/***************************************************************************** * * XVID MPEG-4 VIDEO CODEC * - Unit tests and benches - * * Copyright(C) 2002 Pascal Massimino * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: xvid_bench.c,v 2006-11-01 10:01:23 Isibaar Exp $ * ****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * * 'Reference' output is at the end of file. * * compiles with something like: * gcc -o xvid_bench xvid_bench.c -I../src/ -lxvidcore -lm * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include /* for memset */ #include #ifndef WIN32 #include /* for gettimeofday */ #else #include #endif #include "xvid.h" // inner guts #include "dct/idct.h" #include "dct/fdct.h" #include "image/colorspace.h" #include "image/interpolate8x8.h" #include "utils/mem_transfer.h" #include "quant/quant.h" #include "motion/sad.h" #include "utils/emms.h" #include "utils/timer.h" #include "quant/quant_matrix.c" #include "bitstream/cbp.h" #include "bitstream/bitstream.h" #include #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif int speed_ref = 100; /* on slow machines, decrease this value */ int verbose = 0; unsigned int cpu_mask; /********************************************************************* * misc *********************************************************************/ /* returns time in micro-s*/ double gettime_usec() { #ifndef WIN32 struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); return tv.tv_sec*1.0e6 + tv.tv_usec; #else clock_t clk; clk = clock(); return clk * 1000. / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; /* clock() returns time in Milliseconds */ #endif } /* returns squared deviates (mean(v*v)-mean(v)^2) of a 8x8 block */ double sqr_dev(uint8_t v[8*8]) { double sum=0.; double sum2=0.; int n; for (n=0;n<8*8;n++) { sum += v[n]; sum2 += v[n]*v[n]; } sum2 /= n; sum /= n; return sum2-sum*sum; } /********************************************************************* * cpu init *********************************************************************/ typedef struct { const char *name; unsigned int cpu; } CPU; CPU cpu_list[] = { { "PLAINC ", 0 }, #ifdef ARCH_IS_IA32 { "MMX ", XVID_CPU_MMX }, { "MMXEXT ", XVID_CPU_MMXEXT | XVID_CPU_MMX }, { "SSE2 ", XVID_CPU_SSE2 | XVID_CPU_MMX }, { "3DNOW ", XVID_CPU_3DNOW }, { "3DNOWE ", XVID_CPU_3DNOW | XVID_CPU_3DNOWEXT }, #endif #ifdef ARCH_IS_PPC { "ALTIVEC", XVID_CPU_ALTIVEC }, #endif #ifdef ARCH_IS_X86_64 { "X86_64 ", XVID_CPU_ASM}, #endif #ifdef ARCH_IS_IA64 // { "IA64 ", XVID_CPU_IA64 }, #endif // { "TSC ", XVID_CPU_TSC }, { 0, 0 } }; int init_cpu(CPU *cpu) { xvid_gbl_info_t xinfo; /* Get the available CPU flags */ memset(&xinfo, 0, sizeof(xinfo)); xinfo.version = XVID_VERSION; xvid_global(NULL, XVID_GBL_INFO, &xinfo, NULL); /* Are we trying to test a subset of the host CPU features */ if ((xinfo.cpu_flags & cpu->cpu) == cpu->cpu) { int xerr; xvid_gbl_init_t xinit; memset(&xinit, 0, sizeof(xinit)); xinit.cpu_flags = cpu->cpu | XVID_CPU_FORCE; xinit.version = XVID_VERSION; xerr = xvid_global(NULL, XVID_GBL_INIT, &xinit, NULL); if (xerr==XVID_ERR_FAIL) { /* libxvidcore failed to init */ return 0; } } else { /* The host CPU doesn't support some required feature for this test */ return(0); } return 1; } #define CRC32_REMAINDER 0xCBF43926 #define CRC32_INITIAL 0xffffffff #define DO1(c, crc) ((crc) = crc32tab[((unsigned int)((crc)>>24) ^ (*c++)) & 0xff] ^ ((crc) << 8)) #define DO2(c, crc) DO1(c, crc); DO1(c, crc); #define DO4(c, crc) DO2(c, crc); DO2(c, crc); #define DO8(c, crc) DO4(c, crc); DO4(c, crc); /****************************************************************************** * Precomputed AAL5 CRC32 lookup table ******************************************************************************/ static unsigned long crc32tab[256] = { 0x00000000L, 0x04C11DB7L, 0x09823B6EL, 0x0D4326D9L, 0x130476DCL, 0x17C56B6BL, 0x1A864DB2L, 0x1E475005L, 0x2608EDB8L, 0x22C9F00FL, 0x2F8AD6D6L, 0x2B4BCB61L, 0x350C9B64L, 0x31CD86D3L, 0x3C8EA00AL, 0x384FBDBDL, 0x4C11DB70L, 0x48D0C6C7L, 0x4593E01EL, 0x4152FDA9L, 0x5F15ADACL, 0x5BD4B01BL, 0x569796C2L, 0x52568B75L, 0x6A1936C8L, 0x6ED82B7FL, 0x639B0DA6L, 0x675A1011L, 0x791D4014L, 0x7DDC5DA3L, 0x709F7B7AL, 0x745E66CDL, 0x9823B6E0L, 0x9CE2AB57L, 0x91A18D8EL, 0x95609039L, 0x8B27C03CL, 0x8FE6DD8BL, 0x82A5FB52L, 0x8664E6E5L, 0xBE2B5B58L, 0xBAEA46EFL, 0xB7A96036L, 0xB3687D81L, 0xAD2F2D84L, 0xA9EE3033L, 0xA4AD16EAL, 0xA06C0B5DL, 0xD4326D90L, 0xD0F37027L, 0xDDB056FEL, 0xD9714B49L, 0xC7361B4CL, 0xC3F706FBL, 0xCEB42022L, 0xCA753D95L, 0xF23A8028L, 0xF6FB9D9FL, 0xFBB8BB46L, 0xFF79A6F1L, 0xE13EF6F4L, 0xE5FFEB43L, 0xE8BCCD9AL, 0xEC7DD02DL, 0x34867077L, 0x30476DC0L, 0x3D044B19L, 0x39C556AEL, 0x278206ABL, 0x23431B1CL, 0x2E003DC5L, 0x2AC12072L, 0x128E9DCFL, 0x164F8078L, 0x1B0CA6A1L, 0x1FCDBB16L, 0x018AEB13L, 0x054BF6A4L, 0x0808D07DL, 0x0CC9CDCAL, 0x7897AB07L, 0x7C56B6B0L, 0x71159069L, 0x75D48DDEL, 0x6B93DDDBL, 0x6F52C06CL, 0x6211E6B5L, 0x66D0FB02L, 0x5E9F46BFL, 0x5A5E5B08L, 0x571D7DD1L, 0x53DC6066L, 0x4D9B3063L, 0x495A2DD4L, 