/****************************************************************************** * * XviD Bit Rate Controller Library * - VBR 2 pass bitrate controller implementation - * * Copyright (C) 2002 Foxer * 2002 Dirk Knop * 2002-2003 Edouard Gomez * 2003 Pete Ross * * This curve treatment algorithm is the one originally implemented by Foxer * and tuned by Dirk Knop for the XviD vfw frontend. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: plugin_2pass2.c,v 2003-11-19 15:59:41 edgomez Exp $ * *****************************************************************************/ #undef COMPENSATE_FORMULA #include #include #include #include "../xvid.h" #include "../image/image.h" /***************************************************************************** * Some constants ****************************************************************************/ #define DEFAULT_KEYFRAME_BOOST 0 #define DEFAULT_OVERFLOW_CONTROL_STRENGTH 10 #define DEFAULT_CURVE_COMPRESSION_HIGH 0 #define DEFAULT_CURVE_COMPRESSION_LOW 0 #define DEFAULT_MAX_OVERFLOW_IMPROVEMENT 60 #define DEFAULT_MAX_OVERFLOW_DEGRADATION 60 /* Keyframe settings */ #define DEFAULT_KFREDUCTION 20 #define DEFAULT_MIN_KEY_INTERVAL 1 /***************************************************************************** * Structures ****************************************************************************/ /* Statistics */ typedef struct { int type; /* first pass type */ int quant; /* first pass quant */ int quant2; /* Second pass quant */ int blks[3]; /* k,m,y blks */ int length; /* first pass length */ int scaled_length; /* scaled length */ int desired_length; /* desired length; calculated during encoding */ int error; int zone_mode; /* XVID_ZONE_xxx */ double weight; } twopass_stat_t; /* Context struct */ typedef struct { xvid_plugin_2pass2_t param; /*---------------------------------- * constant statistical data *--------------------------------*/ /* Number of frames of the sequence */ int num_frames; /* Number of Intra frames of the sequence */ int num_keyframes; /* Target filesize to reach */ uint64_t target; /* Count of each frame types */ int count[3]; /* Total length of each frame types (1st pass) */ uint64_t tot_length[3]; /* Average length of each frame types (used first for 1st pass data and * then for scaled averages */ double avg_length[3]; /* Minimum frame length allowed for each frame type */ int min_length[3]; /* Total bytes per frame type once the curve has been scaled * NB: advanced parameters do not change this value. This field * represents the total scaled w/o any advanced settings */ uint64_t tot_scaled_length[3]; /* Maximum observed frame size observed during the first pass, the RC * will try tp force all frame sizes in the second pass to be under that * limit */ int max_length; /*---------------------------------- * Zones statistical data * * ToDo: Fix zones, current * implementation is buggy *--------------------------------*/ /* Average weight of the zones */ double avg_weight; /* Total length used by XVID_ZONE_QUANT zones */ int64_t tot_quant; /*---------------------------------- * Advanced settings helper ratios *--------------------------------*/ /* This the ratio that has to be applied to all p/b frames in order * to reserve/retrieve bits for/from keyframe boosting and consecutive * keyframe penalty */ double pb_iboost_tax_ratio; /* This the ratio to apply to all b/p frames in order to respect the * assymetric curve compression while respecting a target filesize * NB: The assymetric delta gain has to be computed before this ratio * is applied, and then the delta is added to the scaled size */ double assymetric_tax_ratio; /*---------------------------------- * Data from the stats file kept * into RAM for easy access *--------------------------------*/ /* Array of keyframe locations * eg: rc->keyframe_locations[100] returns the frame number of the 100th * keyframe */ int *keyframe_locations; /* Index of the last keyframe used in the keyframe_location */ int KF_idx; /* Array of all 1st pass data file -- see the twopass_stat_t structure * definition for more details */ twopass_stat_t * stats; /*---------------------------------- * Histerysis helpers *--------------------------------*/ /* This field holds the int2float conversion errors of each quant per * frame type, this allow the RC to keep track of rouding error and thus * increase or decrease the chosen quant according to this residue */ double quant_error[3][32]; /* This fields stores the count of each quant usage per frame type * No real role but for debugging */ int quant_count[3][32]; /* Last valid quantizer used per frame type, it allows quantizer * increament/decreament limitation in order to avoid big image quality * "jumps" */ int last_quant[3]; /*---------------------------------- * Overflow control *--------------------------------*/ /* Current overflow that has to be distributed to p/b frames */ double overflow; /* Total overflow for keyframes -- not distributed directly */ double KFoverflow; /* Amount of keyframe overflow to introduce to the global p/b frame * overflow counter at each encoded frame */ double KFoverflow_partial; /* Unknown ??? * ToDo: description */ double fq_error; /*---------------------------------- * Debug *--------------------------------*/ double desired_total; double real_total; } rc_2pass2_t; /***************************************************************************** * Sub plugin functions prototypes ****************************************************************************/ static int rc_2pass2_create(xvid_plg_create_t * create, rc_2pass2_t ** handle); static int rc_2pass2_before(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_data_t * data); static int rc_2pass2_after(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_data_t * data); static int rc_2pass2_destroy(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_destroy_t * destroy); /***************************************************************************** * Plugin definition ****************************************************************************/ int xvid_plugin_2pass2(void * handle, int opt, void * param1, void * param2) { switch(opt) { case XVID_PLG_INFO : case XVID_PLG_FRAME : return 0; case XVID_PLG_CREATE : return rc_2pass2_create((xvid_plg_create_t*)param1, param2); case XVID_PLG_DESTROY : return rc_2pass2_destroy((rc_2pass2_t*)handle, (xvid_plg_destroy_t*)param1); case XVID_PLG_BEFORE : return rc_2pass2_before((rc_2pass2_t*)handle, (xvid_plg_data_t*)param1); case XVID_PLG_AFTER : return rc_2pass2_after((rc_2pass2_t*)handle, (xvid_plg_data_t*)param1); } return XVID_ERR_FAIL; } /***************************************************************************** * Sub plugin functions definitions ****************************************************************************/ /* First a few local helping function prototypes */ static int statsfile_count_frames(rc_2pass2_t * rc, char * filename); static int statsfile_load(rc_2pass2_t *rc, char * filename); static void zone_process(rc_2pass2_t *rc, const xvid_plg_create_t * create); static void first_pass_stats_prepare_data(rc_2pass2_t * rc); static void first_pass_scale_curve_internal(rc_2pass2_t *rc); static void scaled_curve_apply_advanced_parameters(rc_2pass2_t * rc); #if 0 static void stats_print(rc_2pass2_t * rc); #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int rc_2pass2_create(xvid_plg_create_t * create, rc_2pass2_t **handle) { xvid_plugin_2pass2_t * param = (xvid_plugin_2pass2_t *)create->param; rc_2pass2_t * rc; int i; rc = malloc(sizeof(rc_2pass2_t)); if (rc == NULL) return XVID_ERR_MEMORY; rc->param = *param; /* Initialize all defaults */ #define _INIT(a, b) if((a) <= 0) (a) = (b) /* Let's set our defaults if needed */ _INIT(rc->param.keyframe_boost, DEFAULT_KEYFRAME_BOOST); _INIT(rc->param.overflow_control_strength, DEFAULT_OVERFLOW_CONTROL_STRENGTH); _INIT(rc->param.curve_compression_high, DEFAULT_CURVE_COMPRESSION_HIGH); _INIT(rc->param.curve_compression_low, DEFAULT_CURVE_COMPRESSION_LOW); _INIT(rc->param.max_overflow_improvement, DEFAULT_MAX_OVERFLOW_IMPROVEMENT); _INIT(rc->param.max_overflow_degradation, DEFAULT_MAX_OVERFLOW_DEGRADATION); /* Keyframe settings */ _INIT(rc->param.kfreduction, DEFAULT_KFREDUCTION); _INIT(rc->param.min_key_interval, DEFAULT_MIN_KEY_INTERVAL); #undef _INIT /* Initialize some stuff to zero */ for(i=0; i<3; i++) { int j; for (j=0; j<32; j++) { rc->quant_error[i][j] = 0; rc->quant_count[i][j] = 0; } } for (i=0; i<3; i++) rc->last_quant[i] = 0; rc->fq_error = 0; /* Count frames (and intra frames) in the stats file, store the result into * the rc structure */ if (statsfile_count_frames(rc, param->filename) == -1) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC,"[xvid rc] -- ERROR: fopen %s failed\n", param->filename); free(rc); return(XVID_ERR_FAIL); } /* Allocate the stats' memory */ if ((rc->stats = malloc(rc->num_frames * sizeof(twopass_stat_t))) == NULL) { free(rc); return(XVID_ERR_MEMORY); } /* Allocate keyframes location's memory * PS: see comment in pre_process0 for the +1 location requirement */ rc->keyframe_locations = malloc((rc->num_keyframes + 1) * sizeof(int)); if (rc->keyframe_locations == NULL) { free(rc->stats); free(rc); return(XVID_ERR_MEMORY); } /* Load the first pass stats */ if (statsfile_load(rc, param->filename) == -1) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC,"[xvid rc] -- ERROR: fopen %s failed\n", param->filename); free(rc->keyframe_locations); free(rc->stats); free(rc); return XVID_ERR_FAIL; } /* Compute the target filesize */ if (rc->param.bitrate<0) { /* if negative, bitrate equals the target (in kbytes) */ rc->target = (-rc->param.bitrate) * 1024; } else if (rc->num_frames < create->fbase/create->fincr) { /* Source sequence is less than 1s long, we do as if it was 1s long */ rc->target = rc->param.bitrate / 8; } else { /* Target filesize = bitrate/8 * numframes / framerate */ rc->target = ((uint64_t)rc->param.bitrate * (uint64_t)rc->num_frames * \ (uint64_t)create->fincr) / \ ((uint64_t)create->fbase * 8); } DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Frame rate: %d/%d (%ffps)\n", create->fbase, create->fincr, (double)create->fbase/(double)create->fincr); DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Number of frames: %d\n", rc->num_frames); if(rc->param.bitrate>=0) DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Target bitrate: %ld\n", rc->param.bitrate); DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Target filesize: %lld\n", rc->target); /* Compensate the average frame overhead caused by the container */ rc->target -= rc->num_frames*rc->param.container_frame_overhead; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Container Frame overhead: %d\n", rc->param.container_frame_overhead); if(rc->param.container_frame_overhead) DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- New target filesize after container compensation: %lld\n", rc->target); /* Gathers some