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/************************************************************************** * * XVID VFW FRONTEND * codec * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************** * * History: * * 04.04.2002 separated 2-pass code to 2pass.c * interlacing support * hinted ME support * 23.03.2002 daniel smith <> * changed inter4v to only be in modes 5 or 6 * fixed null mode crash ? * merged foxer's alternative 2-pass code * added DEBUGERR output on errors instead of returning * 16.03.2002 daniel smith <> * changed BITMAPV4HEADER to BITMAPINFOHEADER * - prevents memcpy crash in compress_get_format() * credits are processed in external 2pass mode * motion search precision = 0 now effective in 2-pass * modulated quantization * added DX50 fourcc * 01.12.2001 inital version; (c)2001 peter ross <> * *************************************************************************/ #include <windows.h> #include <vfw.h> #include "codec.h" #include "2pass.h" int pmvfast_presets[7] = { 0, PMV_QUICKSTOP16, PMV_EARLYSTOP16, PMV_EARLYSTOP16 | PMV_EARLYSTOP8, PMV_EARLYSTOP16 | PMV_HALFPELREFINE16 | PMV_EARLYSTOP8 | PMV_HALFPELDIAMOND8, PMV_EARLYSTOP16 | PMV_HALFPELREFINE16 | PMV_EARLYSTOP8 | PMV_HALFPELDIAMOND8, PMV_EARLYSTOP16 | PMV_HALFPELREFINE16 | PMV_EXTSEARCH16 | PMV_EARLYSTOP8 | PMV_HALFPELREFINE8 | PMV_HALFPELDIAMOND8 }; /* return xvid compatbile colorspace, or XVID_CSP_NULL if failure */ int get_colorspace(BITMAPINFOHEADER * hdr) { if (hdr->biHeight < 0) { DEBUGERR("colorspace: inverted input format not supported"); return XVID_CSP_NULL; } switch(hdr->biCompression) { case BI_RGB : if (hdr->biBitCount == 16) { DEBUG("RGB16 (RGB555)"); return XVID_CSP_VFLIP | XVID_CSP_RGB555; } if (hdr->biBitCount == 24) { DEBUG("RGB24"); return XVID_CSP_VFLIP | XVID_CSP_RGB24; } if (hdr->biBitCount == 32) { DEBUG("RGB32"); return XVID_CSP_VFLIP | XVID_CSP_RGB32; } DEBUG1("BI_RGB unsupported", hdr->biBitCount); return XVID_CSP_NULL; // how do these work in BITMAPINFOHEADER ??? /* case BI_BITFIELDS : if (hdr->biBitCount == 16 if(hdr->biBitCount == 16 && hdr->bV4RedMask == 0x7c00 && hdr->bV4GreenMask == 0x3e0 && hdr->bV4BlueMask == 0x1f) { DEBUG("RGB555"); return XVID_CSP_VFLIP | XVID_CSP_RGB555; } if(hdr->bV4BitCount == 16 && hdr->bV4RedMask == 0xf800 && hdr->bV4GreenMask == 0x7e0 && hdr->bV4BlueMask == 0x1f) { DEBUG("RGB565"); return XVID_CSP_VFLIP | XVID_CSP_RGB565; } DEBUG1("BI_FIELDS unsupported", hdr->bV4BitCount); return XVID_CSP_NULL; */ case FOURCC_I420: case FOURCC_IYUV: DEBUG("IYUY"); return XVID_CSP_I420; case FOURCC_YV12 : DEBUG("YV12"); return XVID_CSP_YV12; case FOURCC_YUYV : case FOURCC_YUY2 : case FOURCC_V422 : DEBUG("YUY2"); return XVID_CSP_YUY2; case FOURCC_YVYU: DEBUG("YVYU"); return XVID_CSP_YVYU; case FOURCC_UYVY: DEBUG("UYVY"); return XVID_CSP_UYVY; } DEBUGFOURCC("colorspace: unknown", hdr->biCompression); return XVID_CSP_NULL; } /* compressor */ /* test the output format */ LRESULT compress_query(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = &lpbiInput->bmiHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = &lpbiOutput->bmiHeader; if (get_colorspace(inhdr) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } if (lpbiOutput == NULL) { return ICERR_OK; } if (inhdr->biWidth != outhdr->biWidth || inhdr->biHeight != outhdr->biHeight || (outhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_XVID && outhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_DIVX)) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT compress_get_format(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = &lpbiInput->bmiHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = &lpbiOutput->bmiHeader; if (get_colorspace(inhdr) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } if (lpbiOutput == NULL) { return sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER); } memcpy(outhdr, inhdr, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); outhdr->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); outhdr->biBitCount = 24; // or 16 outhdr->biSizeImage = compress_get_size(codec, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput); outhdr->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; outhdr->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; outhdr->biClrUsed = 0; outhdr->biClrImportant = 0; if (codec->config.fourcc_used == 0) { outhdr->biCompression = FOURCC_XVID; } else if (codec->config.fourcc_used == 1) { outhdr->biCompression = FOURCC_DIVX; } else { outhdr->biCompression = FOURCC_DX50; } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT compress_get_size(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { return lpbiOutput->bmiHeader.biWidth * lpbiOutput->bmiHeader.biHeight * 3; } LRESULT compress_frames_info(CODEC * codec, ICCOMPRESSFRAMES * icf) { // DEBUG2("frate fscale", codec->frate, codec->fscale); codec->fincr = icf->dwScale; codec->fbase = icf->dwRate; return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT compress_begin(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { XVID_ENC_PARAM param; XVID_INIT_PARAM init_param; switch (codec->config.mode) { case DLG_MODE_CBR : param.bitrate = codec->config.bitrate; param.rc_buffersize = codec->config.rc_buffersize; break; case DLG_MODE_VBR_QUAL : codec->config.fquant = 0; param.bitrate = 0; break; case DLG_MODE_VBR_QUANT : codec->config.fquant = (float) codec->config.quant; param.bitrate = 0; break; case DLG_MODE_2PASS_1 : case DLG_MODE_2PASS_2_INT : case DLG_MODE_2PASS_2_EXT : param.bitrate = 0; break; case DLG_MODE_NULL : return ICERR_OK; default : break; } if(codec->ehandle) { xvid_encore(codec->ehandle, XVID_ENC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL); codec->ehandle = NULL; } init_param.cpu_flags = codec->config.cpu; xvid_init(0, 0, &init_param, NULL); if((codec->config.cpu & XVID_CPU_FORCE) <= 0) codec->config.cpu = init_param.cpu_flags; param.width = lpbiInput->bmiHeader.biWidth; param.height = lpbiInput->bmiHeader.biHeight; param.fincr = codec->fincr; param.fbase = codec->fbase; param.rc_buffersize = codec->config.rc_buffersize; param.min_quantizer = codec->config.min_pquant; param.max_quantizer = codec->config.max_pquant; param.max_key_interval = codec->config.max_key_interval; switch(xvid_encore(0, XVID_ENC_CREATE, ¶m, NULL)) { case XVID_ERR_FAIL : return ICERR_ERROR; case XVID_ERR_MEMORY : return ICERR_MEMORY; case XVID_ERR_FORMAT : return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } codec->ehandle = param.handle; codec->framenum = 0; codec->keyspacing = 0; codec->twopass.hints = codec->twopass.stats1 = codec->twopass.stats2 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; codec->twopass.hintstream = NULL; return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT compress_end(CODEC * codec) { if (codec->ehandle != NULL) { xvid_encore(codec->ehandle, XVID_ENC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL); if (codec->twopass.hints != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(codec->twopass.hints); } if (codec->twopass.stats1 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(codec->twopass.stats1); } if (codec->twopass.stats2 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(codec->twopass.stats2); } if (codec->twopass.hintstream != NULL) { free(codec->twopass.hintstream); } codec->ehandle = NULL; codec_2pass_finish(codec); } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT compress(CODEC * codec, ICCOMPRESS * icc) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = icc->lpbiInput; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = icc->lpbiOutput; XVID_ENC_FRAME frame; XVID_ENC_STATS stats; // mpeg2avi yuv bug workaround (2 instances of CODEC) if (codec->twopass.stats1 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (codec_2pass_init(codec) == ICERR_ERROR) { return ICERR_ERROR; } } frame.general = 0; frame.motion = 0; frame.intra = -1; frame.general |= XVID_HALFPEL; if(codec->config.motion_search > 4) frame.general |= XVID_INTER4V; if(((codec->config.mode == DLG_MODE_2PASS_1) ? 0 : codec->config.lum_masking) == 1) frame.general |= XVID_LUMIMASKING; if (codec->config.interlacing) frame.general |= XVID_INTERLACING; if (codec->config.hinted_me && codec->config.mode == DLG_MODE_2PASS_1) { frame.hint.hintstream = codec->twopass.hintstream; frame.hint.rawhints = 0; frame.general |= XVID_HINTEDME_GET; } else if (codec->config.hinted_me && (codec->config.mode == DLG_MODE_2PASS_2_EXT || codec->config.mode == DLG_MODE_2PASS_2_INT)) { DWORD read; DWORD blocksize; frame.hint.hintstream = codec->twopass.hintstream; frame.hint.rawhints = 0; frame.general |= XVID_HINTEDME_SET; if (codec->twopass.hints == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { codec->twopass.hints = CreateFile(codec->config.hintfile, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (codec->twopass.hints == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUGERR("couldn't open hints file"); return ICERR_ERROR; } } if (!ReadFile(codec->twopass.hints, &blocksize, sizeof(DWORD), &read, 0) || read != sizeof(DWORD) || !ReadFile(codec->twopass.hints, frame.hint.hintstream, blocksize, &read, 0) || read != blocksize) { DEBUGERR("couldn't read from hints file"); return ICERR_ERROR; } } frame.motion = pmvfast_presets[codec->config.motion_search]; frame.image = icc->lpInput; if ((frame.colorspace = get_colorspace(inhdr)) == XVID_CSP_NULL) return ICERR_BADFORMAT; frame.bitstream = icc->lpOutput; frame.length = icc->lpbiOutput->biSizeImage; switch (codec->config.mode) { case DLG_MODE_CBR : frame.quant = 0; break; case DLG_MODE_VBR_QUAL : case DLG_MODE_VBR_QUANT : case DLG_MODE_2PASS_1 : if (codec_get_quant(codec, &frame) == ICERR_ERROR) { return ICERR_ERROR; } break; case DLG_MODE_2PASS_2_EXT : case DLG_MODE_2PASS_2_INT : if (codec_2pass_get_quant(codec, &frame) == ICERR_ERROR) { return ICERR_ERROR; } if (codec->config.dummy2pass) { outhdr->biSizeImage = codec->twopass.bytes2; *icc->lpdwFlags = (codec->twopass.nns1.quant & NNSTATS_KEYFRAME) ? AVIIF_KEYFRAME : 0; return ICERR_OK; } break; case DLG_MODE_NULL : outhdr->biSizeImage = 0; *icc->lpdwFlags = AVIIF_KEYFRAME; return ICERR_OK; default : DEBUGERR("Invalid encoding mode"); return ICERR_ERROR; } if (codec->config.quant_type == QUANT_MODE_H263) { frame.general |= XVID_H263QUANT; } else { frame.general |= XVID_MPEGQUANT; // we actually need "default/custom" selectbox for both inter/intra // this will do for now if (codec->config.quant_type == QUANT_MODE_CUSTOM) { frame.general |= XVID_CUSTOM_QMATRIX; frame.quant_intra_matrix = codec->config.qmatrix_intra; frame.quant_inter_matrix = codec->config.qmatrix_inter; } else { frame.quant_intra_matrix = NULL; frame.quant_inter_matrix = NULL; } } // force keyframe spacing in 2-pass 1st pass if (codec->config.motion_search == 0) { frame.intra = 1; } else if ((codec->keyspacing < codec->config.min_key_interval && codec->framenum) && (codec->config.mode == DLG_MODE_2PASS_1)) { DEBUG("current frame forced to