0x44190B0DL, 0x40D816BAL, 0xACA5C697L, 0xA864DB20L, 0xA527FDF9L, 0xA1E6E04EL, 0xBFA1B04BL, 0xBB60ADFCL, 0xB6238B25L, 0xB2E29692L, 0x8AAD2B2FL, 0x8E6C3698L, 0x832F1041L, 0x87EE0DF6L, 0x99A95DF3L, 0x9D684044L, 0x902B669DL, 0x94EA7B2AL, 0xE0B41DE7L, 0xE4750050L, 0xE9362689L, 0xEDF73B3EL, 0xF3B06B3BL, 0xF771768CL, 0xFA325055L, 0xFEF34DE2L, 0xC6BCF05FL, 0xC27DEDE8L, 0xCF3ECB31L, 0xCBFFD686L, 0xD5B88683L, 0xD1799B34L, 0xDC3ABDEDL, 0xD8FBA05AL, 0x690CE0EEL, 0x6DCDFD59L, 0x608EDB80L, 0x644FC637L, 0x7A089632L, 0x7EC98B85L, 0x738AAD5CL, 0x774BB0EBL, 0x4F040D56L, 0x4BC510E1L, 0x46863638L, 0x42472B8FL, 0x5C007B8AL, 0x58C1663DL, 0x558240E4L, 0x51435D53L, 0x251D3B9EL, 0x21DC2629L, 0x2C9F00F0L, 0x285E1D47L, 0x36194D42L, 0x32D850F5L, 0x3F9B762CL, 0x3B5A6B9BL, 0x0315D626L, 0x07D4CB91L, 0x0A97ED48L, 0x0E56F0FFL, 0x1011A0FAL, 0x14D0BD4DL, 0x19939B94L, 0x1D528623L, 0xF12F560EL, 0xF5EE4BB9L, 0xF8AD6D60L, 0xFC6C70D7L, 0xE22B20D2L, 0xE6EA3D65L, 0xEBA91BBCL, 0xEF68060BL, 0xD727BBB6L, 0xD3E6A601L, 0xDEA580D8L, 0xDA649D6FL, 0xC423CD6AL, 0xC0E2D0DDL, 0xCDA1F604L, 0xC960EBB3L, 0xBD3E8D7EL, 0xB9FF90C9L, 0xB4BCB610L, 0xB07DABA7L, 0xAE3AFBA2L, 0xAAFBE615L, 0xA7B8C0CCL, 0xA379DD7BL, 0x9B3660C6L, 0x9FF77D71L, 0x92B45BA8L, 0x9675461FL, 0x8832161AL, 0x8CF30BADL, 0x81B02D74L, 0x857130C3L, 0x5D8A9099L, 0x594B8D2EL, 0x5408ABF7L, 0x50C9B640L, 0x4E8EE645L, 0x4A4FFBF2L, 0x470CDD2BL, 0x43CDC09CL, 0x7B827D21L, 0x7F436096L, 0x7200464FL, 0x76C15BF8L, 0x68860BFDL, 0x6C47164AL, 0x61043093L, 0x65C52D24L, 0x119B4BE9L, 0x155A565EL, 0x18197087L, 0x1CD86D30L, 0x029F3D35L, 0x065E2082L, 0x0B1D065BL, 0x0FDC1BECL, 0x3793A651L, 0x3352BBE6L, 0x3E119D3FL, 0x3AD08088L, 0x2497D08DL, 0x2056CD3AL, 0x2D15EBE3L, 0x29D4F654L, 0xC5A92679L, 0xC1683BCEL, 0xCC2B1D17L, 0xC8EA00A0L, 0xD6AD50A5L, 0xD26C4D12L, 0xDF2F6BCBL, 0xDBEE767CL, 0xE3A1CBC1L, 0xE760D676L, 0xEA23F0AFL, 0xEEE2ED18L, 0xF0A5BD1DL, 0xF464A0AAL, 0xF9278673L, 0xFDE69BC4L, 0x89B8FD09L, 0x8D79E0BEL, 0x803AC667L, 0x84FBDBD0L, 0x9ABC8BD5L, 0x9E7D9662L, 0x933EB0BBL, 0x97FFAD0CL, 0xAFB010B1L, 0xAB710D06L, 0xA6322BDFL, 0xA2F33668L, 0xBCB4666DL, 0xB8757BDAL, 0xB5365D03L, 0xB1F740B4L }; uint32_t calc_crc(uint8_t *mem, int len, uint32_t crc) { while( len >= 8) { DO8(mem, crc); len -= 8; } while( len ) { DO1(mem, crc); len--; } return crc; } void byte_swap(uint8_t *mem, int len, int element_size) { #ifdef ARCH_IS_BIG_ENDIAN int i; if(element_size == 1) { /* No need to swap */ } else if(element_size == 2) { uint8_t temp[2]; for(i=0; i < (len/2); i++ ) { temp[0] = mem[0]; temp[1] = mem[1]; mem[0] = temp[1]; mem[1] = temp[0]; mem += 2; } } else if(element_size == 4) { uint8_t temp[4]; for(i=0; i < (len/4); i++ ) { temp[0] = mem[0]; temp[1] = mem[1]; temp[2] = mem[2]; temp[3] = mem[3]; mem[0] = temp[3]; mem[1] = temp[2]; mem[2] = temp[1]; mem[3] = temp[0]; mem += 4; } } else { printf("ERROR: byte_swap unsupported element_size(%u)\n", element_size); } #endif } /********************************************************************* * test DCT *********************************************************************/ #define ABS(X) ((X)<0 ? -(X) : (X)) void test_dct() { const int nb_tests = 300*speed_ref; int tst; CPU *cpu; int i; DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(iDst0, 8, 8, short, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(iDst, 8, 8, short, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(fDst, 8, 8, short, 16); double overhead; printf( "\n ===== test fdct/idct =====\n" ); for(i=0; i<8*8; ++i) iDst0[i] = (i*7-i*i) & 0x7f; overhead = gettime_usec(); for(tst=0; tstname!=0; ++cpu) { double t, PSNR, MSE; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; t = gettime_usec(); emms(); for(tst=0; tstname, t, PSNR, MSE, (ABS(MSE)>=64)? "| ERROR" :""); } } /********************************************************************* * test SAD *********************************************************************/ void test_sad() { const int nb_tests = 2000*speed_ref; int tst; CPU *cpu; int i; DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Cur, 16, 16, uint8_t, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Ref1, 16, 16, uint8_t, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Ref2, 16, 16, uint8_t, 16); printf( "\n ====== test SAD ======\n" ); for(i=0; i<16*16;++i) { Cur[i] = (i/5) ^ 0x05; Ref1[i] = (i + 0x0b) & 0xff; Ref2[i] = i ^ 0x76; } for(cpu = cpu_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu) { double t; uint32_t s; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; t = gettime_usec(); emms(); for(tst=0; tstname, t, s, (s!=3776)?"| ERROR": "" ); t = gettime_usec(); emms(); for(tst=0; tstname, t, s, (s!=27214)?"| ERROR": "" ); t = gettime_usec(); emms(); for(tst=0; tstname, t, s, (s!=26274)?"| ERROR": "" ); t = gettime_usec(); emms(); for(tst=0; tstname, t, s, (s!=3344)?"