information about first pass stats: * - finds the minimum frame length for each frame type during 1st pass. * rc->min_size[] * - determines the maximum frame length observed (no frame type distinction). * rc->max_size * - count how many times each frame type has been used. * rc->count[] * - total bytes used per frame type * rc->total[] * - store keyframe location * rc->keyframe_locations[] */ first_pass_stats_prepare_data(rc); /* When bitrate is not given it means it has been scaled by an external * application */ if (rc->param.bitrate) { /* Apply zone settings */ zone_process(rc, create); /* Perform internal curve scaling */ first_pass_scale_curve_internal(rc); } else { /* External scaling -- zones are ignored */ for (i=0;inum_frames;i++) { rc->stats[i].zone_mode = XVID_ZONE_WEIGHT; rc->stats[i].weight = 1.0; } rc->avg_weight = 1.0; rc->tot_quant = 0; } /* Apply advanced curve options, and compute some parameters in order to * shape the curve in the BEFORE/AFTER pair of functions */ scaled_curve_apply_advanced_parameters(rc); *handle = rc; return(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int rc_2pass2_destroy(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_destroy_t * destroy) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- target_total:%lld desired_total:%.2f (%.2f%%) actual_total:%.2f (%.2f%%)\n", rc->target, rc->desired_total, 100*rc->desired_total/(double)rc->target, rc->real_total, 100*rc->real_total/(double)rc->target); free(rc->keyframe_locations); free(rc->stats); free(rc); return(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int rc_2pass2_before(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_data_t * data) { twopass_stat_t * s = &rc->stats[data->frame_num]; double dbytes; double scaled_quant; double overflow; int capped_to_max_framesize = 0; /* This function is quite long but easy to understand. In order to simplify * the code path (a bit), we treat 3 cases that can return immediatly. */ /* First case: Another plugin has already set a quantizer */ if (data->quant > 0) return(0); /* Second case: We are in a Quant zone */ if (s->zone_mode == XVID_ZONE_QUANT) { rc->fq_error += s->weight; data->quant = (int)rc->fq_error; rc->fq_error -= data->quant; s->desired_length = s->length; return(0); } /* Third case: insufficent stats data */ if (data->frame_num >= rc->num_frames) return(0); /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Frame bit allocation first part * * First steps apply user settings, just like it is done in the theoritical * scaled_curve_apply_advanced_parameters *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set desired to what we are wanting to obtain for this frame */ dbytes = (double)s->scaled_length; /* IFrame user settings*/ if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { /* Keyframe boosting -- All keyframes benefit from it */ dbytes += dbytes*rc->param.keyframe_boost / 100; /* Applies keyframe penalties, but not the first frame */ if (rc->KF_idx) { int penalty_distance; /* Minimum keyframe distance penalties */ penalty_distance = rc->param.min_key_interval; penalty_distance -= rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx]; penalty_distance += rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx-1]; /* Ah ah ! guilty keyframe, you're under arrest ! */ if (penalty_distance > 0) dbytes -= dbytes*penalty_distance*rc->param.kfreduction/100; } } else { /* P/S/B frames must reserve some bits for iframe boosting */ dbytes *= rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio; /* Apply assymetric curve compression */ if (rc->param.curve_compression_high || rc->param.curve_compression_low) { double assymetric_delta; /* Compute the assymetric delta, this is computed before applying * the tax, as done in the pre_process function */ if (dbytes > rc->avg_length[s->type-1]) assymetric_delta = (rc->avg_length[s->type-1] - dbytes) * rc->param.curve_compression_high / 100.0; else assymetric_delta = (rc->avg_length[s->type-1] - dbytes) * rc->param.curve_compression_low / 100.0; /* Now we must apply the assymetric tax, else our curve compression * would not give a theoritical target size equal to what it is * expected */ dbytes *= rc->assymetric_tax_ratio; /* Now we can add the assymetric delta */ dbytes += assymetric_delta; } } /* That is what we would like to have -- Don't put that chunk after * overflow control, otherwise, overflow is counted twice and you obtain * half sized bitrate sequences */ s->desired_length = (int)dbytes; rc->desired_total += dbytes; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Frame bit allocation: overflow control part. * * Unlike the theoritical scaled_curve_apply_advanced_parameters, here * it's real encoding and we need to make sure we don't go so far from * what is our ideal scaled curve. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Compute the overflow we should compensate */ if (s->type != XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { double frametype_factor; double framesize_factor; /* Take only the desired part of overflow */ overflow = rc->overflow; /* Factor that will take care to decrease the overflow applied * according to the importance of this frame type in term of * overall size */ frametype_factor = rc->count[XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1]*rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1]; frametype_factor += rc->count[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]*rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; frametype_factor += rc->count[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]*rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; frametype_factor /= rc->count[s->type-1]*rc->avg_length[s->type-1]; frametype_factor = 1/frametype_factor; /* Factor that will take care not to compensate too much for this frame * size */ framesize_factor = dbytes; framesize_factor /= rc->avg_length[s->type-1]; /* Treat only the overflow part concerned by this frame type and size */ overflow *= frametype_factor; #if 0 /* Leave this one alone, as it impacts badly on quality */ overflow *= framesize_factor; #endif /* Apply the overflow strength imposed by the user */ overflow *= (rc->param.overflow_control_strength/100.0f); } else { /* no overflow applied in IFrames because: * - their role is important as they're references for P/BFrames. * - there aren't much in typical sequences, so if an IFrame overflows too * much, this overflow may impact the next IFrame too much and generate * a sequence of poor quality frames */ overflow = 0; } /* Make sure we are not trying to compensate more overflow than we even have */ if (fabs(overflow) > fabs(rc->overflow)) overflow = rc->overflow; /* Make sure the overflow doesn't make the frame size to get out of the range * [-max_degradation..+max_improvment] */ if (overflow > dbytes*rc->param.max_overflow_improvement / 100) { if(overflow <= dbytes) dbytes += dbytes * rc->param.max_overflow_improvement / 100; else dbytes += overflow * rc->param.max_overflow_improvement / 100; } else if (overflow < - dbytes * rc->param.max_overflow_degradation / 100) { dbytes -= dbytes * rc->param.max_overflow_degradation / 100; } else { dbytes += overflow; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Frame bit allocation last part: * * Cap frame length so we don't reach neither bigger frame sizes than first * pass nor smaller than the allowed minimum. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (dbytes > s->length) { dbytes = s->length; } else if (dbytes < rc->min_length[s->type-1]) { dbytes = rc->min_length[s->type-1]; } else if (dbytes > rc->max_length) { /* ToDo: this condition is always wrong as max_length == maximum frame * length of first pass, so the first condition already caps the frame * size... */ capped_to_max_framesize = 1; dbytes = rc->max_length; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC,"[xvid rc] -- frame:%d Capped to maximum frame size\n", data->frame_num); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Desired frame length <-> quantizer mapping *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* For bframes we must retrieve the original quant used (sent to xvidcore) * as core applies the bquant formula before writing the stat log entry */ if(s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) { twopass_stat_t *b_ref = s; /* Find the reference frame */ while(b_ref != &rc->stats[0] && b_ref->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) b_ref--; /* Compute the original quant */ s->quant = 2*(100*s->quant - data->bquant_offset); s->quant += data->bquant_ratio - 1; /* to avoid rouding issues */ s->quant = s->quant/data->bquant_ratio - b_ref->quant; } /* Don't laugh at this very 'simple' quant<->filesize relationship, it * proves to be acurate enough for our algorithm */ scaled_quant = (double)s->quant*(double)s->length/(double)dbytes; #ifdef COMPENSATE_FORMULA /* We know xvidcore will apply the bframe formula again, so we compensate * it right now to make sure we would not apply it twice */ if(s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) { twopass_stat_t *b_ref = s; /* Find the reference frame */ while(b_ref != &rc->stats[0] && b_ref->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) b_ref--; /* Compute the quant it would be if the core did not apply the bframe * formula */ scaled_quant = 100*scaled_quant - data->bquant_offset; scaled_quant += data->bquant_ratio - 1; /* to avoid rouding issues */ scaled_quant /= data->bquant_ratio; } #endif /* Quantizer has been scaled using floating point operations/results, we * must cast it to integer */ data->quant = (int)scaled_quant; /* Let's clip the computed quantizer, if needed */ if (data->quant < 1) { data->quant = 1; } else if (data->quant > 31) { data->quant = 31; } else { /* The frame quantizer has not been clipped, this appears to be a good * computed quantizer, do not loose quantizer decimal part that we * accumulate for later reuse when its sum represents a complete * unit. */ rc->quant_error[s->type-1][data->quant] += scaled_quant - (double)data->quant; if (rc->quant_error[s->type-1][data->quant] >= 1.0) { rc->quant_error[s->type-1][data->quant] -= 1.0; data->quant++; } else if (rc->quant_error[s->type-1][data->quant] <= -1.0) { rc->quant_error[s->type-1][data->quant] += 1.0; data->quant--; } } /* Now we have a computed quant that is in the right quante range, with a * possible +1 correction due to cumulated error. We can now safely clip * the quantizer again with user's quant ranges. "Safely" means the Rate * Control could learn more about this quantizer, this knowledge is useful * for future frames even if it this quantizer won't be really used atm, * that's why we don't perform this clipping earlier. */ if (data->quant < data->min_quant[s->type-1]) { data->quant = data->min_quant[s->type-1]; } else if (data->quant > data->max_quant[s->type-1]) { data->quant = data->max_quant[s->type-1]; } /* To avoid big quality jumps from frame