0x8a, 13}, {0x8b, 13}, {0x8c, 13}, {0x8d, 13}, {0x8e, 13}, {0x8f, 13}, {0x90, 13}, {0x91, 13}, {0x92, 13}, {0x93, 13}, {0x94, 13}, {0x95, 13}, {0x96, 13}, {0x97, 13}, {0x98, 13}, {0x99, 13}, {0x9a, 13}, {0x9b, 13}, {0x9c, 13}, {0x9d, 13}, {0x9e, 13}, {0x9f, 13}, {0xa0, 13}, {0xa1, 13}, {0xa2, 13}, {0xa3, 13}, {0xa4, 13}, {0xa5, 13}, {0xa6, 13}, {0xa7, 13}, {0xa8, 13}, {0xa9, 13}, {0xaa, 13}, {0xab, 13}, {0xac, 13}, {0xad, 13}, {0xae, 13}, {0xaf, 13}, {0xb0, 13}, {0xb1, 13}, {0xb2, 13}, {0xb3, 13}, {0xb4, 13}, {0xb5, 13}, {0xb6, 13}, {0xb7, 13}, {0xb8, 13}, {0xb9, 13}, {0xba, 13}, {0xbb, 13}, {0xbc, 13}, {0xbd, 13}, {0xbe, 13}, {0xbf, 13}, {0x40, 11}, {0x41, 11}, {0x42, 11}, {0x43, 11}, {0x44, 11}, {0x45, 11}, {0x46, 11}, {0x47, 11}, {0x48, 11}, {0x49, 11}, {0x4a, 11}, {0x4b, 11}, {0x4c, 11}, {0x4d, 11}, {0x4e, 11}, {0x4f, 11}, {0x50, 11}, {0x51, 11}, {0x52, 11}, {0x53, 11}, {0x54, 11}, {0x55, 11}, {0x56, 11}, {0x57, 11}, {0x58, 11}, {0x59, 11}, {0x5a, 11}, {0x5b, 11}, {0x5c, 11}, {0x5d, 11}, {0x5e, 11}, {0x5f, 11}, {0x20, 9}, {0x21, 9}, {0x22, 9}, {0x23, 9}, {0x24, 9}, {0x25, 9}, {0x26, 9}, {0x27, 9}, {0x28, 9}, {0x29, 9}, {0x2a, 9}, {0x2b, 9}, {0x2c, 9}, {0x2d, 9}, {0x2e, 9}, {0x2f, 9}, {0x10, 7}, {0x11, 7}, {0x12, 7}, {0x13, 7}, {0x14, 7}, {0x15, 7}, {0x16, 7}, {0x17, 7}, {0x10, 6}, {0x11, 6}, {0x12, 6}, {0x13, 6}, {0x08, 4}, {0x09, 4}, {0x06, 3}, {0x03, 3}, {0x07, 3}, {0x0a, 4}, {0x0b, 4}, {0x14, 6}, {0x15, 6}, {0x16, 6}, {0x17, 6}, {0x18, 7}, {0x19, 7}, {0x1a, 7}, {0x1b, 7}, {0x1c, 7}, {0x1d, 7}, {0x1e, 7}, {0x1f, 7}, {0x30, 9}, {0x31, 9}, {0x32, 9}, {0x33, 9}, {0x34, 9}, {0x35, 9}, {0x36, 9}, {0x37, 9}, {0x38, 9}, {0x39, 9}, {0x3a, 9}, {0x3b, 9}, {0x3c, 9}, {0x3d, 9}, {0x3e, 9}, {0x3f, 9}, {0x60, 11}, {0x61, 11}, {0x62, 11}, {0x63, 11}, {0x64, 11}, {0x65, 11}, {0x66, 11}, {0x67, 11}, {0x68, 11}, {0x69, 11}, {0x6a, 11}, {0x6b, 11}, {0x6c, 11}, {0x6d, 11}, {0x6e, 11}, {0x6f, 11}, {0x70, 11}, {0x71, 11}, {0x72, 11}, {0x73, 11}, {0x74, 11}, {0x75, 11}, {0x76, 11}, {0x77, 11}, {0x78, 11}, {0x79, 11}, {0x7a, 11}, {0x7b, 11}, {0x7c, 11}, {0x7d, 11}, {0x7e, 11}, {0x7f, 11}, {0xc0, 13}, {0xc1, 13}, {0xc2, 13}, {0xc3, 13}, {0xc4, 13}, {0xc5, 13}, {0xc6, 13}, {0xc7, 13}, {0xc8, 13}, {0xc9, 13}, {0xca, 13}, {0xcb, 13}, {0xcc, 13}, {0xcd, 13}, {0xce, 13}, {0xcf, 13}, {0xd0, 13}, {0xd1, 