| ERROR": "" ); printf( " --- \n" ); } } /********************************************************************* * test interpolation *********************************************************************/ #define ENTER \ for(i=0; i<16*8; ++i) Dst[i] = 0; \ t = gettime_usec(); \ emms(); #define LEAVE \ emms(); \ t = (gettime_usec() - t) / nb_tests; \ iCrc = calc_crc((uint8_t*)Dst, sizeof(Dst), CRC32_INITIAL) #define TEST_MB(FUNC, R) \ ENTER \ for(tst=0; tstname!=0; ++cpu) { double t; int tst, i, iCrc; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; TEST_MB(interpolate8x8_halfpel_h, 0); printf("%s - interp- h-round0 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0x115381ba)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x8_halfpel_h, 1); printf("%s - round1 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0x2b1f528f)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x8_halfpel_v, 0); printf("%s - interp- v-round0 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0x423cdcc7)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x8_halfpel_v, 1); printf("%s - round1 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0x42202efe)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x8_halfpel_hv, 0); printf("%s - interp-hv-round0 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0xd198d387)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x8_halfpel_hv, 1); printf("%s - round1 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0x9ecfd921)?"| ERROR": "" ); /* this is a new function, as of 06.06.2002 */ #if 0 TEST_MB2(interpolate8x8_avrg); printf("%s - interpolate8x8_c %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=8107)?"| ERROR": "" ); #endif /* New functions for field prediction by CK 1.10.2005 */ #pragma NEW8X4 TEST_MB(interpolate8x4_halfpel_h, 0); printf("%s - interpfield-h -round0 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0x9538d6df)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x4_halfpel_h, 1); printf("%s - round1 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0xde5f1db4)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x4_halfpel_v, 0); printf("%s - interpfield- v-round0 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0xea5a69ef)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x4_halfpel_v, 1); printf("%s - round1 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0x4f10ec0f)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x4_halfpel_hv, 0); printf("%s - interpfield-hv-round0 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0xf97ee367)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_MB(interpolate8x4_halfpel_hv, 1); printf("%s - round1 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, iCrc, (iCrc!=0xb6a9f581)?"| ERROR": "" ); /* End of 8x4 functions */ printf( " --- \n" ); } } /********************************************************************* * test transfer *********************************************************************/ #define INIT_TRANSFER \ for(i=0; i<8*32; ++i) { \ Src8[i] = i; Src16[i] = i; \ Dst8[i] = 0; Dst16[i] = 0; \ Ref1[i] = i^0x27; \ Ref2[i] = i^0x51; \ } #define TEST_TRANSFER_BEGIN(DST) \ INIT_TRANSFER \ overhead = -gettime_usec(); \ for(tst=0; tstname!=0; ++cpu) { double t, overhead; int tst, s; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; TEST_TRANSFER(transfer_8to16copy, Dst16, Src8); printf("%s - 8to16 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0x115814bb)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_TRANSFER(transfer_16to8copy, Dst8, Src16); printf( "%s - 16to8 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xee7ccbb4)?"| ERROR": ""); /* New functions for field prediction by CK 1.10.2005 */ #pragma NEW8X4 TEST_TRANSFER(transfer8x4_copy, Dst8, Src8); printf("%s - 8to4 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xbb9c3db5)?"| ERROR": ""); /* End of new functions */ TEST_TRANSFER(transfer8x8_copy, Dst8, Src8); printf("%s - 8to8 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xd37b3295)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_TRANSFER(transfer_16to8add, Dst8, Src16); printf("%s - 16to8add %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xdd817bf4)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_TRANSFER2(transfer_8to16sub, Dst16, Src8, Ref1); { int s1, s2; s1 = calc_crc((uint8_t*)Dst16, 8*32*sizeof(Dst16[0]), CRC32_INITIAL); s2 = calc_crc((uint8_t*)Src8, 8*32*sizeof(Src8[0]), CRC32_INITIAL); printf("%s - 8to16sub %.3f usec crc32(1)=0x%08x crc32(2)=0x%08x %s %s\n", cpu->name, t, s1, s2, (s1!=0xa1e07163)?"| ERROR1": "", (s2!=0xd86c5d23)?"| ERROR2": "" ); } TEST_TRANSFER3(transfer_8to16sub2, Dst16, Src8, Ref1, Ref2); printf("%s - 8to16sub2 %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0x99b6c4c7)?"| ERROR": "" ); printf( " --- \n" ); } } /********************************************************************* * test quantization *********************************************************************/ #define TEST_QUANT(FUNC, DST, SRC) \ t = gettime_usec(); \ for(s=CRC32_INITIAL,qm=1; qm<=255; ++qm) { \ for(i=0; i<8*8; ++i) Quant[i] = qm; \ set_inter_matrix( mpeg_quant_matrices, Quant ); \ emms(); \ for(q=1; q<=max_Q; ++q) { \ for(tst=0; tstname!