to frame, we apply a "security" * rule that makes |last_quant - new_quant| <= 2. This rule only applies * to predicted frames (P and B) */ if (s->type != XVID_TYPE_IVOP && rc->last_quant[s->type-1] && capped_to_max_framesize == 0) { if (data->quant > rc->last_quant[s->type-1] + 2) { data->quant = rc->last_quant[s->type-1] + 2; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- frame %d p/b-frame quantizer prevented from rising too steeply\n", data->frame_num); } if (data->quant < rc->last_quant[s->type-1] - 2) { data->quant = rc->last_quant[s->type-1] - 2; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- frame:%d p/b-frame quantizer prevented from falling too steeply\n", data->frame_num); } } /* We don't want to pollute the RC histerisis when our computed quant has * been computed from a capped frame size */ if (capped_to_max_framesize == 0) rc->last_quant[s->type-1] = data->quant; /* Don't forget to force 1st pass frame type ;-) */ data->type = s->type; /* Store the quantizer into the statistics -- Used to compensate the double * formula symptom */ s->quant2 = data->quant; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int rc_2pass2_after(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_data_t * data) { const char frame_type[4] = { 'i', 'p', 'b', 's'}; twopass_stat_t * s = &rc->stats[data->frame_num]; /* Insufficent stats data */ if (data->frame_num >= rc->num_frames) return 0; /* Update the quantizer counter */ rc->quant_count[s->type-1][data->quant]++; /* Update the frame type overflow */ if (data->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { int kfdiff = 0; if(rc->KF_idx != rc->num_frames -1) { kfdiff = rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx+1]; kfdiff -= rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx]; } /* Flush Keyframe overflow accumulator */ rc->overflow += rc->KFoverflow; /* Store the frame overflow to the keyframe accumulator */ rc->KFoverflow = s->desired_length - data->length; if (kfdiff > 1) { /* Non-consecutive keyframes case: * We can then divide this total keyframe overflow into equal parts * that we will distribute into regular overflow at each frame * between the sequence bounded by two IFrames */ rc->KFoverflow_partial = rc->KFoverflow / (kfdiff - 1); } else { /* Consecutive keyframes case: * Flush immediatly the keyframe overflow and reset keyframe * overflow */ rc->overflow += rc->KFoverflow; rc->KFoverflow = 0; rc->KFoverflow_partial = 0; } rc->KF_idx++; } else { /* Accumulate the frame overflow */ rc->overflow += s->desired_length - data->length; /* Distribute part of the keyframe overflow */ rc->overflow += rc->KFoverflow_partial; /* Don't forget to substract that same amount from the total keyframe * overflow */ rc->KFoverflow -= rc->KFoverflow_partial; } rc->overflow += s->error = s->desired_length - data->length; rc->real_total += data->length; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- frame:%d type:%c quant:%d stats:%d scaled:%d desired:%d actual:%d error:%d overflow:%.2f\n", data->frame_num, frame_type[data->type-1], data->quant, s->length, s->scaled_length, s->desired_length, s->desired_length - s->error, -s->error, rc->overflow); return(0); } /***************************************************************************** * Helper functions definition ****************************************************************************/ /* Default buffer size for reading lines */ #define BUF_SZ 1024 /* Helper functions for reading/parsing the stats file */ static char *skipspaces(char *string); static int iscomment(char *string); static char *readline(FILE *f); /* This function counts the number of frame entries in the stats file * It also counts the number of I Frames */ static int statsfile_count_frames(rc_2pass2_t * rc, char * filename) { FILE * f; char *line; int lines; rc->num_frames = 0; rc->num_keyframes = 0; if ((f = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) return(-1); lines = 0; while ((line = readline(f)) != NULL) { char *ptr; char type; int fields; lines++; /* We skip spaces */ ptr = skipspaces(line); /* Skip coment lines or empty lines */ if(iscomment(ptr) || *ptr == '\0') { free(line); continue; } /* Read the stat line from buffer */ fields = sscanf(ptr, "%c", &type); /* Valid stats files have at least 6 fields */ if (fields == 1) { switch(type) { case 'i': case 'I': rc->num_keyframes++; case 'p': case 'P': case 'b': case 'B': case 's': case 'S': rc->num_frames++; break; default: DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- WARNING: L%d unknown frame type used (%c).\n", lines, type); } } else { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- WARNING: L%d misses some stat fields (%d).