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Revision 1637 - (download) (annotate)
Tue Sep 20 11:19:34 2005 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by suxen_drol
File size: 2626 byte(s)
update example documentation to "newer" commandline arguments for encraw/decraw (the arguments were changed ~2003).
bugfix: prevent endless loop when useful_bytes==1 within xvid_decraw.c
|                      XviD core lib examples                        |

In this directory can find some examples how to use XviD MPEG4 codec 
in your own programs. 

** cactus.pgm.bz2

This a  test sequence of 3 images  with a cactus moving  from right to
left.   It  bzip2-compressed for  size  reason  (half  the size  of  a
ZIP-file). Binaries  of bunzip2  are available for  all major  OSes at
http://sources.redhat.com/bzip2/  The original  source  of the  cactus
image is unknown...

* xvid_encraw.c

This is a  small example that allows you to encode  YUV streams or PGM
files into a MPEG4 stream. It  can output single files (on per encoded
frame), or one  file for all the enced stream (m4v  format or a simple
container format that we called  mp4u, its description can be found at
the end of this file). This  program also outputs some very basic time

Type "xvid_encraw -help" to have all options' description.

Examples :

  1) bzip2 -dc cactus.pgm.bz2 | ./xvid_encraw -type 1

     This command decompress cactus.pgm.bz2 and pipe the pgm file to
     xvid_encraw that will compress it to mpeg4 format. No mp4 stream 
     output is written to disk.

  2) ./xvid_encraw -type 1 -i cactus.pgm -save

     Compress cactus.pgm frames into mpeg4 stream, and then writes a 
     m4v file per encoded frame.

  3) ./xvid_encraw -type 1 -i cactus.pgm -o my_xvid_example.m4v -stats

     Same thing as above but saves all raw m4v data to a singlefile,
     and displays yuv-plane psnr statistics to stdout.

** xvid_decraw.c

This  is a  decoder  example that  is able  to  decode a  m4v or  mp4u
stream. You can use it to decode what xvid_encraw encoded.

Type "xvid_decraw -help" to have all options' description.

Examples :

  1) ./xvid_decraw -i stream.m4v -d

     This command decodes a m4v file from stream.m4v and saves all
     decoder output frames to individual PGM files (framexxxxx.pgm).

  2) cat stream.m4v | ./xvid_decraw

     This examples decodes a m4v stream from standard input, but does
     save any decoded frames. 

** xvid_bench.c

This is a tool to conduct unit testing and profiling of the signal 
processing functions used internally within libxvidcore.

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