=0; ++cpu) { double t, overhead; int tst, q; uint32_t s; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; // exhaustive tests to compare against the (ref) C-version TEST_INTRA(quant_h263_intra_c, quant_h263_intra, 2048); TEST_INTRA(dequant_h263_intra_c, dequant_h263_intra , 512 ); TEST_INTER(quant_h263_inter_c, quant_h263_inter , 2048); TEST_INTER(dequant_h263_inter_c, dequant_h263_inter , 512 ); overhead = -gettime_usec(); for(s=0,qm=1; qm<=255; ++qm) { for(i=0; i<8*8; ++i) Quant[i] = qm; set_inter_matrix(mpeg_quant_matrices, Quant ); for(q=1; q<=max_Q; ++q) for(i=0; i<64; ++i) s+=Dst[i]^i^qm; } overhead += gettime_usec(); TEST_QUANT2(quant_mpeg_intra, Dst, Src); printf("%s - quant_mpeg_intra %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xfd6a21a4)? "| ERROR": ""); TEST_QUANT(quant_mpeg_inter, Dst, Src); printf("%s - quant_mpeg_inter %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xf6de7757)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_QUANT2(dequant_mpeg_intra, Dst, Src); printf("%s - dequant_mpeg_intra %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0x2def7bc7)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_QUANT(dequant_mpeg_inter, Dst, Src); printf("%s - dequant_mpeg_inter %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xd878c722)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_QUANT2(quant_h263_intra, Dst, Src); printf("%s - quant_h263_intra %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0x2eba9d43)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_QUANT(quant_h263_inter, Dst, Src); printf("%s - quant_h263_inter %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xbd315a7e)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_QUANT2(dequant_h263_intra, Dst, Src); printf("%s - dequant_h263_intra %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0x9841212a)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_QUANT(dequant_h263_inter, Dst, Src); printf("%s - dequant_h263_inter %.3f usec crc32=0x%08x %s\n", cpu->name, t, s, (s!=0xe7df8fba)?"| ERROR": ""); printf( " --- \n" ); } } /********************************************************************* * test distortion operators *********************************************************************/ static void ieee_reseed(long s); static long ieee_rand(int Min, int Max); #define TEST_SSE(FUNCTION, SRC1, SRC2, STRIDE) \ do { \ t = gettime_usec(); \ tst = nb_tests; \ while((tst--)>0) sse = (FUNCTION)((SRC1), (SRC2), (STRIDE)); \ emms(); \ t = (gettime_usec() - t)/(double)nb_tests; \ } while(0) void test_sse() { const int nb_tests = 100000*speed_ref; int i; CPU *cpu; DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Src1, 8, 8, int16_t, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Src2, 8, 8, int16_t, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Src3, 8, 8, int16_t, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Src4, 8, 8, int16_t, 16); printf( "\n ===== test sse =====\n" ); ieee_reseed(1); for(i=0; i<64; ++i) { Src1[i] = ieee_rand(-2048, 2047); Src2[i] = ieee_rand(-2048, 2047); Src3[i] = ieee_rand(-2048, 2047); Src4[i] = ieee_rand(-2048, 2047); } for(cpu = cpu_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu) { double t; int tst, sse; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; /* 16 bit element blocks */ TEST_SSE(sse8_16bit, Src1, Src2, 16); printf("%s - sse8_16bit#1 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=182013834)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_16bit, Src1, Src3, 16); printf("%s - sse8_16bit#2 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=142545203)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_16bit, Src1, Src4, 16); printf("%s - sse8_16bit#3 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=146340935)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_16bit, Src2, Src3, 16); printf("%s - sse8_16bit#4 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=130136661)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_16bit, Src2, Src4, 16); printf("%s - sse8_16bit#5 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=136870353)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_16bit, Src3, Src4, 16); printf("%s - sse8_16bit#6 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=164107772)?"| ERROR": ""); /* 8 bit element blocks */ TEST_SSE(sse8_8bit, (int8_t*)Src1, (int8_t*)Src2, 8); printf("%s - sse8_8bit#1 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=1356423)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_8bit, (int8_t*)Src1, (int8_t*)Src3, 8); printf("%s - sse8_8bit#2 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=1173074)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_8bit, (int8_t*)Src1, (int8_t*)Src4, 8); printf("%s - sse8_8bit#3 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=1092357)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_8bit, (int8_t*)Src2, (int8_t*)Src3, 8); printf("%s - sse8_8bit#4 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=1360239)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_8bit, (int8_t*)Src2, (int8_t*)Src4, 8); printf("%s - sse8_8bit#5 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=1208414)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_SSE(sse8_8bit, (int8_t*)Src3, (int8_t*)Src4, 8); printf("%s - sse8_8bit#6 %.3f usec sse=%d %s\n", cpu->name, t, sse, (sse!