\n", lines, 6-fields); } /* Free the line buffer */ free(line); } /* We are done with the file */ fclose(f); return(0); } /* open stats file(s) and read into rc->stats array */ static int statsfile_load(rc_2pass2_t *rc, char * filename) { FILE * f; int processed_entries; /* Opens the file */ if ((f = fopen(filename, "rb"))==NULL) return(-1); processed_entries = 0; while(processed_entries < rc->num_frames) { char type; int fields; twopass_stat_t * s = &rc->stats[processed_entries]; char *line, *ptr; /* Read the line from the file */ if((line = readline(f)) == NULL) break; /* We skip spaces */ ptr = skipspaces(line); /* Skip comment lines or empty lines */ if(iscomment(ptr) || *ptr == '\0') { free(line); continue; } /* Reset this field that is optional */ s->scaled_length = 0; /* Convert the fields */ fields = sscanf(ptr, "%c %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", &type, &s->quant, &s->blks[0], &s->blks[1], &s->blks[2], &s->length, &s->scaled_length); /* Free line buffer, we don't need it anymore */ free(line); /* Fail silently, this has probably been warned in * statsfile_count_frames */ if(fields != 6 && fields != 7) continue; /* Convert frame type */ switch(type) { case 'i': case 'I': s->type = XVID_TYPE_IVOP; break; case 'p': case 'P': case 's': case 'S': s->type = XVID_TYPE_PVOP; break; case 'b': case 'B': s->type = XVID_TYPE_BVOP; break; default: /* Same as before, fail silently */ continue; } /* Ok it seems it's been processed correctly */ processed_entries++; } /* Close the file */ fclose(f); return(0); } /* pre-process the statistics data * - for each type, count, tot_length, min_length, max_length * - set keyframes_locations */ static void first_pass_stats_prepare_data(rc_2pass2_t * rc) { int i,j; /* *rc fields initialization * NB: INT_MAX and INT_MIN are used in order to be immediately replaced * with real values of the 1pass */ for (i=0; i<3; i++) { rc->count[i]=0; rc->tot_length[i] = 0; rc->min_length[i] = INT_MAX; } rc->max_length = INT_MIN; /* Loop through all frames and find/compute all the stuff this function * is supposed to do */ for (i=j=0; inum_frames; i++) { twopass_stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; rc->count[s->type-1]++; rc->tot_length[s->type-1] += s->length; if (s->length < rc->min_length[s->type-1]) { rc->min_length[s->type-1] = s->length; } if (s->length > rc->max_length) { rc->max_length = s->length; } if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { rc->keyframe_locations[j] = i; j++; } } /* NB: * The "per sequence" overflow system considers a natural sequence to be * formed by all frames between two iframes, so if we want to make sure * the system does not go nuts during last sequence, we force the last * frame to appear in the keyframe locations array. */ rc->keyframe_locations[j] = i; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Min 1st pass IFrame length: %d\n", rc->min_length[0]); DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Min 1st pass PFrame length: %d\n", rc->min_length[1]); DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Min 1st pass BFrame length: %d\n", rc->min_length[2]); } /* calculate zone weight "center" */ static void zone_process(rc_2pass2_t *rc, const xvid_plg_create_t * create) { int i,j; int n = 0; rc->avg_weight = 0.0; rc->tot_quant = 0; if (create->num_zones == 0) { for (j = 0; j < rc->num_frames; j++) { rc->stats[j].zone_mode = XVID_ZONE_WEIGHT; rc->stats[j].weight = 1.0; } rc->avg_weight += rc->num_frames * 1.0; n += rc->num_frames; } for(i=0; i < create->num_zones; i++) { int next = (i+1num_zones) ? create->zones[i+1].frame : rc->num_frames; if (i==0 && create->zones[i].frame > 0) { for (j = 0; j < create->zones[i].frame && j < rc->num_frames; j++) { rc->stats[j].zone_mode = XVID_ZONE_WEIGHT; rc->stats[j].weight = 1.0; } rc->avg_weight += create->zones[i].frame * 1.0; n += create->zones[i].frame; } if (create->zones[i].mode == XVID_ZONE_WEIGHT) { for (j = create->zones[i].frame; j < next && j < rc->num_frames; j++ ) { rc->stats[j].zone_mode = XVID_ZONE_WEIGHT; rc->stats[j].weight = (double)create->zones[i].increment / (double)create->zones[i].base; } next -= create->zones[i].frame; rc->avg_weight += (double)(next * create->zones[i].increment) / (double)create->zones[i].base; n += next; }else{ /* XVID_ZONE_QUANT */ for (j = create->zones[i].frame; j < next && j < rc->num_frames; j++ ) { rc->stats[j].zone_mode = XVID_ZONE_QUANT; rc->stats[j].weight = (double)create->zones[i].increment / (double)create->zones[i].base; rc->tot_quant += rc->stats[j].length; } } } rc->avg_weight = n>0 ? rc->avg_weight/n : 1.0; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- center_weight:%f (for %d frames) fixed_bytes:%d\n", rc->avg_weight, n, rc->tot_quant); } /* scale the curve */ static void first_pass_scale_curve_internal(rc_2pass2_t *rc) { int64_t target; int64_t pass1_length; double scaler; int i, num_MBs; /* We remove the bytes used by the fixed quantizer zones * ToDo: this approach is flawed, the same amount of bytes is removed from * target and first pass data, this has no sense, zone_process should * give us two results one for unscaled data (1pass) and the other * one for scaled data and we should then write: * target = rc->target - rc->tot_quant_scaled; * pass1_length = rc->i+p+b - rc->tot_quant_firstpass */ target = rc->target - rc->tot_quant; /* Do the same for the first pass data */ pass1_length = rc->tot_length[XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1]; pass1_length += rc->tot_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; pass1_length += rc->tot_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; pass1_length -= rc->tot_quant; /* Let's compute a linear scaler in order to perform curve scaling */ scaler = (double)target / (double)pass1_length; if (target <= 0 || pass1_length <= 0 || target >= pass1_length) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- WARNING: Undersize detected before correction\n"); scaler = 1.0; } /* Compute min frame lengths (for each frame type) according to the number * of MBs. We sum all block type counters of frame 0, this gives us the * number of MBs. * * We compare these hardcoded values with observed values in first pass * (determined in pre_process0).Then we keep the real minimum. */ /* Number of MBs */ num_MBs = rc->stats[0].blks[0]; num_MBs += rc->stats[0].blks[1]; num_MBs += rc->stats[0].blks[2]; /* Minimum for I frames */ if(rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1] > ((num_MBs*22) + 240) / 8) rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1] = ((num_MBs*22) + 240) / 8; /* Minimum for P/S frames */ if(rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] > ((num_MBs) + 88) / 8) rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] = ((num_MBs) + 88) / 8; /* Minimum for B frames */ if(rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1] > 8) rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1] = 8; /* Perform an initial scale pass. * * If a frame size is scaled underneath our hardcoded minimums, then we * force the frame size to the minimum, and deduct the original & scaled * frame length from the original and target total lengths */ for (i=0; inum_frames; i++) { twopass_stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; int len; /* No need to scale frame length for which a specific quantizer is * specified thanks to zones */ if (s->zone_mode == XVID_ZONE_QUANT) { s->scaled_length = s->length; continue; } /* Compute the scaled length */ len = (int)((double)s->length * scaler * s->weight / rc->avg_weight); /* Compare with the computed minimum */ if (len < rc->min_length[s->type-1]) { /* This is a 'forced size' frame, set its frame size to the * computed minimum */ s->scaled_length = rc->min_length[s->type-1]; /* Remove both scaled and original size from their respective * total counters, as we prepare a second pass for 'regular' * frames */ target -= s->scaled_length; pass1_length -= s->length; } else { /* Do nothing for now, we'll scale this later */ s->scaled_length = 0; } } /* The first pass on data substracted all 'forced size' frames from the * total counters. Now, it's possible to scale the 'regular' frames. */ /* Scaling factor for 'regular' frames */ scaler = (double)target / (double)pass1_length; /* Detect undersizing */ if (target <= 0 || pass1_length <= 0 || target >= pass1_length) { DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- WARNING: Undersize detected after correction\n"); scaler = 1.0; } /* Do another pass with the new scaler */ for (i=0; inum_frames; i++) { twopass_stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; /* Ignore frame with forced frame sizes */ if (s->scaled_length == 0) s->scaled_length = (int)((double)s->length * scaler * s->weight / rc->avg_weight); } /* Job done */ return; } /* Apply all user settings to the scaled curve * This implies: * keyframe boosting * high/low compression */ static void scaled_curve_apply_advanced_parameters(rc_2pass2_t * rc) { int i; uint64_t ivop_boost_total; /* Reset the rate controller (per frame type) total byte counters */ for (i=0; i<3; i++) rc->tot_scaled_length[i] = 0; /* Compute total bytes for each frame type */ for (i=0; inum_frames;i++) { twopass_stat_t *s = &rc->stats[i]; rc->tot_scaled_length[s->type-1] += s->scaled_length; } /* First we compute the total amount of bits needed, as being described by * the scaled distribution. During this pass over the complete stats data, * we see how much bits two user settings will get/give from/to p&b frames: * - keyframe boosting * - keyframe distance penalty */ rc->KF_idx = 0; ivop_boost_total = 0; for (i=0; inum_frames; i++) { twopass_stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; /* Some more work is needed for I frames */ if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { int penalty_distance; int ivop_boost; /* Accumulate bytes needed for keyframe boosting */ ivop_boost = s->scaled_length*rc->param.keyframe_boost/100; if (rc->KF_idx) { /* Minimum keyframe distance penalties */ penalty_distance = rc->param.min_key_interval; penalty_distance -= rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx]; penalty_distance += rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx-1]; /* Ah ah ! guilty keyframe, you're under arrest ! */ if (penalty_distance > 0) ivop_boost -= (s->scaled_length + ivop_boost)*penalty_distance*rc->param.kfreduction/100; } /* If the frame size drops under the minimum length, then cap ivop_boost */ if (ivop_boost + s->scaled_length < rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1]) ivop_boost = rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1] - s->scaled_length; /* Accumulate the ivop boost */ ivop_boost_total += ivop_boost; /* Don't forget to update the keyframe index */ rc->KF_idx++; } } /* Initialize the IBoost tax ratio for P/S/B frames * * This ratio has to be applied to p/b/s frames in order to reserve * additional bits for keyframes (keyframe boosting) or if too much * keyframe distance is applied, bits retrieved from the keyframes. * * ie pb_length *= rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio; * * gives the ideal length of a p/b frame */ /* Compute the total length of p/b/s frames (temporary storage into * movie_curve) */ rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio = (double)rc->tot_scaled_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio += (double)rc->tot_scaled_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; /* Compute the ratio described above * taxed_total = sum(0, n, tax*scaled_length) * <=> taxed_total = tax.sum(0, n, tax*scaled_length) * <=> tax = taxed_total / original_total */ rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio = (rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio - ivop_boost_total) / rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- IFrame boost tax ratio:%.2f\n", rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio); /* Compute the average size of frames per frame type */ for(i=0; i<3; i++) { /* Special case for missing type or weird case */ if (rc->count[i] == 0 || rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio == 0) { rc->avg_length[i] = 1; } else { rc->avg_length[i] = rc->tot_scaled_length[i]; if (i == (XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1)) { /* I Frames total has to be added the boost total */ rc->avg_length[i] += ivop_boost_total; } else { /* P/B frames has to taxed */ rc->avg_length[i] *= rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio; } /* Finally compute the average frame size */ rc->avg_length[i] /= (double)rc->count[i]; } } /* Assymetric curve compression */ if (rc->param.curve_compression_high || rc->param.curve_compression_low) { double symetric_total; double assymetric_delta_total; /* Like I frame boosting, assymetric curve compression modifies the total * amount of needed bits, we must compute the ratio so we can prescale lengths */ symetric_total = 0; assymetric_delta_total = 0; for (i=0; inum_frames; i++) { double assymetric_delta; double dbytes; twopass_stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; /* I Frames are not concerned by assymetric scaling */ if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) continue; /* During the real run, we would have to apply the iboost tax */ dbytes = s->scaled_length * rc->pb_iboost_tax_ratio; /* Update the symmetric curve compression total */ symetric_total += dbytes; /* Apply assymetric curve compression */ if (dbytes > rc->avg_length[s->type-1]) assymetric_delta = (rc->avg_length[s->type-1] - dbytes) * (double)rc->param.curve_compression_high / 100.0f; else assymetric_delta = (rc->avg_length[s->type-1] - dbytes) * (double)rc->param.curve_compression_low / 100.0f; /* Cap to the minimum frame size if needed */ if (dbytes + assymetric_delta < rc->min_length[s->type-1]) assymetric_delta = rc->min_length[s->type-1] - dbytes; /* Accumulate after assymetric curve compression */ assymetric_delta_total += assymetric_delta; } /* Compute the tax that all p/b frames have to pay in order to respect the * bit distribution changes that the assymetric compression curve imposes * We want assymetric_total = sum(0, n-1, tax.scaled_length) * ie assymetric_total = ratio.sum(0, n-1, scaled_length) * ratio = assymetric_total / symmetric_total */ rc->assymetric_tax_ratio = ((double)symetric_total - (double)assymetric_delta_total) / (double)symetric_total; } else { rc->assymetric_tax_ratio = 1.0f; } DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- Assymetric tax ratio:%.2f\n", rc->assymetric_tax_ratio); /* Last bits that need to be reset */ rc->overflow = 0; rc->KFoverflow = 0; rc->KFoverflow_partial = 0; rc->KF_idx = 0; rc->desired_total = 0; rc->real_total = 0; /* Job done */ return; } /***************************************************************************** * Still more low level stuff (nothing to do with stats treatment) ****************************************************************************/ /* This function returns an allocated string containing a complete line read * from the file starting at the current position */ static char * readline(FILE *f) { char *buffer = NULL; int buffer_size = 0; int pos = 0; do { int c; /* Read a character from the stream */ c = fgetc(f); /* Is that EOF or new line ? */ if(c == EOF || c == '\n') break; /* Do we have to update buffer ? */ if(pos >= buffer_size - 1) { buffer_size += BUF_SZ; buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, buffer_size); if (buffer == NULL) return(NULL); } buffer[pos] = c; pos++; } while(1); /* Read \n or EOF */ if (buffer == NULL) { /* EOF, so we reached the end of the file, return NULL */ if(feof(f)) return(NULL); /* Just an empty line with just a newline, allocate a 1 byte buffer to * store a zero length string */ buffer = (char*)malloc(1); if(buffer == NULL) return(NULL); } /* Zero terminated string */ buffer[pos] = '\0'; return(buffer); } /* This function returns a pointer to the first non space char in the given * string */ static char * skipspaces(char *string) { const char spaces[] = { ' ','\t','\0' }; const char *spacechar = spaces; if (string == NULL) return(NULL); while (*string != '\0') { /* Test against space chars */ while (*spacechar != '\0') { if (*string == *spacechar) { string++; spacechar = spaces; break; } spacechar++; } /* No space char */ if (*spacechar == '\0') return(string); } return(string); } /* This function returns a boolean that tells if the string is only a * comment */ static int iscomment(char *string) { const char comments[] = { '#',';', '%', '\0' }; const char *cmtchar = comments; int iscomment = 0; if (string == NULL) return(1); string = skipspaces(string); while(*cmtchar != '\0') { if(*string == *cmtchar) { iscomment = 1; break; } cmtchar++; } return(iscomment); } #if 0 static void stats_print(rc_2pass2_t * rc) { int i; const char frame_type[4] = { 'i', 'p', 'b', 's'}; for (i=0; inum_frames; i++) { twopass_stat_t *s = &rc->stats[i]; DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_RC, "[xvid rc] -- frame:%d type:%c quant:%d stats:%d scaled:%d desired:%d actual:%d overflow(%c):%.2f\n", i, frame_type[s->type-1], -1, s->length, s->scaled_length, s->desired_length, -1, frame_type[s->type-1], -1.0f); } } #endif