13}, {0xd2, 13}, {0xd3, 13}, {0xd4, 13}, {0xd5, 13}, {0xd6, 13}, {0xd7, 13}, {0xd8, 13}, {0xd9, 13}, {0xda, 13}, {0xdb, 13}, {0xdc, 13}, {0xdd, 13}, {0xde, 13}, {0xdf, 13}, {0xe0, 13}, {0xe1, 13}, {0xe2, 13}, {0xe3, 13}, {0xe4, 13}, {0xe5, 13}, {0xe6, 13}, {0xe7, 13}, {0xe8, 13}, {0xe9, 13}, {0xea, 13}, {0xeb, 13}, {0xec, 13}, {0xed, 13}, {0xee, 13}, {0xef, 13}, {0xf0, 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{0x109, 16}, {0x10a, 16}, {0x10b, 16}, {0x10c, 16}, {0x10d, 16}, {0x10e, 16}, {0x10f, 16}, {0x110, 16}, {0x111, 16}, {0x112, 16}, {0x113, 16}, {0x114, 16}, {0x115, 16}, {0x116, 16}, {0x117, 16}, {0x118, 16}, {0x119, 16}, {0x11a, 16}, {0x11b, 16}, {0x11c, 16}, {0x11d, 16}, {0x11e, 16}, {0x11f, 16}, {0x120, 16}, {0x121, 16}, {0x122, 16}, {0x123, 16}, {0x124, 16}, {0x125, 16}, {0x126, 16}, {0x127, 16}, {0x128, 16}, {0x129, 16}, {0x12a, 16}, {0x12b, 16}, {0x12c, 16}, {0x12d, 16}, {0x12e, 16}, {0x12f, 16}, {0x130, 16}, {0x131, 16}, {0x132, 16}, {0x133, 16}, {0x134, 16}, {0x135, 16}, {0x136, 16}, {0x137, 16}, {0x138, 16}, {0x139, 16}, {0x13a, 16}, {0x13b, 16}, {0x13c, 16}, {0x13d, 16}, {0x13e, 16}, {0x13f, 16}, {0x140, 16}, {0x141, 16}, {0x142, 16}, {0x143, 16}, {0x144, 16}, {0x145, 16}, {0x146, 16}, {0x147, 16}, {0x148, 16}, {0x149, 16}, {0x14a, 16}, {0x14b, 16}, {0x14c, 16}, {0x14d, 16}, {0x14e, 16}, {0x14f, 16}, {0x150, 16}, {0x151, 16}, {0x152, 16}, {0x153, 16}, {0x154, 16}, {0x155, 16}, {0x156, 16}, {0x157, 16}, {0x158, 16}, {0x159, 16}, {0x15a, 16}, {0x15b, 16}, {0x15c, 16}, {0x15d, 16}, {0x15e, 16}, {0x15f, 16}, {0x160, 16}, {0x161, 16}, {0x162, 16}, {0x163, 16}, {0x164, 16}, {0x165, 16}, {0x166, 16}, {0x167, 16}, {0x168, 16}, {0x169, 16}, {0x16a, 16}, {0x16b, 16}, {0x16c, 16}, {0x16d, 16}, {0x16e, 16}, {0x16f, 16}, {0x170, 16}, {0x171, 16}, {0x172, 16}, {0x173, 16}, {0x174, 16}, {0x175, 16}, {0x176, 16}, {0x177, 16}, {0x178, 16}, {0x179, 16}, {0x17a, 16}, {0x17b, 16}, {0x17c, 16}, {0x17d, 16}, {0x17e, 16}, {0x17f, 16}, {0x80, 14}, {0x81, 14}, {0x82, 14}, {0x83, 14}, {0x84, 14}, {0x85, 14}, {0x86, 14}, {0x87, 14}, {0x88, 14}, {0x89, 14}, {0x8a, 14}, {0x8b, 14}, {0x8c, 14}, {0x8d, 14}, {0x8e, 14}, {0x8f, 14}, {0x90, 14}, {0x91, 14}, {0x92, 14}, {0x93, 14}, {0x94, 14}, {0x95, 14}, {0x96, 14}, {0x97, 14}, {0x98, 14}, {0x99, 14}, {0x9a, 14}, {0x9b, 14}, {0x9c, 