/************************************************************************** * * XVID VFW FRONTEND * codec * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************** * * History: * * 12.07.2002 num_threads * 23.06.2002 XVID_CPU_CHKONLY; loading speed up * 25.04.2002 ICDECOMPRESS_PREROLL * 17.04.2002 re-enabled lumi masking for 1st pass * 15.04.2002 updated cbr support * 04.04.2002 separated 2-pass code to 2pass.c * interlacing support * hinted ME support * 23.03.2002 daniel smith * changed inter4v to only be in modes 5 or 6 * fixed null mode crash ? * merged foxer's alternative 2-pass code * added DEBUGERR output on errors instead of returning * 16.03.2002 daniel smith * changed BITMAPV4HEADER to BITMAPINFOHEADER * - prevents memcpy crash in compress_get_format() * credits are processed in external 2pass mode * motion search precision = 0 now effective in 2-pass * modulated quantization * added DX50 fourcc * 01.12.2001 inital version; (c)2001 peter ross * *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "vfwext.h" #include #include "debug.h" #include "codec.h" #include "status.h" static const int pmvfast_presets[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16 | 0, 0 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16 | 0 | XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND16, XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16 | XVID_ME_EXTSEARCH16 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE8 | 0 | XVID_ME_USESQUARES16 }; /* return xvid compatbile colorspace, or XVID_CSP_NULL if failure */ int get_colorspace(BITMAPINFOHEADER * hdr) { /* rgb only: negative height specifies top down image */ int rgb_flip = (hdr->biHeight < 0 ? 0 : XVID_CSP_VFLIP); switch(hdr->biCompression) { case BI_RGB : if (hdr->biBitCount == 16) { DPRINTF("RGB16 (RGB555)"); return rgb_flip | XVID_CSP_RGB555; } if (hdr->biBitCount == 24) { DPRINTF("RGB24"); return rgb_flip | XVID_CSP_BGR; } if (hdr->biBitCount == 32) { DPRINTF("RGB32"); return rgb_flip | XVID_CSP_BGRA; } DPRINTF("unsupported BI_RGB biBitCount=%i", hdr->biBitCount); return XVID_CSP_NULL; case BI_BITFIELDS : if (hdr->biSize >= sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER)) { BITMAPV4HEADER * hdr4 = (BITMAPV4HEADER *)hdr; if (hdr4->bV4BitCount == 16 && hdr4->bV4RedMask == 0x7c00 && hdr4->bV4GreenMask == 0x3e0 && hdr4->bV4BlueMask == 0x1f) { DPRINTF("RGB555"); return rgb_flip | XVID_CSP_RGB555; } if(hdr4->bV4BitCount == 16 && hdr4->bV4RedMask == 0xf800 && hdr4->bV4GreenMask == 0x7e0 && hdr4->bV4BlueMask == 0x1f) { DPRINTF("RGB565"); return rgb_flip | XVID_CSP_RGB565; } DPRINTF("unsupported BI_BITFIELDS mode"); return XVID_CSP_NULL; } DPRINTF("unsupported BI_BITFIELDS/BITMAPHEADER combination"); return XVID_CSP_NULL; case FOURCC_I420 : case FOURCC_IYUV : DPRINTF("IYUY"); return XVID_CSP_I420; case FOURCC_YV12 : DPRINTF("YV12"); return XVID_CSP_YV12; case FOURCC_YUYV : case FOURCC_YUY2 : DPRINTF("YUY2"); return XVID_CSP_YUY2; case FOURCC_YVYU : DPRINTF("YVYU"); return XVID_CSP_YVYU; case FOURCC_UYVY : DPRINTF("UYVY"); return XVID_CSP_UYVY; default : DPRINTF("unsupported colorspace %c%c%c%c", hdr->biCompression&0xff, (hdr->biCompression>>8)&0xff, (hdr->biCompression>>16)&0xff, (hdr->biCompression>>24)&0xff); return XVID_CSP_NULL; } } /* compressor */ /* test the output format */ LRESULT compress_query(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = &lpbiInput->bmiHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = &lpbiOutput->bmiHeader; /* VFWEXT detection */ if (inhdr->biCompression == VFWEXT_FOURCC) { return (ICM_USER+0x0fff); } if (get_colorspace(inhdr) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } if (lpbiOutput == NULL) { return ICERR_OK; } if (inhdr->biWidth != outhdr->biWidth || inhdr->biHeight != outhdr->biHeight || (outhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_XVID && outhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_DIVX && outhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_DX50)) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT compress_get_format(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = &lpbiInput->bmiHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = &lpbiOutput->bmiHeader; if (get_colorspace(inhdr) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } if (lpbiOutput == NULL) { return sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER); } memcpy(outhdr, inhdr, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); outhdr->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); outhdr->biSizeImage = compress_get_size(codec, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput); outhdr->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; outhdr->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; outhdr->biClrUsed = 0; outhdr->biClrImportant = 0; if (codec->config.fourcc_used == 0) { outhdr->biCompression = FOURCC_XVID; } else if (codec->config.fourcc_used == 1) { outhdr->biCompression = FOURCC_DIVX; } else { outhdr->biCompression = FOURCC_DX50; } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT compress_get_size(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { return 2 * lpbiOutput->bmiHeader.biWidth * lpbiOutput->bmiHeader.biHeight * 3; } LRESULT compress_frames_info(CODEC * codec, ICCOMPRESSFRAMES * icf) { #if 0 DPRINTF("%i %i", icf->lStartFrame, icf->lFrameCount); #endif codec->fincr = icf->dwScale; codec->fbase = icf->dwRate; return ICERR_OK; } const char type2char(int type) { if (type==XVID_TYPE_IVOP) return 'I'; if (type==XVID_TYPE_PVOP) return 'P'; if (type==XVID_TYPE_BVOP) return 'B'; return 'S'; } int vfw_debug(void *handle, int opt, void *param1, void *param2) { switch (opt) { case XVID_PLG_INFO: case XVID_PLG_CREATE: case XVID_PLG_DESTROY: case XVID_PLG_BEFORE: return 0; case XVID_PLG_AFTER: { xvid_plg_data_t *data = (xvid_plg_data_t *) param1; DPRINTF("[%5i] type=%c Q:%2i length:%6i", data->frame_num, type2char(data->type), data->quant, data->length); return 0; } } return XVID_ERR_FAIL; } LRESULT compress_begin(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { xvid_gbl_init_t init; xvid_enc_create_t create; xvid_enc_plugin_t plugins[3]; xvid_plugin_single_t single; xvid_plugin_2pass1_t pass1; xvid_plugin_2pass2_t pass2; int i; /* destroy previously created codec */ if(codec->ehandle) { xvid_encore(codec->ehandle, XVID_ENC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL); codec->ehandle = NULL; } memset(&init, 0, sizeof(init)); init.version = XVID_VERSION; init.cpu_flags = codec->config.cpu; init.debug = codec->config.debug; xvid_global(0, XVID_GBL_INIT, &init, NULL); memset(&create, 0, sizeof(create)); create.version = XVID_VERSION; /* zones */ create.zones = malloc(sizeof(xvid_enc_zone_t) * codec->config.num_zones); create.num_zones = codec->config.num_zones; for (i=0; i < create.num_zones; i++) { create.zones[i].frame = codec->config.zones[i].frame; if (codec->config.zones[i].mode == RC_ZONE_QUANT) { create.zones[i].mode = XVID_ZONE_QUANT; create.zones[i].increment = codec->config.zones[i].quant; }else{ create.zones[i].mode = XVID_ZONE_WEIGHT; create.zones[i].increment = codec->config.zones[i].weight; } create.zones[i].base = 100; } /* plugins */ create.plugins = plugins; switch (codec->config.mode) { case RC_MODE_1PASS : memset(&single, 0, sizeof(single)); single.version = XVID_VERSION; single.bitrate = codec->config.bitrate * CONFIG_KBPS; single.reaction_delay_factor = codec->config.rc_reaction_delay_factor; single.averaging_period = codec->config.rc_averaging_period; single.buffer = codec->config.rc_buffer; plugins[create.num_plugins].func = xvid_plugin_single; plugins[create.num_plugins].param = &single; create.num_plugins++; break; case