#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # XVID MPEG-4 VIDEO CODEC # - Unit tests and benches - # # Copyright(C) 2005 Pascal Massimino # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # ***************************************************************************/ # # Automated bench script. # # 1st draft: Skal / April 24th 2005 # ###################################################### $enc_bin = "xvid_encraw"; $dec_bin = "xvid_decraw"; $bench_bin = "xvid_bench"; if (-r "BENCH_CONF.pl") { require "BENCH_CONF.pl"; } else { $bin_dir = "."; $log_dir = "."; $data_dir = "."; $bench_list = "./bench_list.pl"; } require $bench_list; ######################################### $arch = ""; $verbose = 0; $use_valgrind = 0; $output_command_only = 0; $extra_arg = ""; #$log_name; #$log_file; #$input_dir; #$bin; #$bitstream; #$refstream; #@raw_options; #@ToDo; #$filter ######################################### # helper funcs ######################################### sub check_bin { if (!exists $bin_made{$_[0]}) { my_system( "make $_[0]" ); $bin_made{$_[0]} = 1; } } sub check_file { if (-r $_[0]) { my_system( "mv $_[0] $_[0]\_OLD" ); my_system( "touch $_[0]" ); } } sub setup { my $action = $_[0]; $log_name = $_[1]; $log_file = "$log_dir/$log_name"; $input_dir = "$data_dir/$_[2]"; $bin = $_[3]; check_bin $bin; check_file $log_file; printf "\nBench ...... $action\n"; printf "Binary ..... $bin $extra_arg\n"; printf "Log ........ $log_name\n"; printf "Data dir ... $input_dir\n\n"; $bin = "$bin_dir/$bin $extra_arg"; if ($use_valgrind) { $bin = "valgrind --tool=memcheck $bin"; $arch = ""; } if (not $arch eq "") { $bin .= "-$arch"; } } sub parse_bench { @raw_options = split; $bitstream = $raw_options[0]; if (defined($bench_filter) && !($bitstream =~ /(.*)$bench_filter(.*)/)) { printf "Filtering out bitstream [$bitstream]\n" if ($verbose>1); return 0; } shift @raw_options; printf "Checking bitstream: $bitstream [@raw_options]\n" if ($verbose>0); return 1; } ######################################### # debug ######################################### sub my_system { if ($output_command_only) { printf "system: $_[0]\n"; } else { system($_[0]); } return ($? >> 8); } ######################################### ## decoding benches ######################################### sub Do_Dec_Benches { setup( "decoding", "DEC_LOG", "./data_dec", $bench_bin ); my $n = 0, $Err = 0; foreach (@Dec_Benches) { if (parse_bench($_, 0)) { $n++; my $launch = "$bin 9 $input_dir/$bitstream @raw_options"; my $output = `$launch`; if (open( LOG_FILE, ">$log_file" )) { print LOG_FILE $output; close LOG_FILE; } else { printf "can't open core bench log file '$log_file'\n"; }; if ($output =~ /ERROR/) { print "ERROR detected in ouput:\n $output\n"; $Err++; next; } if ($output =~ /FPS:(.*) Checksum*/) { print "[$bitstream]: $1 fps\n"; } } } die "*** $Err error(s) detected!!\n" if $Err; } ######################################### ## Core benches ######################################### sub Do_Core_Benches { setup( "Core benches", "CORE_BENCH_LOG", ".", $bench_bin ); my $output = `$bin`; if (open( LOG_FILE, ">$log_file" )) { print LOG_FILE $output; close LOG_FILE; } else { printf "can't open core bench log file '$log_file'\n"; }; my $warning = 0; foreach (split('\n', $output)) { if (/ERROR/) { print "ERROR detected in ouput: [$_]\n"; if (/quant_mpeg/) { if (!$warning) { print "\n"; print "NB: MMX mpeg4 quantization is known to have very small errors (+/-1 magnitude)\n"; print "for 1 or 2 coefficients a block. This is mainly caused by the fact the unit\n"; print "test goes far behind the usual limits of real encoding. Please do not report\n"; print "this error to the developers.\n"; print "\n"; $warning = 1; } } } } } ######################################### ## Help ######################################### sub Do_Help { printf "\n -= Options =-\n\n"; printf "-h ................... this help\n"; printf "-v ................... Verbose++\n"; printf "-n ................... Check 'system' commands (no action performed)\n"; printf "-vlg ................. Use valgrind\n"; printf "-dec ................. perform decoding benches.\n"; printf "-core ................ perform core benches (using 'xvid_bench').\n"; printf "-all ................. perform all benches\n"; printf "-cpu ........... CPU to select (one of [c|mmx|mmxext|sse2|3dnow|3dnowe|altivec]).\n"; printf "-extra ......... Append extra argument 'arg' to binary commands.\n"; printf "\n"; exit; } ######################################### ## main ## ######################################### while(@ARGV) { my $command = shift @ARGV; if ($command eq "-h") { Do_Help; } elsif ($command eq "-v") { $verbose++; } elsif ($command eq "-n") { $output_command_only = 1; } elsif ($command eq "-vlg") { $use_valgrind = 1; } elsif ($command eq "-dec") { push @ToDo, $command; } elsif ($command eq "-core") { push @ToDo, $command; } elsif ($command eq "-all") { push @ToDo, ("-dec", "-core"); } elsif ($command eq "-cpu") { die "missing argument after $option\n" if (!defined($ARGV[0])); if ($ARGV[0] eq "c" || $ARGV[0] eq "mmx" || $ARGV[0] eq "mmxext" || $ARGV[0] eq "sse2" || $ARGV[0] eq "3dnow" || $ARGV[0] eq "3dnowe" || $ARGV[0] eq "altivec") { $arch = shift @ARGV; } else { die "Unrecognized cpu option '$ARGV[0]'.\n"; } } elsif ($command eq "-extra") { die "missing argument after $option\n" if (!defined($ARGV[0])); $extra_arg = "$extra_arg $ARGV[0]"; shift @ARGV; } elsif ($command =~ /^\-/) { printf "Unrecognized option [$command]\n"; Do_Help; } else { $bench_filter = $command; } } if (@ToDo==0) { push @ToDo, "help"; } printf "Filtering bench name with [$bench_filter]\n" if ($verbose>2 && defined($bench_filter)); foreach (@ToDo) { if ($_ eq "help" ) { Do_Help; } elsif ($_ eq "-dec") { Do_Dec_Benches; } elsif ($_ eq "-core") { Do_Core_Benches; } } #########################################