14}, {0x9d, 14}, {0x9e, 14}, {0x9f, 14}, {0xa0, 14}, {0xa1, 14}, {0xa2, 14}, {0xa3, 14}, {0xa4, 14}, {0xa5, 14}, {0xa6, 14}, {0xa7, 14}, {0xa8, 14}, {0xa9, 14}, {0xaa, 14}, {0xab, 14}, {0xac, 14}, {0xad, 14}, {0xae, 14}, {0xaf, 14}, {0xb0, 14}, {0xb1, 14}, {0xb2, 14}, {0xb3, 14}, {0xb4, 14}, {0xb5, 14}, {0xb6, 14}, {0xb7, 14}, {0xb8, 14}, {0xb9, 14}, {0xba, 14}, {0xbb, 14}, {0xbc, 14}, {0xbd, 14}, {0xbe, 14}, {0xbf, 14}, {0x40, 12}, {0x41, 12}, {0x42, 12}, {0x43, 12}, {0x44, 12}, {0x45, 12}, {0x46, 12}, {0x47, 12}, {0x48, 12}, {0x49, 12}, {0x4a, 12}, {0x4b, 12}, {0x4c, 12}, {0x4d, 12}, {0x4e, 12}, {0x4f, 12}, {0x50, 12}, {0x51, 12}, {0x52, 12}, {0x53, 12}, {0x54, 12}, {0x55, 12}, {0x56, 12}, {0x57, 12}, {0x58, 12}, {0x59, 12}, {0x5a, 12}, {0x5b, 12}, {0x5c, 12}, {0x5d, 12}, {0x5e, 12}, {0x5f, 12}, {0x20, 10}, {0x21, 10}, {0x22, 10}, {0x23, 10}, {0x24, 10}, {0x25, 10}, {0x26, 10}, {0x27, 10}, {0x28, 10}, {0x29, 10}, {0x2a, 10}, {0x2b, 10}, {0x2c, 10}, {0x2d, 10}, {0x2e, 10}, {0x2f, 10}, {0x10, 8}, {0x11, 8}, {0x12, 8}, {0x13, 8}, {0x14, 8}, {0x15, 8}, {0x16, 8}, {0x17, 8}, {0x08, 6}, {0x09, 6}, {0x0a, 6}, {0x0b, 6}, {0x04, 4}, {0x05, 4}, {0x04, 3}, {0x03, 2}, {0x05, 3}, {0x06, 4}, {0x07, 4}, {0x0c, 6}, {0x0d, 6}, {0x0e, 6}, {0x0f, 6}, {0x18, 8}, {0x19, 8}, {0x1a, 8}, {0x1b, 8}, {0x1c, 8}, {0x1d, 8}, {0x1e, 8}, {0x1f, 8}, {0x30, 10}, {0x31, 10}, {0x32, 10}, {0x33, 10}, {0x34, 10}, {0x35, 10}, {0x36, 10}, {0x37, 10}, {0x38, 10}, {0x39, 10}, {0x3a, 10}, {0x3b, 10}, {0x3c, 10}, {0x3d, 10}, {0x3e, 10}, {0x3f, 10}, {0x60, 12}, {0x61, 12}, {0x62, 12}, {0x63, 12}, {0x64, 12}, {0x65, 12}, {0x66, 12}, {0x67, 12}, {0x68, 12}, {0x69, 12}, {0x6a, 12}, {0x6b, 12}, {0x6c, 12}, {0x6d, 12}, {0x6e, 12}, {0x6f, 12}, {0x70, 12}, {0x71, 12}, {0x72, 12}, {0x73, 12}, {0x74, 12}, {0x75, 12}, {0x76, 12}, {0x77, 12}, {0x78, 12}, {0x79, 12}, {0x7a, 12}, {0x7b, 12}, {0x7c, 12}, {0x7d, 12}, {0x7e, 12}, {0x7f, 12}, {0xc0, 14}, {0xc1, 14}, {0xc2, 14}, {0xc3, 14}, {0xc4, 14}, {0xc5, 14}, {0xc6, 14}, {0xc7, 14}, {0xc8, 14}, {0xc9, 14}, {0xca, 14}, {0xcb, 14}, {0xcc, 14}, {0xcd, 14}, {0xce, 14}, {0xcf, 14}, {0xd0, 14}, {0xd1, 14}, {0xd2, 14}, {0xd3, 14}, {0xd4, 14}, {0xd5, 14}, {0xd6, 14}, {0xd7, 14}, {0xd8, 14}, {0xd9, 14}, {0xda, 14}, {0xdb, 14}, {0xdc, 14}, {0xdd, 14}, {0xde, 14}, {0xdf, 14}, {0xe0, 14}, {0xe1, 