=1099285)?"| ERROR": ""); printf(" ---\n"); } } /********************************************************************* * test non-zero AC counting *********************************************************************/ #define TEST_CBP(FUNC, SRC, NB) \ t = gettime_usec(); \ emms(); \ for(tst=0; tst3*64); Src4[i] = (i==(3*64+2) || i==(5*64+9)); Src5[i] = ieee_rand(0,1) ? -1 : 1; /* +/- test */ } for(cpu = cpu_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu) { double t; int tst, cbp; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; TEST_CBP(calc_cbp, Src1, nb_tests); printf("%s - calc_cbp#1 %.3f usec cbp=0x%02x %s\n", cpu->name, t, cbp, (cbp!=0x15)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_CBP(calc_cbp, Src2, nb_tests); printf("%s - calc_cbp#2 %.3f usec cbp=0x%02x %s\n", cpu->name, t, cbp, (cbp!=0x38)?"| ERROR": ""); TEST_CBP(calc_cbp, Src3, nb_tests); printf("%s - calc_cbp#3 %.3f usec cbp=0x%02x %s\n", cpu->name, t, cbp, (cbp!=0x0f)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_CBP(calc_cbp, Src4, nb_tests); printf("%s - calc_cbp#4 %.3f usec cbp=0x%02x %s\n", cpu->name, t, cbp, (cbp!=0x05)?"| ERROR": "" ); TEST_CBP(calc_cbp, Src5, nb_tests); printf("%s - calc_cbp#4 %.3f usec cbp=0x%02x %s\n", cpu->name, t, cbp, (cbp!=0x3f)?"| ERROR": "" ); printf( " --- \n" ); } for(cpu = cpu_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu) /* bench suggested by Carlo (carlo dot bramix at libero dot it) */ { double t; int tst, cbp, err; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; err = 0; for(n=0; n<6; ++n) { for(m=0; m<64; ++m) { for(i=0; i<6*64; ++i) Src1[i] = (i== (m + n*64)); TEST_CBP(calc_cbp, Src1, 1); if (cbp!= (((m!=0)<<(5-n)))) { printf( "%s - calc_cbp#5: ERROR at pos %d / %d!\n", cpu->name, n, m); err = 1; break; } } } if (!err) printf( " %s - calc_cbp#5 : OK\n", cpu->name ); } } /********************************************************************* * fdct/idct IEEE1180 compliance *********************************************************************/ typedef struct { long Errors[64]; long Sqr_Errors[64]; long Max_Errors[64]; long Nb; } STATS_8x8; void init_stats(STATS_8x8 *S) { int i; for(i=0; i<64; ++i) { S->Errors[i] = 0; S->Sqr_Errors[i] = 0; S->Max_Errors[i] = 0; } S->Nb = 0; } void store_stats(STATS_8x8 *S, short Blk[64], short Ref[64]) { int i; for(i=0; i<64; ++i) { short Err = Blk[i] - Ref[i]; S->Errors[i] += Err; S->Sqr_Errors[i] += Err * Err; if (Err<0) Err = -Err; if (S->Max_Errors[i]Max_Errors[i] = Err; } S->Nb++; } void print_stats(STATS_8x8 *S) { int i; double Norm; assert(S->Nb>0); Norm = 1. / (double)S->Nb; printf("\n== Max absolute values of errors ==\n"); for(i=0; i<64; i++) { printf(" %4ld", S->Max_Errors[i]); if ((i&7)==7) printf("\n"); } printf("\n== Mean square errors ==\n"); for(i=0; i<64; i++) { double Err = Norm * (double)S->Sqr_Errors[i]; printf(" %.3f", Err); if ((i&7)==7) printf("\n"); } printf("\n== Mean errors ==\n"); for(i=0; i<64; i++) { double Err = Norm * (double)S->Errors[i]; printf(" %.3f", Err); if ((i&7)==7) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } static const char *CHECK(double v, double l) { if (fabs(v)<=l) return "ok"; else return "FAIL!"; } void report_stats(STATS_8x8 *S, const double *Limits) { int i; double Norm, PE, PMSE, OMSE, PME, OME; assert(S->Nb>0); Norm = 1. / (double)S->Nb; PE = 0.; for(i=0; i<64; i++) { if (PEMax_Errors[i]) PE = S->Max_Errors[i]; } PMSE = 0.; OMSE = 0.; for(i=0; i<64; i++) { double Err = Norm * (double)S->Sqr_Errors[i]; OMSE += Err; if (PMSE < Err) PMSE = Err; } OMSE /= 64.; PME = 0.; OME = 0.; for(i=0; i<64; i++) { double Err = Norm * (double)S->Errors[i]; OME += Err; Err = fabs(Err); if (PME < Err) PME = Err; } OME /= 64.; printf( "Peak error: %4.4f\n", PE ); printf( "Peak MSE: %4.4f\n", PMSE ); printf( "Overall MSE: %4.4f\n", OMSE ); printf( "Peak ME: %4.4f\n", PME ); printf( "Overall ME: %4.4f\n", OME ); if (Limits!=0) { printf( "[PE<=%.4f %s] ", Limits[0], CHECK(PE, Limits[0]) ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "[PMSE<=%.4f %s]", Limits[1], CHECK(PMSE, Limits[1]) ); printf( "[OMSE<=%.4f %s]", Limits[2], CHECK(OMSE, Limits[2]) ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "[PME<=%.4f %s] ", Limits[3], CHECK(PME , Limits[3]) ); printf( "[OME<=%.4f %s] ", Limits[4], CHECK(OME , Limits[4]) ); printf( "\n" ); } } ///* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* Pseudo-random generator specified by IEEE 1180 */ static long ieee_seed = 1; static void ieee_reseed(long s) { ieee_seed = s; } static long ieee_rand(int Min, int Max) { static double z = (double) 0x7fffffff; long i,j; double x; ieee_seed = (ieee_seed * 1103515245) + 12345; i = ieee_seed & 0x7ffffffe; x = ((double) i) / z; x *= (Max-Min+1); j = (long)x; j = j + Min; assert(j>=Min && j<=Max); return (short)j; } #define CLAMP(x, M) (x) = ((x)<-(M)) ? (-(M)) : ((x)>=(M) ? ((M)-1) : (x)) static double Cos[8][8]; static void init_ref_dct() { int i, j; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { double scale = (i == 0) ? sqrt(0.125) : 0.5; for (j=0; j<8; j++) Cos[i][j] = scale*cos( (M_PI/8.0)*i*(j + 0.5) ); } } void ref_idct(short *M) { int i, j, k; double Tmp[8][8]; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { for(j=0; j<8; j++) { double Sum = 0.0; for (k=0; k<8; k++) Sum += Cos[k][j]*M[8*i+k]; Tmp[i][j] = Sum; } } for(i=0; i<8; i++) { for(j=0; j<8; j++) { double Sum = 0.0; for (k=0; k<8; k++) Sum += Cos[k][i]*Tmp[k][j]; M[8*i+j] = (short)floor(Sum + .5); } } } void ref_fdct(short *M) { int i, j, k; double Tmp[8][8]; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { for(j=0; j<8; j++) { double Sum = 0.0; for (k=0; k<8; k++) Sum += Cos[j][k]*M[8*i+k]; Tmp[i][j] = Sum; } } for(i=0; i<8; i++) { for(j=0; j<8; j++) { double Sum = 0.0; for (k=0; k<8; k++) Sum += Cos[i][k]*Tmp[k][j]; M[8*i+j] = (short)floor(Sum + 0.5); } } } void test_IEEE1180_compliance(int Min, int Max, int Sign) { static const double ILimits[5] = { 1., 0.06, 0.02, 0.015, 0.0015 }; int Loops = 10000; int i, m, n; DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Blk0, 8, 8, short, 16); /* reference */ DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Blk, 8, 8, short, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(iBlk, 8, 8, short, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Ref_FDCT, 8, 8, short, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Ref_IDCT, 8, 8, short, 16); STATS_8x8 FStats; /* forward dct stats */ STATS_8x8 IStats; /* inverse dct stats */ CPU *cpu; init_ref_dct(); for(cpu = cpu_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu) { if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; printf( "\n===== IEEE test for %s ==== (Min=%d Max=%d Sign=%d Loops=%d)\n", cpu->name, Min, Max, Sign, Loops); init_stats(&IStats); init_stats(&FStats); ieee_reseed(1); for(n=0; nname!=0; ++cpu) { short Blk0[64], Blk[64]; STATS_8x8 Stats; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; printf( "\n===== IEEE test for %s Min=%d Max=%d =====\n", cpu->name, Min, Max ); /* FDCT tests // */ init_stats(&Stats); /* test each computation channels separately */ for(i=0; i<64; i++) Blk[i] = Blk0[i] = ((i/8)==(i%8)) ? Max : 0; ref_fdct(Blk0); emms(); fdct(Blk); emms(); store_stats(&Stats, Blk, Blk0); for(i=0; i<64; i++) Blk[i] = Blk0[i] = ((i/8)==(i%8)) ? Min : 0; ref_fdct(Blk0); emms(); fdct(Blk); emms(); store_stats(&Stats, Blk, Blk0); /* randomly saturated inputs */ for(p=0; p=p)? Max : Min; ref_fdct(Blk0); emms(); fdct(Blk); emms(); store_stats(&Stats, Blk, Blk0); } } printf( "\n -- FDCT saturation report --\n" ); report_stats(&Stats, 0); /* IDCT tests // */ #if 0 /* no finished yet */ init_stats(&Stats); /* test each computation channel separately */ for(i=0; i<64; i++) Blk[i] = Blk0[i] = ((i/8)==(i%8)) ? IDCT_MAX : 0; ref_idct(Blk0); emms(); idct(Blk); emms(); for(i=0; i<64; i++) { CLAMP(Blk0[i], IDCT_OUT); CLAMP(Blk[i], IDCT_OUT); } store_stats(&Stats, Blk, Blk0); for(i=0; i<64; i++) Blk[i] = Blk0[i] = ((i/8)==(i%8)) ? IDCT_MIN : 0; ref_idct(Blk0); emms(); idct(Blk); emms(); for(i=0; i<64; i++) { CLAMP(Blk0[i], IDCT_OUT); CLAMP(Blk[i], IDCT_OUT); } store_stats(&Stats, Blk, Blk0); /* randomly saturated inputs */ for(p=0; p=p)? IDCT_MAX : IDCT_MIN; ref_idct(Blk0); emms(); idct(Blk); emms(); for(i=0; i<64; i++) { CLAMP(Blk0[i],IDCT_OUT); CLAMP(Blk[i],IDCT_OUT); } store_stats(&Stats, Blk, Blk0); } } printf( "\n -- IDCT saturation report --\n" ); print_stats(&Stats); report_stats(&Stats, 0); #endif } } /********************************************************************* * measure raw decoding speed *********************************************************************/ void test_dec(const char *name, int width, int height, int ref_chksum) { FILE *f = 0; void *dechandle = 0; int xerr; xvid_gbl_init_t xinit; xvid_dec_create_t xparam; xvid_dec_frame_t xframe; double t = 0.; int nb = 0; uint8_t *buf = 0; uint8_t *yuv_out = 0; int buf_size, pos; uint32_t chksum = 0; int bps = (width+31) & ~31; memset(&xinit, 0, sizeof(xinit)); xinit.cpu_flags = cpu_mask; xinit.version = XVID_VERSION; xvid_global(NULL, 0, &xinit, NULL); memset(&xparam, 0, sizeof(xparam)); xparam.width = width; xparam.height = height; xparam.version = XVID_VERSION; xerr = xvid_decore(NULL, XVID_DEC_CREATE, &xparam, NULL); if (xerr==XVID_ERR_FAIL) { printf("ERROR: can't init decoder (err=%d)\n", xerr); return; } dechandle = xparam.handle; f = fopen(name, "rb"); if (f==0) { printf( "ERROR: can't open file '%s'\n", name); return; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); buf_size = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); if (buf_size<=0) { printf("ERROR: error while stating file\n"); goto End; } buf = malloc(buf_size); yuv_out = calloc(1, bps*height*3/2 + 15); if (buf==0 || yuv_out==0) { printf( "ERROR: malloc failed!