RC_MODE_2PASS1 : memset(&pass1, 0, sizeof(pass1)); pass1.version = XVID_VERSION; pass1.filename = codec->config.stats; plugins[create.num_plugins].func = xvid_plugin_2pass1; plugins[create.num_plugins].param = &pass1; create.num_plugins++; break; case RC_MODE_2PASS2 : memset(&pass2, 0, sizeof(pass2)); pass2.version = XVID_VERSION; if (codec->config.use_2pass_bitrate) { pass2.bitrate = codec->config.bitrate * CONFIG_KBPS; }else{ pass2.bitrate = -codec->config.desired_size; /* kilobytes */ } pass2.filename = codec->config.stats; pass2.keyframe_boost = codec->config.keyframe_boost; /* keyframe boost percentage: [0..100...]; */ pass2.payback_method = codec->config.bitrate_payback_method; pass2.bitrate_payback_delay = codec->config.bitrate_payback_delay; pass2.curve_compression_high = codec->config.curve_compression_high; pass2.curve_compression_low = codec->config.curve_compression_low; pass2.max_overflow_improvement = codec->config.twopass_max_overflow_improvement; pass2.max_overflow_degradation = codec->config.twopass_max_overflow_degradation; pass2.kftreshold = codec->config.kftreshold; pass2.kfreduction = codec->config.kfreduction; pass2.min_key_interval = codec->config.min_key_interval; pass2.container_frame_overhead = 24; /* AVI */ plugins[create.num_plugins].func = xvid_plugin_2pass2; plugins[create.num_plugins].param = &pass2; create.num_plugins++; break; case RC_MODE_NULL : return ICERR_OK; default : break; } if ((profiles[codec->config.profile].flags & PROFILE_ADAPTQUANT) && codec->config.lum_masking) { plugins[create.num_plugins].func = xvid_plugin_lumimasking; plugins[create.num_plugins].param = NULL; create.num_plugins++; } plugins[create.num_plugins].func = vfw_debug; plugins[create.num_plugins].param = NULL; create.num_plugins++; create.profile = profiles[codec->config.profile].id; create.width = lpbiInput->bmiHeader.biWidth; create.height = lpbiInput->bmiHeader.biHeight; create.fincr = codec->fincr; create.fbase = codec->fbase; create.max_key_interval = codec->config.max_key_interval; create.min_quant[0] = codec->config.min_iquant; create.max_quant[0] = codec->config.max_iquant; create.min_quant[1] = codec->config.min_pquant; create.max_quant[1] = codec->config.max_pquant; create.min_quant[2] = codec->config.min_bquant; create.max_quant[2] = codec->config.max_bquant; if ((profiles[codec->config.profile].flags & PROFILE_BVOP) && codec->config.use_bvop) { create.max_bframes = codec->config.max_bframes; create.bquant_ratio = codec->config.bquant_ratio; create.bquant_offset = codec->config.bquant_offset; if (codec->config.packed) create.global |= XVID_GLOBAL_PACKED; if (codec->config.closed_gov) create.global |= XVID_GLOBAL_CLOSED_GOP; } create.frame_drop_ratio = codec->config.frame_drop_ratio; create.num_threads = codec->config.num_threads; switch(xvid_encore(0, XVID_ENC_CREATE, &create, NULL)) { case XVID_ERR_FAIL : return ICERR_ERROR; case XVID_ERR_MEMORY : return ICERR_MEMORY; case XVID_ERR_FORMAT : return ICERR_BADFORMAT; case XVID_ERR_VERSION : return ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; } codec->ehandle = create.handle; codec->framenum = 0; codec->keyspacing = 0; if (codec->config.display_status) { status_destroy_always(&codec->status); status_create(&codec->status, codec->fincr, codec->fbase); } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT compress_end(CODEC * codec) { if (codec->ehandle != NULL) { xvid_encore(codec->ehandle, XVID_ENC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL); codec->ehandle = NULL; } if (codec->config.display_status) status_destroy(&codec->status); return ICERR_OK; } static void apply_zone_modifiers(xvid_enc_frame_t * frame, CONFIG * config, int framenum) { int i; for (i=0; inum_zones && config->zones[i].frame <= framenum; i++) ; i--; frame->type = config->zones[i].type; if (config->zones[i].greyscale) { frame->vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_GREYSCALE; } if (config->zones[i].chroma_opt) { frame->vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_CHROMAOPT; } if ((profiles[config->profile].flags & PROFILE_BVOP) && config->use_bvop) { frame->bframe_threshold = config->zones[i].bvop_threshold; } } LRESULT compress(CODEC * codec, ICCOMPRESS * icc) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = icc->lpbiInput; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = icc->lpbiOutput; xvid_enc_frame_t frame; xvid_enc_stats_t stats; int length; memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame)); frame.version = XVID_VERSION; frame.type = XVID_TYPE_AUTO; /* vol stuff */ if ((profiles[codec->config.profile].flags & PROFILE_MPEGQUANT) && codec->config.quant_type != QUANT_MODE_H263) { frame.vol_flags |= XVID_VOL_MPEGQUANT; if (codec->config.quant_type == QUANT_MODE_CUSTOM) { frame.quant_intra_matrix = codec->config.qmatrix_intra; frame.quant_inter_matrix = codec->config.qmatrix_inter; }else{ frame.quant_intra_matrix = NULL; frame.quant_inter_matrix = NULL; } } if ((profiles[codec->config.profile].flags & PROFILE_REDUCED) && codec->config.reduced_resolution) { frame.vol_flags |= XVID_VOL_REDUCED_ENABLE; frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_REDUCED; /* XXX: need auto decion mode */ } if ((profiles[codec->config.profile].flags & PROFILE_QPEL) && codec->config.qpel) { frame.vol_flags |= XVID_VOL_QUARTERPEL; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_QUARTERPELREFINE16 | XVID_ME_QUARTERPELREFINE8; } if ((profiles[codec->config.profile].flags & PROFILE_GMC) && codec->config.gmc) frame.vol_flags |= XVID_VOL_GMC; if ((profiles[codec->config.profile].flags & PROFILE_INTERLACE) && codec->config.interlacing) frame.vol_flags |= XVID_VOL_INTERLACING; /* vop stuff */ frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_HALFPEL; frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_HQACPRED; if (codec->config.vop_debug) frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_DEBUG; if (codec->config.trellis_quant) { frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_TRELLISQUANT; } if (codec->config.motion_search > 4) frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_INTER4V; if (codec->config.chromame) frame.vop_flags |= XVID_ME_CHROMA16 + XVID_ME_CHROMA8; frame.motion |= pmvfast_presets[codec->config.motion_search]; switch (codec->config.vhq_mode) { case VHQ_MODE_DECISION : frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_MODEDECISION_BITS; break; case VHQ_LIMITED_SEARCH : frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_MODEDECISION_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_QUARTERPELREFINE16_BITS; break; case VHQ_MEDIUM_SEARCH : frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_MODEDECISION_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE8_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_QUARTERPELREFINE16_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_QUARTERPELREFINE8_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_CHECKPREDICTION_BITS; break; case VHQ_WIDE_SEARCH : frame.vop_flags |= XVID_VOP_MODEDECISION_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE8_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_QUARTERPELREFINE16_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_QUARTERPELREFINE8_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_CHECKPREDICTION_BITS; frame.motion |= XVID_ME_EXTSEARCH_BITS; break; default : break; } frame.input.plane[0] = icc->lpInput; frame.input.stride[0] = (((icc->lpbiInput->biWidth * icc->lpbiInput->biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3; if ((frame.input.csp = get_colorspace(inhdr)) == XVID_CSP_NULL) return ICERR_BADFORMAT; if (frame.input.csp == XVID_CSP_I420 || frame.input.csp == XVID_CSP_YV12) frame.input.stride[0] = (frame.input.stride[0]*2)/3; frame.bitstream = icc->lpOutput; frame.length = icc->lpbiOutput->biSizeImage; frame.quant = 0; if (codec->config.mode == RC_MODE_NULL) { outhdr->biSizeImage = 0; *icc->lpdwFlags = AVIIF_KEYFRAME; return ICERR_OK; } // force keyframe spacing in 2-pass 1st pass if (codec->config.motion_search == 0) { frame.type = XVID_TYPE_IVOP; } else if (codec->keyspacing < codec->config.min_key_interval && codec->framenum) { DPRINTF("current frame forced to p-frame"); frame.type = XVID_TYPE_PVOP; } /* frame-based stuff */ apply_zone_modifiers(&frame, &codec->config, codec->framenum); /* call encore */ memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); stats.version = XVID_VERSION; length = xvid_encore(codec->ehandle, XVID_ENC_ENCODE, &frame, &stats); switch (length) { case XVID_ERR_FAIL : return ICERR_ERROR; case XVID_ERR_MEMORY : return ICERR_MEMORY; case XVID_ERR_FORMAT : return ICERR_BADFORMAT; case XVID_ERR_VERSION : return ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (codec->config.display_status && stats.type>0) { status_update(&codec->status, stats.type, stats.length, stats.quant); } DPRINTF("{type=%i len=%i} length=%i", stats.type, stats.length, length); if (length == 0) /* no encoder output */ { *icc->lpdwFlags = 0; ((char*)icc->lpOutput)[0] = 0x7f; /* virtual dub skip frame */ outhdr->biSizeImage = 1; }else{ if (frame.out_flags & XVID_KEYFRAME) { codec->keyspacing = 0; *icc->lpdwFlags = AVIIF_KEYFRAME; } else { *icc->lpdwFlags = 0; } outhdr->biSizeImage = length; if (codec->config.mode == RC_MODE_2PASS1 && codec->config.discard1pass) { outhdr->biSizeImage = 0; } } codec->framenum++; codec->keyspacing++; return ICERR_OK; } /* decompressor */ LRESULT decompress_query(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO *lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO *lpbiOutput) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = &lpbiInput->bmiHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = &lpbiOutput->bmiHeader; if (lpbiInput == NULL) { return ICERR_ERROR; } if (inhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_XVID && inhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_DIVX && inhdr->biCompression != FOURCC_DX50 && get_colorspace(inhdr) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } if (lpbiOutput == NULL) { return ICERR_OK; } if (inhdr->biWidth != outhdr->biWidth || inhdr->biHeight != outhdr->biHeight || get_colorspace(outhdr) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT decompress_get_format(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { BITMAPINFOHEADER * inhdr = &lpbiInput->bmiHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER * outhdr = &lpbiOutput->bmiHeader; LRESULT result; if (lpbiOutput == NULL) { return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); } /* --- yv12 --- */ if (get_colorspace(inhdr) != XVID_CSP_NULL) { memcpy(outhdr, inhdr, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); /* XXX: should we set outhdr->biSize ?? */ return ICERR_OK; } /* --- yv12 --- */ result = decompress_query(codec, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput); if (result != ICERR_OK) { return result; } outhdr->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); outhdr->biWidth = inhdr->biWidth; outhdr->biHeight = inhdr->biHeight; outhdr->biPlanes = 1; outhdr->biBitCount = 24; outhdr->biCompression = BI_RGB; /* sonic foundry vegas video v3 only supports BI_RGB */ outhdr->biSizeImage = outhdr->biWidth * outhdr->biHeight * outhdr->biBitCount; outhdr->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; outhdr->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; outhdr->biClrUsed = 0; outhdr->biClrImportant = 0; return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT decompress_begin(CODEC * codec, BITMAPINFO * lpbiInput, BITMAPINFO * lpbiOutput) { xvid_gbl_init_t init; xvid_dec_create_t create; memset(&init, 0, sizeof(init)); init.version = XVID_VERSION; init.cpu_flags = codec->config.cpu; xvid_global(0, XVID_GBL_INIT, &init, NULL); memset(&create, 0, sizeof(create)); create.version = XVID_VERSION; create.width = lpbiInput->bmiHeader.biWidth; create.height = lpbiInput->bmiHeader.biHeight; switch(xvid_decore(0, XVID_DEC_CREATE, &create, NULL)) { case XVID_ERR_FAIL : return ICERR_ERROR; case XVID_ERR_MEMORY : return ICERR_MEMORY; case XVID_ERR_FORMAT : return ICERR_BADFORMAT; case XVID_ERR_VERSION : return ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; } codec->dhandle = create.handle; return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT decompress_end(CODEC * codec) { if (codec->dhandle != NULL) { xvid_decore(codec->dhandle, XVID_DEC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL); codec->dhandle = NULL; } return ICERR_OK; } LRESULT decompress(CODEC * codec, ICDECOMPRESS * icd) { xvid_dec_frame_t frame; /* --- yv12 --- */ if (icd->lpbiInput->biCompression != FOURCC_XVID && icd->lpbiInput->biCompression != FOURCC_DIVX && icd->lpbiInput->biCompression != FOURCC_DX50) { xvid_gbl_convert_t convert; DPRINTF("input=%c%c%c%c output=%c%c%c%c", icd->lpbiInput->biCompression&0xff, (icd->lpbiInput->biCompression>>8)&0xff, (icd->lpbiInput->biCompression>>16)&0xff, (icd->lpbiInput->biCompression>>24)&0xff, icd->lpbiOutput->biCompression&0xff, (icd->lpbiOutput->biCompression>>8)&0xff, (icd->lpbiOutput->biCompression>>16)&0xff, (icd->lpbiOutput->biCompression>>24)&0xff); memset(&convert, 0, sizeof(convert)); convert.version = XVID_VERSION; convert.input.csp = get_colorspace(icd->lpbiInput); convert.input.plane[0] = icd->lpInput; convert.input.stride[0] = (((icd->lpbiInput->biWidth *icd->lpbiInput->biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3; if (convert.input.csp == XVID_CSP_I420 || convert.input.csp == XVID_CSP_YV12) convert.input.stride[0] = (convert.input.stride[0]*2)/3; convert.output.csp = get_colorspace(icd->lpbiOutput); convert.output.plane[0] = icd->lpOutput; convert.output.stride[0] = (((icd->lpbiOutput->biWidth *icd->lpbiOutput->biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3; if (convert.output.csp == XVID_CSP_I420 || convert.output.csp == XVID_CSP_YV12) convert.output.stride[0] = (convert.output.stride[0]*2)/3; convert.width = icd->lpbiInput->biWidth; convert.height = icd->lpbiInput->biHeight; convert.interlacing = 0; if (convert.input.csp == XVID_CSP_NULL || convert.output.csp == XVID_CSP_NULL || xvid_global(0, XVID_GBL_CONVERT, &convert, NULL) < 0) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } return ICERR_OK; } /* --- yv12 --- */ memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame)); frame.version = XVID_VERSION; frame.general = XVID_LOWDELAY; /* force low_delay_default mode */ frame.bitstream = icd->lpInput; frame.length = icd->lpbiInput->biSizeImage; if (~((icd->dwFlags & ICDECOMPRESS_HURRYUP) | (icd->dwFlags & ICDECOMPRESS_UPDATE) | (icd->dwFlags & ICDECOMPRESS_PREROLL))) { if ((frame.output.csp = get_colorspace(icd->lpbiOutput)) == XVID_CSP_NULL) { return ICERR_BADFORMAT; } frame.output.plane[0] = icd->lpOutput; frame.output.stride[0] = (((icd->lpbiOutput->biWidth * icd->lpbiOutput->biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3; if (frame.output.csp == XVID_CSP_I420 || frame.output.csp == XVID_CSP_YV12) frame.output.stride[0] = (frame.output.stride[0]*2)/3; } else { frame.output.csp = XVID_CSP_NULL; } switch (xvid_decore(codec->dhandle, XVID_DEC_DECODE, &frame, NULL)) { case XVID_ERR_FAIL : return ICERR_ERROR; case XVID_ERR_MEMORY : return ICERR_MEMORY; case XVID_ERR_FORMAT : return ICERR_BADFORMAT; case XVID_ERR_VERSION : return ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; } return ICERR_OK; }