14}, {0xe2, 14}, {0xe3, 14}, {0xe4, 14}, {0xe5, 14}, {0xe6, 14}, {0xe7, 14}, {0xe8, 14}, {0xe9, 14}, {0xea, 14}, {0xeb, 14}, {0xec, 14}, {0xed, 14}, {0xee, 14}, {0xef, 14}, {0xf0, 14}, {0xf1, 14}, {0xf2, 14}, {0xf3, 14}, {0xf4, 14}, {0xf5, 14}, {0xf6, 14}, {0xf7, 14}, {0xf8, 14}, {0xf9, 14}, {0xfa, 14}, {0xfb, 14}, {0xfc, 14}, {0xfd, 14}, {0xfe, 14}, {0xff, 14}, {0x180, 16}, {0x181, 16}, {0x182, 16}, {0x183, 16}, {0x184, 16}, {0x185, 16}, {0x186, 16}, {0x187, 16}, {0x188, 16}, {0x189, 16}, {0x18a, 16}, {0x18b, 16}, {0x18c, 16}, {0x18d, 16}, {0x18e, 16}, {0x18f, 16}, {0x190, 16}, {0x191, 16}, {0x192, 16}, {0x193, 16}, {0x194, 16}, {0x195, 16}, {0x196, 16}, {0x197, 16}, {0x198, 16}, {0x199, 16}, {0x19a, 16}, {0x19b, 16}, {0x19c, 16}, {0x19d, 16}, {0x19e, 16}, {0x19f, 16}, {0x1a0, 16}, {0x1a1, 16}, {0x1a2, 16}, {0x1a3, 16}, {0x1a4, 16}, {0x1a5, 16}, {0x1a6, 16}, {0x1a7, 16}, {0x1a8, 16}, {0x1a9, 16}, {0x1aa, 16}, {0x1ab, 16}, {0x1ac, 16}, {0x1ad, 16}, {0x1ae, 16}, {0x1af, 16}, {0x1b0, 16}, {0x1b1, 16}, {0x1b2, 16}, {0x1b3, 16}, {0x1b4, 16}, {0x1b5, 16}, {0x1b6, 16}, {0x1b7, 16}, {0x1b8, 16}, {0x1b9, 16}, {0x1ba, 16}, {0x1bb, 16}, {0x1bc, 16}, {0x1bd, 16}, {0x1be, 16}, {0x1bf, 16}, {0x1c0, 16}, {0x1c1, 16}, {0x1c2, 16}, {0x1c3, 16}, {0x1c4, 16}, {0x1c5, 16}, {0x1c6, 16}, {0x1c7, 16}, {0x1c8, 16}, {0x1c9, 16}, {0x1ca, 16}, {0x1cb, 16}, {0x1cc, 16}, {0x1cd, 16}, {0x1ce, 16}, {0x1cf, 16}, {0x1d0, 16}, {0x1d1, 16}, {0x1d2, 16}, {0x1d3, 16}, {0x1d4, 16}, {0x1d5, 16}, {0x1d6, 16}, {0x1d7, 16}, {0x1d8, 16}, {0x1d9, 16}, {0x1da, 16}, {0x1db, 16}, {0x1dc, 16}, {0x1dd, 16}, {0x1de, 16}, {0x1df, 16}, {0x1e0, 16}, {0x1e1, 16}, {0x1e2, 16}, {0x1e3, 16}, {0x1e4, 16}, {0x1e5, 16}, {0x1e6, 16}, {0x1e7, 16}, {0x1e8, 16}, {0x1e9, 16}, {0x1ea, 16}, {0x1eb, 16}, {0x1ec, 16}, 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29285, 30313, 25701, 26144, 28530, 8301, 26740, 8293, 20039, 8277, 20551, 8268, 30296, 17513, 25376, 25711, 25445, 10272, 11825, 11828, 10544, 2606, 28505, 29301, 29472, 26223, 30580, 29281, 8293, 26980, 29811, 26994, 30050, 28532, 8306, 24936, 8307, 28532, 26400, 30313, 8293, 25441, 25955, 29555, 29728, 8303, 29801, 8307, 28531, 29301, 25955, 25376, 25711, 11877, 10 }; VLC const dc_lum_tab[] = { {0, 0}, {4, 3}, {3, 3}, {0, 3}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, };