\n" ); goto End; } if (fread(buf, buf_size, 1, f)!=1) { printf( "ERROR: file-read failed\n" ); goto End; } nb = 0; pos = 0; t = -gettime_usec(); while(1) { int y; memset(&xframe, 0, sizeof(xframe)); xframe.version = XVID_VERSION; xframe.bitstream = buf + pos; xframe.length = buf_size - pos; xframe.output.plane[0] = (uint8_t*)(((size_t)yuv_out + 15) & ~15); xframe.output.plane[1] = (uint8_t*)xframe.output.plane[0] + bps*height; xframe.output.plane[2] = (uint8_t*)xframe.output.plane[1] + bps/2; xframe.output.stride[0] = bps; xframe.output.stride[1] = bps; xframe.output.stride[2] = bps; xframe.output.csp = XVID_CSP_I420; xerr = xvid_decore(dechandle, XVID_DEC_DECODE, &xframe, 0); if (xerr<0) { printf("ERROR: decoding failed for frame #%d (err=%d)!\n", nb, xerr); break; } else if (xerr==0) break; else if (verbose>0) printf("#%d %d\n", nb, xerr ); pos += xerr; nb++; for(y=0; y0.) printf( "%d frames decoded in %.3f s -> %.1f FPS Checksum:0x%.8x\n", nb, t*1.e-6f, (float)(nb*1.e6f/t), chksum ); } else { printf("FPS:%.1f Checksum: 0x%.8x Expected:0x%.8x | %s\n", t>0. ? (float)(nb*1.e6f/t) : 0.f, chksum, ref_chksum, (chksum==ref_chksum) ? "OK" : "ERROR"); } End: if (yuv_out!=0) free(yuv_out); if (buf!=0) free(buf); if (dechandle!=0) { xerr= xvid_decore(dechandle, XVID_DEC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL); if (xerr==XVID_ERR_FAIL) printf("ERROR: destroy-decoder failed (err=%d)!\n", xerr); } if (f!=0) fclose(f); } /********************************************************************* * non-regression tests *********************************************************************/ void test_bugs1() { CPU *cpu; uint16_t mpeg_quant_matrices[64*8]; printf( "\n ===== (de)quant4_intra saturation bug? =====\n" ); for(cpu = cpu_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu) { int i; int16_t Src[8*8], Dst[8*8]; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; for(i=0; i<64; ++i) Src[i] = i-32; set_intra_matrix( mpeg_quant_matrices, get_default_intra_matrix() ); dequant_mpeg_intra(Dst, Src, 31, 5, mpeg_quant_matrices); printf( "dequant_mpeg_intra with CPU=%s: ", cpu->name); printf( " Out[]= " ); for(i=0; i<64; ++i) printf( "[%d]", Dst[i]); printf( "\n" ); } printf( "\n ===== (de)quant4_inter saturation bug? =====\n" ); for(cpu = cpu_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu) { int i; int16_t Src[8*8], Dst[8*8]; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; for(i=0; i<64; ++i) Src[i] = i-32; set_inter_matrix( mpeg_quant_matrices, get_default_inter_matrix() ); dequant_mpeg_inter(Dst, Src, 31, mpeg_quant_matrices); printf( "dequant_mpeg_inter with CPU=%s: ", cpu->name); printf( " Out[]= " ); for(i=0; i<64; ++i) printf( "[%d]", Dst[i]); printf( "\n" ); } } void test_dct_precision_diffs() { CPU *cpu; DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Blk, 8, 8, int16_t, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Blk0, 8, 8, int16_t, 16); printf( "\n ===== fdct/idct precision diffs =====\n" ); for(cpu = cpu_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu) { int i; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; for(i=0; i<8*8; ++i) { Blk0[i] = (i*7-i*i) & 0x7f; Blk[i] = Blk0[i]; } fdct(Blk); idct(Blk); printf( " fdct+idct diffs with CPU=%s: \n", cpu->name ); for(i=0; i<8; ++i) { int j; for(j=0; j<8; ++j) printf( " %d ", Blk[i*8+j]-Blk0[i*8+j]); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } } void test_quant_bug() { const int max_Q = 31; int i, n, qm, q; CPU *cpu; DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Src, 8, 8, int16_t, 16); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Dst, 8, 8, int16_t, 16); uint8_t Quant[8*8]; CPU cpu_bug_list[] = { { "PLAINC", 0 }, { "MMX ", XVID_CPU_MMX }, {0,0} }; uint16_t Crcs_Inter[2][32]; uint16_t Crcs_Intra[2][32]; DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(mpeg_quant_matrices, 8, 64, uint16_t, 16); printf( "\n ===== test MPEG4-quantize bug =====\n" ); for(i=0; i<64; ++i) Src[i] = 2048*(i-32)/32; #if 1 for(qm=1; qm<=255; ++qm) { for(i=0; i<8*8; ++i) Quant[i] = qm; set_inter_matrix( mpeg_quant_matrices, Quant ); for(n=0, cpu = cpu_bug_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu, ++n) { uint16_t s; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; for(q=1; q<=max_Q; ++q) { emms(); quant_mpeg_inter( Dst, Src, q, mpeg_quant_matrices ); emms(); for(s=0, i=0; i<64; ++i) s+=((uint16_t)Dst[i])^i; Crcs_Inter[n][q] = s; } } for(q=1; q<=max_Q; ++q) for(i=0; i %d/%d !\n", qm, q, Crcs_Inter[i][q], Crcs_Inter[i+1][q]); } #endif #if 1 for(qm=1; qm<=255; ++qm) { for(i=0; i<8*8; ++i) Quant[i] = qm; set_intra_matrix( mpeg_quant_matrices, Quant ); for(n=0, cpu = cpu_bug_list; cpu->name!=0; ++cpu, ++n) { uint16_t s; if (!init_cpu(cpu)) continue; for(q=1; q<=max_Q; ++q) { emms(); quant_mpeg_intra( Dst, Src, q, q, mpeg_quant_matrices); emms(); for(s=0, i=0; i<64; ++i) s+=((uint16_t)Dst[i])^i; Crcs_Intra[n][q] = s; } } for(q=1; q<=max_Q; ++q) for(i=0; i %d/%d!