p-frame"); frame.intra = 0; } switch (xvid_encore(codec->ehandle, XVID_ENC_ENCODE, &frame, &stats)) { case XVID_ERR_FAIL : return ICERR_ERROR; case XVID_ERR_MEMORY : return ICERR_MEMORY; case XVID_ERR_FORMAT : return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } if (frame.intra) { codec->keyspacing = 0; *icc->lpdwFlags = AVIIF_KEYFRAME; } else { *icc->lpdwFlags = 0; } outhdr->biSizeImage = frame.length; if (codec->config.mode == DLG_MODE_2PASS_1 && codec->config.discard1pass) { outhdr->biSizeImage = 0; } if (frame.general & XVID_HINTEDME_GET) { DWORD wrote; DWORD blocksize = frame.hint.hintlength; if (codec->twopass.hints == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { codec->twopass.hints = CreateFile(codec->config.hintfile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); if (codec->twopass.hints == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUGERR("couldn't create hints file"); return ICERR_ERROR; } } if (!WriteFile(codec->twopass.hints, &frame.hint.hintlength, sizeof(int), &wrote, 0) || wrote != sizeof(int) || !WriteFile(codec->twopass.hints, frame.hint.hintstream, blocksize, &wrote, 0) || wrote != blocksize) { DEBUGERR("couldn't write to hints file"); return ICERR_ERROR; } } codec_2pass_update(codec, &frame, &stats); ++codec->framenum; ++codec->keyspacing; return ICERR_OK; } /* decompressor */ LRESULT decompress_query(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO *lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO *lpbiOutput) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = &lpbiInput->bmiHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = &lpbiOutput->bmiHeader; if (lpbiInput == NULL) { return ICERR_ERROR; } if (inhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_XVID && inhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_DIVX) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } if (lpbiOutput == NULL) { return ICERR_OK; } if (inhdr->biWidth != outhdr->biWidth || inhdr->biHeight != outhdr->biHeight || get_colorspace(outhdr) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT decompress_get_format(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = &lpbiInput->bmiHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = &lpbiOutput->bmiHeader; LRESULT result; if (lpbiOutput == NULL) { return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); } result = decompress_query(codec, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput); if (result != ICERR_OK) { return result; } memcpy(outhdr, inhdr, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); outhdr->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); outhdr->biCompression = FOURCC_YUY2; outhdr->biSizeImage = outhdr->biWidth * outhdr->biHeight * outhdr->biBitCount; outhdr->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; outhdr->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; outhdr->biClrUsed = 0; outhdr->biClrImportant = 0; return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT decompress_begin(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { XVID_DEC_PARAM param; XVID_INIT_PARAM init_param; init_param.cpu_flags = codec->config.cpu; xvid_init(0, 0, &init_param, NULL); if((codec->config.cpu & XVID_CPU_FORCE) <= 0) { codec->config.cpu = init_param.cpu_flags; } param.width = lpbiInput->bmiHeader.biWidth; param.height = lpbiInput->bmiHeader.biHeight; switch(xvid_decore(0, XVID_DEC_CREATE, ¶m, NULL)) { case XVID_ERR_FAIL : return ICERR_ERROR; case XVID_ERR_MEMORY : return ICERR_MEMORY; case XVID_ERR_FORMAT : return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } codec->dhandle = param.handle; return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT decompress_end(CODEC * codec) { if (codec->dhandle != NULL) { xvid_decore(codec->dhandle, XVID_DEC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL); codec->dhandle = NULL; } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT decompress(CODEC * codec, ICDECOMPRESS * icd) { XVID_DEC_FRAME frame; frame.bitstream = icd->lpInput; frame.length = icd->lpbiInput->biSizeImage; frame.image = icd->lpOutput; frame.stride = icd->lpbiOutput->biWidth; if (~((icd->dwFlags & ICDECOMPRESS_HURRYUP) | (icd->dwFlags & ICDECOMPRESS_UPDATE))) { if ((frame.colorspace = get_colorspace(icd->lpbiOutput)) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } } else { frame.colorspace = XVID_CSP_NULL; } switch (xvid_decore(codec->dhandle, XVID_DEC_DECODE, &frame, NULL)) { case XVID_ERR_FAIL : return ICERR_ERROR; case XVID_ERR_MEMORY : return ICERR_MEMORY; case XVID_ERR_FORMAT : return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } return ICERR_OK; } int codec_get_quant(CODEC* codec, XVID_ENC_FRAME* frame) { switch (codec->config.mode) { case DLG_MODE_VBR_QUAL : if (codec_is_in_credits(&codec->config, codec->framenum)) { switch (codec->config.credits_mode) { case CREDITS_MODE_RATE : frame->quant = codec_get_vbr_quant(&codec->config, codec->config.quality * codec->config.credits_rate / 100); break; case CREDITS_MODE_QUANT : frame->quant = codec->config.credits_quant_p; break; default : DEBUGERR("Can't use credits size mode in quality mode"); return ICERR_ERROR; } } else { frame->quant = codec_get_vbr_quant(&codec->config, codec->config.quality); } return ICERR_OK; case DLG_MODE_VBR_QUANT : if (codec_is_in_credits(&codec->config, codec->framenum)) { switch (codec->config.credits_mode) { case CREDITS_MODE_RATE : frame->quant = codec->config.max_pquant - ((codec->config.max_pquant - codec->config.quant) * codec->config.credits_rate / 100); break; case CREDITS_MODE_QUANT : frame->quant = codec->config.credits_quant_p; break; default : DEBUGERR("Can't use credits size mode in quantizer mode"); return ICERR_ERROR; } } else { frame->quant = codec->config.quant; } return ICERR_OK; case DLG_MODE_2PASS_1 : if (codec->config.credits_mode == CREDITS_MODE_QUANT) { if (codec_is_in_credits(&codec->config, codec->framenum)) { frame->quant = codec->config.credits_quant_p; } else { frame->quant = 2; } } else { frame->quant = 2; } return ICERR_OK; default: DEBUGERR("get quant: invalid mode"); return ICERR_ERROR; } } int codec_is_in_credits(CONFIG* config, int framenum) { if (config->credits_start) { if (framenum >= config->credits_start_begin && framenum <= config->credits_start_end) { return CREDITS_START; } } if (config->credits_end) { if (framenum >= config->credits_end_begin && framenum <= config->credits_end_end) { return CREDITS_END; } } return 0; } int codec_get_vbr_quant(CONFIG* config, int quality) { static float fquant_running = 0; static int my_quality = -1; int quant; // if quality changes, recalculate fquant (credits) if (quality != my_quality) { config->fquant = 0; } my_quality = quality; // desired quantiser = (maxQ-minQ)/100 * (100-qual) + minQ if (!config->fquant) { config->fquant = ((float) (config->max_pquant - config->min_pquant) / 100) * (100 - quality) + (float) config->min_pquant; fquant_running = config->fquant; } if (fquant_running < config->min_pquant) { fquant_running = (float) config->min_pquant; } else if(fquant_running > config->max_pquant) { fquant_running = (float) config->max_pquant; } quant = (int) fquant_running; // add error between fquant and quant to fquant_running fquant_running += config->fquant - quant; return quant; }
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