\n", qm, q, Crcs_Inter[i][q], Crcs_Inter[i+1][q]); } #endif } /*********************************************************************/ static uint32_t __inline log2bin_v1(uint32_t value) { int n = 0; while (value) { value >>= 1; n++; } return n; } static const uint8_t log2_tab_16[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 }; static uint32_t __inline log2bin_v2(uint32_t value) { int n = 0; if (value & 0xffff0000) { value >>= 16; n += 16; } if (value & 0xff00) { value >>= 8; n += 8; } if (value & 0xf0) { value >>= 4; n += 4; } return n + log2_tab_16[value]; } void test_log2bin() { const int nb_tests = 3000*speed_ref; int n, crc1=0, crc2=0; uint32_t s, s0; double t1, t2; t1 = gettime_usec(); s0 = (int)(t1*31.241); for(s=s0, n=0; n 1) { if (*num % i == 0 && *den % i == 0) { *num /= i; *den /= i; i = *num; continue; } i--; } } static uint32_t gcd(int num, int den) { int tmp; while( (tmp=num%den) ) { num = den; den = tmp; } return den; } static void __inline new_gcd(int *num, int *den) { const int div = gcd(*num, *den); if (num) { *num /= div; *den /= div; } } void test_gcd() { const int nb_tests = 10*speed_ref; int i; uint32_t crc1=0, crc2=0; uint32_t n0, n, d0, d; double t1, t2; t1 = gettime_usec(); n0 = 0xfffff & (int)(t1*31.241); d0 = 0xfffff & (int)( ((n0*4123)%17) | 1 ); for(n=n0, d=d0, i=0; i>4)^d) + ((crc1<<2)^n) ) & 0xffffff; n = d; d = (d*12363+31) & 0xffff; d |= !d; } t1 = (gettime_usec()-t1) / nb_tests; t2 = gettime_usec(); for(n=n0, d=d0, i=0; i>4)^d) + ((crc2<<2)^n) ) & 0xffffff; n = d; d = (d*12363+31) & 0xffff; d |= !d; } t2 = (gettime_usec() - t2) / nb_tests; printf( "old_gcd: %.3f sec crc=%d\n", t1, crc1 ); printf( "new_gcd: %.3f sec crc=%d\n", t2, crc2 ); if (crc1!=crc2) printf( " CRC ERROR !\n" ); } /********************************************************************* * test compiler *********************************************************************/ void test_compiler() { int nb_err = 0; int32_t v; if (sizeof(uint16_t)<2) { printf( "ERROR: sizeof(uint16_t)<2 !!\n" ); nb_err++; } if (sizeof(int16_t)<2) { printf( "ERROR: sizeof(int16_t)<2 !!\n" ); nb_err++; } if (sizeof(uint8_t)!=1) { printf( "ERROR: sizeof(uint8_t)!=1 !!\n" ); nb_err++; } if (sizeof(int8_t)!=1) { printf( "ERROR: sizeof(int8_t)!=1 !!\n" ); nb_err++; } if (sizeof(uint32_t)<4) { printf( "ERROR: sizeof(uint32_t)<4 !!\n" ); nb_err++; } if (sizeof(int32_t)<4) { printf( "ERROR: sizeof(int32_t)<4 !!\n" ); nb_err++; } /* yes, i know, this test is silly. But better be safe than sorry. :) */ for(v=1000; v>=0; v--) { if ( (v>>2) != v/4) nb_err++; } for(v=-1000; v!=-1; v++) { if ( (v>>2) != (v/4)-!!(v%4)) nb_err++; } if (nb_err!=0) { printf( "ERROR! please post your platform/compiler specs to xvid-devel@xvid.org !\n" ); } } /********************************************************************* * test bitstream functions *********************************************************************/ #define BIT_BUF_SIZE 2000 static void test_bits() { const int nb_tests = 50*speed_ref; int tst; uint32_t Crc; uint8_t Buf[BIT_BUF_SIZE]; uint32_t Extracted[BIT_BUF_SIZE*8]; /* worst case: bits read 1 by 1 */ int Lens[BIT_BUF_SIZE*8]; double t1; printf( "\n === test bitstream ===\n" ); ieee_reseed(1); Crc = 0; t1 = gettime_usec(); for(tst=0; tst0; m++) { const int b = ieee_rand(1,32); Lens[m] = b; l2 -= b; if (l2<0) break; Extracted[m] = BitstreamShowBits(&bs, b); BitstreamSkip(&bs, b); // printf( "<= %d: %d 0x%x\n", m, b, Extracted[m]); } BitstreamReset(&bs); for(m2=0; m2 %d: %d 0x%x %c\n", m2, b, v, " *"[Crc]); } } t1 = (gettime_usec() - t1) / nb_tests; printf(" test_bits %.3f usec %s\n", t1, (Crc!=0)?"| ERROR": "" ); } /********************************************************************* * main *********************************************************************/ static void arg_missing(const char *opt) { printf( "missing argument after option '%s'\n", opt); exit(-1); } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int c, what = 0; int width, height; uint32_t chksum = 0; const char * test_bitstream = 0; cpu_mask = 0; // default => will use autodectect for(c=1; cargc) { printf("usage: %s %d bitstream width height (checksum)\n", argv[0], what); exit(-1); } test_bitstream = argv[++c]; width = atoi(argv[++c]); height = atoi(argv[++c]); if (c+1= 0 && what <= 6) || what == 10) { printf("\n\n" "NB: If a function isn't optimised for a specific set of intructions,\n" " a C function is used instead. So don't panic if some functions\n" " may appear to be slow.\n"); } #ifdef ARCH_IS_IA32 if (what == 0 || what == 5) { printf("\n" "NB: MMX mpeg4 quantization is known to have very small errors (+/-1 magnitude)\n" " for 1 or 2 coefficients a block. This is mainly caused by the fact the unit\n" " test goes far behind the usual limits of real encoding. Please do not report\n" " this error to the developers.\n"); } #endif return 0; } /*********************************************************************/